Hdrol with Xi Kt bridge to PCT


Well-known member
I am in week six of my Hdrol cycle. And i have a bottle of Xi Kt. I was wondering how yall would dose it.

Do you think a 2 week blast at 2ml would be good?
Or should I tapper it three weeks. 2ml/1.5ml/1ml then PCT

just wondering what yall think.

My PCT is solid
Nolva 20/20/10/10
DAA 1.5 grams a day
DF after cycle + arimestane 2/2/2/2/0/0
Xtreme PCT 4/3/2/2/0/0
Exemestane 0/0/12.5ed/12.5ed/12.5EoD/12.5EoD

I probably will only use this one bottle because its a bridge to a PCT. Not expecting wicked gains or anything.

the 2 week blitz sounds most appealing but tappering down might be better for going into the PCT
You could also throw in some on cycle support during your cycle and pct if you wanted.
Yeah I have cycle support for my PCT and such

Thats good. And after thinking for a sec, the taper down method is probably the way to go. But either one sounds okay.
I wouldn't bother

You had a great cycle and a beefy PCT lines up. Hit that $hit hard and let your body get back to square.
I mean I am probably going to do it just because I have a bottle literally in my possession. and it will help with the leaning over thanksgiving :). 2 weeks on some 11 keto wont do much damage.
I've heard some folks say 11keto won't do much of anything.

If its burning a hole in your pocket then use it but I get the sense following your halo log you wanna use something just cause you have it..... just sayin ;)
I mean Worst case scenario. I use it for a couple of days, decide i need to go to PCT. then drop the 11 keto and go straight into PCT. I have my whole PCT line up and ready to go if the Bridge doesnt go as planned.
Might feel like ass tbh

Dropping halo from 100 e/d or wherever you ended and then going into a much much weaker compound like 11-kit might feel like crap. You're pct looks strong you should blaze in there full steam!
I really appreciate the advice brother. You are being really helpful. that good angel on my shoulder.
Yeah I have been thinking about this.
I have have a lot of stuff on hand and definitely am strongly prepared for either scenario which is good.
I feel really prepared for this 11 keto bridge and i am not expecting anything fantastic like continuation of gains. But I honestly do believe it will make the PCT easier at a 2 week blast.

I mean look at it this way: a LOT of people can say, thats not a good idea or this will happen or that will happen. But none have them have ever tried it. It is not like im proposing doing test prop for 8 more weeks out of a halo cycle. It is not ridiculous and It WONT kill me.
IS it optimal for me: maybe or maybe not.
Do i know How i will react: No
Will it go good: maybe or maybe not

AM i PREPARED: definitely
HAVE i taken all the precautions: Definitely
Do i Feel ready: Yes

At the end of the day: It might go good or it might go bad. But it wont make or break the gains i made. I wont know how it will go UNLESS i try it for myself.
If it starts to go bad at any point i will be going straight into PCT.

I will be using exemestane EoD at 12.5 mg during that two week phase of the blitz just so no estro problems arise from the weaker compound.

---- Love me or hate me: that is my opinion on it: And i do love and appreciate everyone here. I do also take your opinion VERY seriously and it means a lot that you take the time to respond and give me advice
You won't die, that's true!

Wasn't trying to talk you out if per se, just looking at the other side of it. I'm a "blaze into pct strong get back to square" kinda guy.

Give it hell brother!!!