Gregg Valentino vs Fouad Abiad


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This is a feud that’s been a longtime coming and it’s not necessarily between Gregg and Fouad, rather, it’s more of an issue of the old guard vs the new guard that rely on social media, popular influencers, and spearheading movements around clothing, supplements, and podcasts.
Fouad isn’t just one guy, not anymore. He’s at the helm of a movement promoting the Hosstile way of life. Fouad built a highly-successful supplement line and the most popular podcast on the planet, BroChat. In addition to the supplements and the podcasts, Fouad has had some of the biggest stars in the sport in his roster. They don’t always work out and the word is his contracts might be a little restrictive but I’m just speculating. I don’t recall seeing any Hosstile contracts. Um.., yean let’s just go with that. Invalid Link Removed