groin pain


New member
Is it possible to have groin pain as a side effect of androgel. Kinda feels like a groin muscle pull, but not really. Make sense? No me neither. I can't quite describe it. I don't remember injuring or feeling a pull, but it hurts like hell. Started shortly after starting Androgel. Maybe coincidence. thanks...


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Is it possible to have groin pain as a side effect of androgel. Kinda feels like a groin muscle pull, but not really. Make sense? No me neither. I can't quite describe it. I don't remember injuring or feeling a pull, but it hurts like hell. Started shortly after starting Androgel. Maybe coincidence. thanks...
It is very easy to pull groin muscle.
There are excercises to strenghten that muscle, try it first.
Androgel, most likely coincidence.
Do you, possibly have varicocele.
Is your scrotum really really relaxed.
Try tight panties, if it helps, you will know what you have.


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That made my morning! :toofunny:

I cant imagine the pain being related to androgel.

I must admit that I do not understand what you wrote in the first line.
Forgive me, English is my second language and I am not always up on one liners, but I am glad that it had some entertaining value for you.

Tight panties, swimming Speedoo, were very helpful for my varicocele.
When I started Androgel (and no HCG) 3 years ago, my scrotum got tight, I actually liked it, scrotum held my balls therefore no pain and no need for tight panties. Now after 25 days on HCG my testicles are 80% up, scrotum relaxed, back to tight panties.


I know English isn't your first language, and we all understand what you meant. The reason it's funny is because in English, panties mean women's underwear. :icon_lol:

In English, tight fitting underwear for men are called briefs. I wear them.



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I know English isn't your first language, and we all understand what you meant. The reason it's funny is because in English, panties mean women's underwear. :icon_lol:

In English, tight fitting underwear for men are called briefs. I wear them.

Men's underwear at BriefTales including briefs, bikinis, thongs, jock straps, boxer briefs, panties and sexy lingerie including silk briefs and thongs.

Womens Briefs - Womens Lingerie from One Hanes Place - One Hanes Place Lingerie, Hosiery, Casual Clothes !!

Looks like women are taking over briefs.
But I like thongs better, specially on the beach.
Thong models, thong gallery, thong bikini, sexy thongs, hot thongs, thong pictures
My estrodial E2 goes right to 15 in no time, no mater how much DIM I take.


JanSz, so even with the varicocele you still got back nut size after all these years? Do your nut's hang like normal now?


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JanSz, so even with the varicocele you still got back nut size after all these years? Do your nut's hang like normal now?
Please spell out for me all the tests that I should ask for while checking my nuts, scrotum and anything else that is supposed to be checked in this area.

All I know about my nuts is that one time they hurt, for that I would use tight briefs.
Then I had low testosterone, went to sexologist on Manhattan, he barely touched my nuts and pronounced varicocele.
I plan to do more tests, I just need to know what tests I need.
My nuts do not hurt and getting better every day. They are still somewhat soft, either that is what it is going to be long term or possibly the final stage takes longer.
Thanks for caring.


I would recommend an ultrasound JanSz. Make sure you get a color doppler ultrasound done to evalute blood flow and see how your nut's are holding up with regards to blood flow. Make sure they force you to aspirate (breath or tense your abdominal muscles) to check for back flow/reflux in the veins (thus varicocele).

Normal adult sized testicles should be 1.5+ inches in length and roughly 1 inch in width. When you say your testicle still feel "soft", did they feel like this before the TRT? Varicocele is known to cause this "softness" effect due to bad blood flow. I noticed this on day one of getting my varicocele.

You mentioned while on TRT that your nut's were tight all the time. This can either be a combination of external T or varicocele causing heat problems and the "tightness". Even guy's with high t but varicocele had the "tightness". Most likely due to the scrotums inability to regulate temp due to stagnated blood.

So your nut's are now hanging now and feeling "fuller" than before since using the HCG? This is of course a good sign and it might be possible for you to lower your TRT and recover some natural test.


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I would recommend an ultrasound JanSz. Make sure you get a color doppler ultrasound done to evalute blood flow and see how your nut's are holding up with regards to blood flow. Make sure they force you to aspirate (breath or tense your abdominal muscles) to check for back flow/reflux in the veins (thus varicocele).

Normal adult sized testicles should be 1.5+ inches in length and roughly 1 inch in width. When you say your testicle still feel "soft", did they feel like this before the TRT? Varicocele is known to cause this "softness" effect due to bad blood flow. I noticed this on day one of getting my varicocele.

You mentioned while on TRT that your nut's were tight all the time. This can either be a combination of external T or varicocele causing heat problems and the "tightness". Even guy's with high t but varicocele had the "tightness". Most likely due to the scrotums inability to regulate temp due to stagnated blood.

So your nut's are now hanging now and feeling "fuller" than before since using the HCG? This is of course a good sign and it might be possible for you to lower your TRT and recover some natural test.
Thanks for description of tests to do.

Yes, since I started HCG feb3/07, yesterday was my #13 shot, 250IU every other day. My scrotum is relaxed now an nuts relatively full. I must say that scrotum still have some firmness and is not relaxed all away. I would say that is just right amount of relaxation. Way back then, it was totally relaxed and so low that I think that was the reason for my pain, the balls did not have enough cord and were pulling on it causing pain. I must have one cord shorter, or at least somewhat sensitive, right before orgasm my right nut is often pulled inside, quite uncomfortable situation.
Yes I am in limbo now, waiting what my next test will show.
I changed 7.5gram of Androgel to 0.75mg of Tcream, same amount of testosterone but I am sure there is a difference in absorption.
Then my balls are I sure producing some amount of T by now.
I also started to take DIM and TMG, I think the amount is about equal to the 300mg DIM that good doctor was referring to. Yesterday I increased to 5 pills of Dual-Action from LEF.
I go with something (I am guessing here) Dr John supports rather than advice I got from LEF doctor. =5*14/0.25=280mgDIM. I do not take Arimidex. Have morning wood. The whole sex thing is probably ok for 67yo, but I just hope it can be tuned to be much much better. So I could do some "damage" as I used to. For while, when things seems to be better, I started having dreams again, after long long absence. Dreams are almost gone, again. That is disappointment.


JanSz, i love reading your posts. You made me laugh with that comment about "doing damage" :) I hope you can do some damage again and recover some natural test too. I am also trying to avoid armidex and use DIM only.

I do believe dreams are hormonal also. I find that taking ZMA before bed (roughly 1/2 hours before) gives me good dreams.

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