how do u deteremine steroids, atd, etc. from a chemical outlook


New member
Are there any chemists around here?

17a-Methyl-etioallocholan-2-ene-17b-ol) pHera plex
3, 17-keto-etiochol-triene atd
delta-4-10, 13-dimethyl-cyclopenta[a]phenantrene-3,6,17-trione): 300 mg 6-0x0
yadda yadda yadda

From looking at steroids and as using these as examples how do u classify a steroid from a chemical molecular basis. Does it depend on the binding, how many bonds. i know baiscally nothing about chemisty let alone chemistry of steroids, phs or ancillaries. But if someone could point me in the right direction on how to learn about how they are classified it would be much appreciated.


New member
wow thank you klaus. that is almost exactly what i was looking for. some of that is still aliltle confusing to me as ive never taken a real chemistry class let alone organic or inorganic however i got some of the major points of what i want to know out of that. Cnat quite figure why the ester is a bad idea to make a steroid active but i will read that part again. thanks bro,, peace


New member
nevermind i just figured out my asnwer to the ester question i think.. it said esters can turn the steroid into a ketone and ketones are inactive.

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