Getting rid of rest of fat



I'm 6'1, 175lbs around 8ish % body fat. I"m gaining in the gym but can't seem to get rid of this fat. My diet consists of the following:

6:30 - cup oatmeal, 7 eggs with 3 yolks

8:30 - 6 oz chicken, veggie

10:30 - chicken, veggie

12:30 - chicken , veggie

2:30 - chicken, cup of rice

4:00 workout - shake with glutamine

post workout - shake with glutamine

6:30 - 7 oz tilapia - veggie

9:00 - caesen shake with glutamine

mon back
tues legs
wed chest
thurs bi's n tri's
friday shoulders

I also do 200 situps 5 days a week, along with leg raises and twisties. I also do around 3-400 pushups every sunday. This seems to really help my bench.

I run for 20 minutes in the morning - 5 days a week.

My weekends a splurge a little - as in a deli sandwhich or someting on saturday or sunday.

I'm still hovering around 8% body fat. Anyone have any insight as to how I could get down around 5-6% or lower?

I may start to increase my cardio to 25 - 30 mintues and may do another cardio session after my workout midday.

Any help would be appreciated.
Distilled Water

Distilled Water

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I'm 6'1, 175lbs around 8ish % body fat. I"m gaining in the gym but can't seem to get rid of this fat. My diet consists of the following:

6:30 - cup oatmeal, 7 eggs with 3 yolks

8:30 - 6 oz chicken, veggie

10:30 - chicken, veggie

12:30 - chicken , veggie

2:30 - chicken, cup of rice

4:00 workout - shake with glutamine

post workout - shake with glutamine

6:30 - 7 oz tilapia - veggie

9:00 - caesen shake with glutamine

mon back
tues legs
wed chest
thurs bi's n tri's
friday shoulders

I also do 200 situps 5 days a week, along with leg raises and twisties. I also do around 3-400 pushups every sunday. This seems to really help my bench.

I run for 20 minutes in the morning - 5 days a week.

My weekends a splurge a little - as in a deli sandwhich or someting on saturday or sunday.

I'm still hovering around 8% body fat. Anyone have any insight as to how I could get down around 5-6% or lower?

I may start to increase my cardio to 25 - 30 mintues and may do another cardio session after my workout midday.

Any help would be appreciated.
You're on a borderline keto my friend. I'd drop the small amount of carbs and up your fat intake and go full keto. Those weekend mini "cheats" can turn into carb ups!

Bumping the cardio would for sure help. If you want to keep the carbs, the addition of a GDA like AP can help. You'll utilize the carbs without the release of much insulin. Also, are you eating before your run or fasted? If fasted adding in a BCAA product would be advisable. modernBCAA is one that mixes well and tastes great.

Your diet is super clean, btw. You've got the hardest part down my friend. If you want any advice on going keto or implementing AP, I'm happy to help. I'm an expert on both ;-)


Keto? Yes I would be interested. I'm not to familiar as to how that works.


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I'm 6'1, 175lbs around 8ish % body fat. I"m gaining in the gym but can't seem to get rid of this fat. My diet consists of the following:

6:30 - cup oatmeal, 7 eggs with 3 yolks

8:30 - 6 oz chicken, veggie

10:30 - chicken, veggie

12:30 - chicken , veggie

2:30 - chicken, cup of rice

4:00 workout - shake with glutamine

post workout - shake with glutamine

6:30 - 7 oz tilapia - veggie

9:00 - caesen shake with glutamine

mon back
tues legs
wed chest
thurs bi's n tri's
friday shoulders

I also do 200 situps 5 days a week, along with leg raises and twisties. I also do around 3-400 pushups every sunday. This seems to really help my bench.

I run for 20 minutes in the morning - 5 days a week.

My weekends a splurge a little - as in a deli sandwhich or someting on saturday or sunday.

I'm still hovering around 8% body fat. Anyone have any insight as to how I could get down around 5-6% or lower?

I may start to increase my cardio to 25 - 30 mintues and may do another cardio session after my workout midday.

