Ghenerate long-term users


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To long-term users of Ghenerate, what type of results are you getting? Do effects taper off or get better with time? Any anti-aging benefits? Any side effects?


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Ghenerate hasnt been out long enough for most users to use more than a bottles worth.

Time will tell the answer to your Q.

The potential is seemingly limitless with Ghenerate.


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I have used about 6 weeks worth, so far sleep is jsut as good if not better, pumps are excellent although I have added in Anadraulic State which simply rocks!

Irish Cannon

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I've been using it since right around the time it came out. I can't emphasize enough how important it is to dose this correctly, on an empty stomach that is. The effects are so much more pronounced.

My sleep is amazing on GHenerate+IGH-1, libido is supercharged, mood is great, and if I'm training fasted, the pump from GHenerate is so extremely dense. It's so amazing what this stuff will do for you. Just remember to dose at least 2hrs after a meal, or an hour before a meal (that's usually my morning dose).

I take 2 days off of the stack per week. Those are the days I usually load up on cals and eat close to bed time. Those are 6 meals/day days, and then my GHenerate days are 5 meals.


New member
I've been using it since right around the time it came out. I can't emphasize enough how important it is to dose this correctly, on an empty stomach that is. The effects are so much more pronounced.

My sleep is amazing on GHenerate+IGH-1, libido is supercharged, mood is great, and if I'm training fasted, the pump from GHenerate is so extremely dense. It's so amazing what this stuff will do for you. Just remember to dose at least 2hrs after a meal, or an hour before a meal (that's usually my morning dose).

I take 2 days off of the stack per week. Those are the days I usually load up on cals and eat close to bed time. Those are 6 meals/day days, and then my GHenerate days are 5 meals.
So, are you seeing fatloss, improved skin tone, thicker hair, etc....


Ive been using it sense it first came out and almost finished the first bottle. Sleep is awesome especially when used w/ I-GH-1! You will sleep better with this over 'Melatonin'. If you have ever tried Somnidren GH w/ ZMK then you will love GHenerate when it comes to sleep. I used it 7 days a week @ 8 sprays at night and 6 before workout and 6 when I wake up on non-workout days. I have felt muscle pumps here and there while using this, I was not sure if it was from other supplements so I tried this solo and the same pumps were felt! My muscles felt more dense with this stuff. One thing to remember is to shake the bottle before each dosage as it tends to settle. I would still be using the stuff and on my second bottle if it were not for the fact that I am running supplement free for a few weeks before starting up a cycle next month. I have felt no harsh side effects! Long term I do not notice a tolerance to it and actually seems to get more noticable gains (especially with the pumps.)

Fatloss = none really noticed for me.

Thicker Hair = none (have been going bald for many years and no hope will be coming anytime soon.)

The price is definately worth trying this product out! Look around and you will see some awesome logs on this stuff! If I get some time I will look up some links and post them up here for you to read.


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Ive been using it sense it first came out and almost finished the first bottle. Sleep is awesome especially when used w/ I-GH-1! You will sleep better with this over 'Melatonin'. If you have ever tried Somnidren GH w/ ZMK then you will love GHenerate when it comes to sleep. I used it 7 days a week @ 8 sprays at night and 6 before workout and 6 when I wake up on non-workout days. I have felt muscle pumps here and there while using this, I was not sure if it was from other supplements so I tried this solo and the same pumps were felt! My muscles felt more dense with this stuff. One thing to remember is to shake the bottle before each dosage as it tends to settle. I would still be using the stuff and on my second bottle if it were not for the fact that I am running supplement free for a few weeks before starting up a cycle next month. I have felt no harsh side effects! Long term I do not notice a tolerance to it and actually seems to get more noticable gains (especially with the pumps.)

Fatloss = none really noticed for me.

Thicker Hair = none (have been going bald for many years and no hope will be coming anytime soon.)

The price is definately worth trying this product out! Look around and you will see some awesome logs on this stuff! If I get some time I will look up some links and post them up here for you to read.
Awesome feedback man, and I agree on ALL points you have made.


