How long dose it take for hormone levels to return to base line after an ostarine cycle


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I decided to take ostarine 10mg for 8 weeks and cardirine at 10mg and I wanted to know how long I should wait before cycling ac-262 I’m trying to run these sarms at lower doses for longer durations of time to avoid any side affects or problems with my hormone levels

when I decide to run ac-262 I am going to use between 10-15 mg and I also want to know if I need to pct or if I can ride out the mild suppression I did not use a pct for the ostarine and cardirine cycle because I ran both at a verry low dose
🤦‍♂️, Osta is potentially wayyyyyyyyy more supressive then you think it is, and without bloodwork you have no clue if suppression is mild because its not something everyone can "feel". I've seen several people's bloodwork after low dose osta cycles and they always look like ****. A member here after only 2 weeks @12.5mg for 2 weeks had single digits testosterone and it's not uncommon. If you don't run pct u would wait until your bloodwork looks normal and that could take anywhere from a few week to 6+ months or never. Everyone is different and there's no answer to your question that's not a total guess.
15 mg of Osta put my TT under ref range in 6 weeks.

I've never taken it but I've seen osta to be quite suppressive in others. And to think there was a time when some people were running this as part of their PCT.
I've never taken it but I've seen osta to be quite suppressive in others. And to think there was a time when some people were running this as part of their PCT.
Unfortunately some ppl still do. I would say for the majority of ppl, despite being called the safest or least impact sarm its actually the 1st or 2nd worst for suppression and side effects. S23 is probably worse. But at least s23 gives results. Osta is like 10% gains and 90% problems
I've never taken it but I've seen osta to be quite suppressive in others. And to think there was a time when some people were running this as part of their PCT.
Yep, my Osta bottle even had directions on it on how to take it in PCT 😃 I too fell for the SARMs are not suppressive scam years ago and did some Osta only runs, without a SERM PCT, before learning, that I can order blood tests on my own without a dr.'s referral and was unpleasently surprised to see my blood test results.
Unfortunately some ppl still do. I would say for the majority of ppl, despite being called the safest or least impact sarm its actually the 1st or 2nd worst for suppression and side effects. S23 is probably worse. But at least s23 gives results. Osta is like 10% gains and 90% problems
I've learnt this (the hard way). So I got 99 problems, but Osta ain't one.
Yep, my Osta bottle even had directions on it on how to take it in PCT 😃 I too fell for the SARMs are not suppressive scam years ago and did some Osta only runs, without a SERM PCT, before learning, that I can order blood tests on my own without a dr.'s referral and was unpleasently surprised to see my blood test results.

Wow that is insane that they actually put that on the bottle. I remember when SARMs first hit the market and everyone was going crazy over them because they thought they were AAS without any side effects. And I was like... if it's AAS, then how could there not be any side effects? Common sense would tell us the opposite. So I just sat it out and ran the old school stuff. Never got around to trying them.
I decided to take ostarine 10mg for 8 weeks and cardirine at 10mg and I wanted to know how long I should wait before cycling ac-262 I’m trying to run these sarms at lower doses for longer durations of time to avoid any side affects or problems with my hormone levels

when I decide to run ac-262 I am going to use between 10-15 mg and I also want to know if I need to pct or if I can ride out the mild suppression I did not use a pct for the ostarine and cardirine cycle because I ran both at a verry low dose
Worst idea ever.
🤦‍♂️, Osta is potentially wayyyyyyyyy more supressive then you think it is, and without bloodwork you have no clue if suppression is mild because its not something everyone can "feel". I've seen several people's bloodwork after low dose osta cycles and they always look like ****. A member here after only 2 weeks @12.5mg for 2 weeks had single digits testosterone and it's not uncommon. If you don't run pct u would wait until your bloodwork looks normal and that could take anywhere from a few week to 6+ months or never. Everyone is different and there's no answer to your question that's not a total guess.
Would you recommend I take enclomiphine I don’t feel suppressed and my diet and training were on point I also had a patella tear that healed really well
Would you recommend I take enclomiphine I don’t feel suppressed and my diet and training were on point I also had a patella tear that healed really well

You would be surprised how many people suppress their natural test and don't "feel" suppressed. Unfortunately, we cannot just go by how we feel, which is why bloodwork is so important. I would get bloodwork done and see where your test is before running anything else.
Yea you're going to have I get bloodwork and just be prepared for not so good news. Osta I the weakest sarm with the worst suppression. It's definitely not worth the roi, altho I don't think any sarm is really
I dont think he wants to get bloodwork based on his responses. I dont think he like the responses and it not what he wants to hear. You definitely can't go by feelings with anything hormonal. I also suggest bloodwork to see your test levels and other health markers.
🤦‍♂️, Osta is potentially wayyyyyyyyy more supressive then you think it is, and without bloodwork you have no clue if suppression is mild because its not something everyone can "feel". I've seen several people's bloodwork after low dose osta cycles and they always look like ****. A member here after only 2 weeks @12.5mg for 2 weeks had single digits testosterone and it's not uncommon. If you don't run pct u would wait until your bloodwork looks normal and that could take anywhere from a few week to 6+ months or never. Everyone is different and there's no answer to your question that's not a total guess.
Oof, single digit after only a couple weeks that's pretty ass. I've heard osta is bad but damn
If you think it’s a bad idea atleast say why
- Ostarine is pretty much useless and can cause a high level of suppression for a SARM no matter you have been told (see other posts).
- A 10mg dose is less than useless, but may cause supression bad enough to screw up your hormones for life.
-Yes a full PCT is 100% always needed when taking something suppressive. And a blood test to confirm your back to baseline (you did take a blood test before your cycle to determine your baseline, right?)
-A natural anabolic like Anabolic effect, PA, ARA etc.. etc.. works better than Ostarine imo (for sure works better than 10mg of Ostarine) and causes zero suppression. And you can take most of these for months on end. Why would you not take this route?
-Taking an anabolic at a low dose for a long time thinking it's better for your hormones makes no sense.
-This forum has great information. I wish you the best of luck. Be careful with anabolics.