Higher dose Dmz vs Lower dose Hexadrone Dmz.


New member
This will be my first dmz run and struggling to find any dmz only products most seem to be stacks with msten and others, i have come across dmz and hexadrone stack a couple of times and am considering running that at a lower dose of a normal dmz only cycle will that still yield decent results or am i better off finding a dmz only product and running that a higher dose? Looking to run a 4 - 5 week cycle but will extend to 6 weeks if all is going well.
I would suspect the gains to be close to the same. 30mg DMZ and 100mg Hexadrone will blow you up in a good way
Only thing is the dmz hexadrone stacks i can get my hands on are both 100mg hex and 8mg dmz per cap, would 200mg hex and 16mg dmz still be effective?
You will definitely still see results! but I would probably find some more dmz somewhere to add in. Personally wouldn't run it under 30mg unless I stacked it with something like msten.
I was able to source some dmz only at 10mg a cap, would you recommend adding in the hex in so it would be 18mg dmz and 100mg hex to start then increase the dmz from there.