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I've been using it since right around the time it came out. I can't emphasize enough how important it is to dose this correctly, on an empty stomach that is. The effects are so much more pronounced.

My sleep is amazing on GHenerate+IGH-1, libido is supercharged, mood is great, and if I'm training fasted, the pump from GHenerate is so extremely dense. It's so amazing what this stuff will do for you. Just remember to dose at least 2hrs after a meal, or an hour before a meal (that's usually my morning dose).

I take 2 days off of the stack per week. Those are the days I usually load up on cals and eat close to bed time. Those are 6 meals/day days, and then my GHenerate days are 5 meals.
Ive only been using it three days, and i think lots of the things you said are true, by my observations. Have you noticed the opposite of testicular atrophy?

Also, do you think it takes time to build in effects, get better, could you notice a difference in the first week?

Dosing on empty stomach makes total sense. Thats what ive been doing. You produce more growth hormone naturally on empty stomach especially if you didnt any carbs. The ghenerate, according to what is in it, should evelate this natural response to hunger. As ghehlin is the hunger hormone, it is high at a fasted state.

Also im wondering whats the maximum amount you can take, i have witnessed no negative side effects so far with 10 pumps a day, one day i did 15.

Also will this shutdown you own growth hormone to any extent?


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I'm about to start a long-term Ghenerate log with a dosing protocol along the lines of what Irish was talking about. 8 pumps twice a day, 5 days a week; stacked with IGH1. I'll be going at least 3 months on it, maybe more. I'm gonna begin my log once my ASGT is out.


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I'm about to start a long-term Ghenerate log with a dosing protocol along the lines of what Irish was talking about. 8 pumps twice a day, 5 days a week; stacked with IGH1. I'll be going at least 3 months on it, maybe more. I'm gonna begin my log once my ASGT is out.
Sweet, i just started GH, but im not gonna do a log. Im doing a mixed dosing protocol, to see what works best for me. However, if you take 8 pumps at one, time, isnt that too much mixture that your mucosa could absorb at one time. As well how long do you plan to hold the mixture. I am doing more than 1 minute, maybe 3 and for some reason i feel that more is being absorbed, to early to tell. I have tried 4x 5 pumps on a workout day, and 2x 6 pumps on the non workout days. I also think my dosing will be upon wakeup, on an empty stomach at night, not necessarily before bed, pre-workout and post workout. I may do more pumps on workout days. Especially since i focus my workouts on bench, squat, and deadlift which naturally increase GH. So my hypothesis is, ghenerate will elavate this natural responde to heavy compound movements to another level.


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I am taking 8 sprays right when I wake up fully fasted and before bed on an empty stomach. On workout days, I take my ghenerate pwo 8 sprays instead of the morning doeage. I take one day off per week. This is my second bottle and I have been consistent with taking it for the past 7 weeks or so. I was originally taking 6 sprays with no real effects felt for the first month, however since I started the second bottle and I increased the sprays I have noticed a significant change. Moving from 6 sprays to 8 for me has given me the pumps that alot of others are talking about. Honestly, I felt nothing strength wise when I was at 6 sparys except for deeper sleep; no workout effects. I'm going to keep it up at least until the end of the second bottle and probably run a third straight through if the effects are still there. I was tentative going into my useage of ghenerate that it actually increases GH levels enough to impact performance, however it feels like it is finally working well after continued and consistent useage. As a sidenote, I've also started to see some minor, but noticeable strength gains.

Separate question, has LG done any independent studies that have shown the actual increase in GH levels? I've seen some studies on pubmed referencing the ingredients (i.e. Marus Alba), however I am unaware of any specific studies on ghenerate. Also, does anyone know what 6-8 sprays would be equivalent to if running a real peptide such as GHRP-6? Does it even compare?


