Hi All,
I seem to have a problem I can’t shake, my SHBG is constantly high, I just same seem to find a cause or a cure for it, I am suffering from gynecomastia and currently am taking Aromasin 12.5mg twice a week and Raloxifene 30mg once daily, started at 60mg once daily for 10 days as I read the More Plates More Dates protocol for Gyno reversal, with this combo my gyno seems to have stopped burning/itching and stopping being so puffy, however my libido is shot and I have a very reduced amount of ejaculate. I’ve been on ralox since mid last month and have started Aromasin this week.
Would high estrogen cause my shbg to be raised?
I’ve tried Tribulus before and that raised my test, LH, prolactin and SHBG I’ll attach screenshot of bloods, I then came off it and SHBG still high.
First set of bloods on Tribulus March 2022:
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Second set of bloods on Viron July 2022:
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I seem to have a problem I can’t shake, my SHBG is constantly high, I just same seem to find a cause or a cure for it, I am suffering from gynecomastia and currently am taking Aromasin 12.5mg twice a week and Raloxifene 30mg once daily, started at 60mg once daily for 10 days as I read the More Plates More Dates protocol for Gyno reversal, with this combo my gyno seems to have stopped burning/itching and stopping being so puffy, however my libido is shot and I have a very reduced amount of ejaculate. I’ve been on ralox since mid last month and have started Aromasin this week.
Would high estrogen cause my shbg to be raised?
I’ve tried Tribulus before and that raised my test, LH, prolactin and SHBG I’ll attach screenshot of bloods, I then came off it and SHBG still high.
First set of bloods on Tribulus March 2022:
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Second set of bloods on Viron July 2022:
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