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I am taking 8 sprays right when I wake up fully fasted and before bed on an empty stomach. On workout days, I take my ghenerate pwo 8 sprays instead of the morning doeage. I take one day off per week. This is my second bottle and I have been consistent with taking it for the past 7 weeks or so. I was originally taking 6 sprays with no real effects felt for the first month, however since I started the second bottle and I increased the sprays I have noticed a significant change. Moving from 6 sprays to 8 for me has given me the pumps that alot of others are talking about. Honestly, I felt nothing strength wise when I was at 6 sparys except for deeper sleep; no workout effects. I'm going to keep it up at least until the end of the second bottle and probably run a third straight through if the effects are still there. I was tentative going into my useage of ghenerate that it actually increases GH levels enough to impact performance, however it feels like it is finally working well after continued and consistent useage. As a sidenote, I've also started to see some minor, but noticeable strength gains.

Separate question, has LG done any independent studies that have shown the actual increase in GH levels? I've seen some studies on pubmed referencing the ingredients (i.e. Marus Alba), however I am unaware of any specific studies on ghenerate. Also, does anyone know what 6-8 sprays would be equivalent to if running a real peptide such as GHRP-6? Does it even compare?
it won't get you to those superphysiological levels like peptide injection but then again you also shouldn't experience most of the negative side effects of peptides. I'd describe it more as gh boosting or optimizing


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Any updates from long-term users?
I'm into my third month of Ghenerate use. 5 on 2 off. Libido is great, sleep is deep and refreshing and DOMS are greatly reduced. I have been leaning out for the extent of the three months.

Effects are more pronounced with the addition of LG's IGH-1.


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I'm into my third month of Ghenerate use. 5 on 2 off. Libido is great, sleep is deep and refreshing and DOMS are greatly reduced. I have been leaning out for the extent of the three months.

Effects are more pronounced with the addition of LG's IGH-1.
Nice man, how long do you plan to use it for?


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Nice man, how long do you plan to use it for?
Probably until this bottle runs out... which I estimate I have another month or so's worth. Maybe I'll pick up another bottle and go another 2 months or so... we'll see when we get to that point.
Army Guy

Army Guy

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would love to mimic that


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would love to mimic that
It's really been worth it. From a recovery standpoint alone, this product has really been a blessing. I could really care less about all the crazy stims/muscle enhancers out there... what really makes a difference is if I feel recovered before I hit the muscle group again, and the faster I can recover, the faster I can get bigger and back in the gym.

On a side note, I think the quality of my skin's elasticity has improved, as I furrow my brow a lot at work (long long hours of editing photos) and I have gotten some forehead wrinkles pretty early in life. I can say that they seem, at least to me, to be reduced quite a bit. Much less noticeable than they were 3 months ago. Not really the reason that I use the product, but an interesting and welcome side effect to say the least.
Army Guy

Army Guy

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fountain of youth??? LOL


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That's actually not a bad analogy.
Army Guy

Army Guy

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I wish they would test it they have some winners there for sure, but they stay away from LG and USP for some reason. Perhaps both Eric and Jacob should gang up on them and force a review!!


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I wish they would test it they have some winners there for sure, but they stay away from LG and USP for some reason. Perhaps both Eric and Jacob should gang up on them and force a review!!
This business isn't kind to innovation and new players in the market when Muscletech can market orange flavored CEE and Dextrose for 50 bucks a 30 serving bottle.
Army Guy

Army Guy

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This business isn't kind to innovation and new players in the market when Muscletech can market orange flavored CEE and Dextrose for 50 bucks a 30 serving bottle.
LOL!!! One has to agree though, their marketing plan is amazing... their products... :Flush:


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LOL!!! One has to agree though, their marketing plan is amazing... their products... :Flush:
IDK... their marketing is pretty much crackpot science like cryogenically freezing nutrients or whatever... and celebrity endorsements. It's pretty much a joke and makes a joke out of this entire sport. The sad thing is that people go for celebrity endorsements rather than common sense.
Army Guy

Army Guy

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story of our sport bro. That's why we have places like AM for the brothers in Iron who refuse to believe the hype and want what really works!! This forum should be required reading before anyone is allowed to buy either a gym membership or supps... especially Muscle Tech


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i cant wait to start mine with the nata stack

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