Any help would be appreciated.
200 situps 5x per week? I hope you do this many back extensions... othwerwise you are going to end up with huge postural issues. Do you do any stability work? Like planks?
Never really understand why people do excessive hip flexion for abdominals... Considering the muscles involved are the Illiopsoas (collective name for 3 seperate muscles), rectus fem, satorius etc. and not the rectus abdominus or TVAs etc. Each to their own.


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Keto? Yes I would be interested. I'm not to familiar as to how that works.
Basically staying below 30g of carbs any given day and upping your fat intake.

Usually 50% of calories coming from fat, 40% from protein, 10% from carbs, eating little carbs and only having foods that contain dietary fiber rather than other carb sources.

Usually on this diet you would be suggested to go for the fat meat cuts, chicken is "not recommended" as a main source of protein. Sausage, Beef, Nuts, Oils, Whole eggs, Almond Milk etc are preferred. Anything you eat you pretty much soak in olive oil.

Just make sure you trace your calories as fat can sneak up on you. Your calorie levels should stay where they are right now, just the source of calories is what will change.

Once a week you go on a carb up day, where you lower your fat intake and eat up to ~300g of carbs.

If interested I can send a book on the matter, just PM me with an e-mail addy.


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What you eat is much less important than total kcals. You need to be in a deficit to lose weight. Are you meticulously tracking your calories, comparing to TDEE and adjusting as necessary?


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Basically staying below 30g of carbs any given day and upping your fat intake.

Usually 50% of calories coming from fat, 40% from protein, 10% from carbs, eating little carbs and only having foods that contain dietary fiber rather than other carb sources.

Usually on this diet you would be suggested to go for the fat meat cuts, chicken is "not recommended" as a main source of protein. Sausage, Beef, Nuts, Oils, Whole eggs, Almond Milk etc are preferred. Anything you eat you pretty much soak in olive oil.

Just make sure you trace your calories as fat can sneak up on you. Your calorie levels should stay where they are right now, just the source of calories is what will change.

Once a week you go on a carb up day, where you lower your fat intake and eat up to ~300g of carbs.

If interested I can send a book on the matter, just PM me with an e-mail addy.
You mind sending that my way as well?


Basically staying below 30g of carbs any given day and upping your fat intake.

Usually 50% of calories coming from fat, 40% from protein, 10% from carbs, eating little carbs and only having foods that contain dietary fiber rather than other carb sources.

Usually on this diet you would be suggested to go for the fat meat cuts, chicken is "not recommended" as a main source of protein. Sausage, Beef, Nuts, Oils, Whole eggs, Almond Milk etc are preferred. Anything you eat you pretty much soak in olive oil.

Just make sure you trace your calories as fat can sneak up on you. Your calorie levels should stay where they are right now, just the source of calories is what will change.

Once a week you go on a carb up day, where you lower your fat intake and eat up to ~300g of carbs.

If interested I can send a book on the matter, just PM me with an e-mail addy.

Yes I would like to get that book .. my email is Jkerr27 @


You're on a borderline keto my friend. I'd drop the small amount of carbs and up your fat intake and go full keto. Those weekend mini "cheats" can turn into carb ups!

Bumping the cardio would for sure help. If you want to keep the carbs, the addition of a GDA like AP can help. You'll utilize the carbs without the release of much insulin. Also, are you eating before your run or fasted? If fasted adding in a BCAA product would be advisable. modernBCAA is one that mixes well and tastes great.

Your diet is super clean, btw. You've got the hardest part down my friend. If you want any advice on going keto or implementing AP, I'm happy to help. I'm an expert on both ;-)

Yes I would like advice. How would I go about changing my diet? What foods would you recommend I put into my daily diet regime? What is AP? Not familiar with it.


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Dont be afraid to work in other meat sources (beef, pork, lamb etc.)


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Sent to everyone that shot me a message.


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This might sound kind sort of silly but you might be eating too clean... Sometimes adding calories will help you break through a sticking point... Add a cup of oatmeal or something for a week and see what happens


Not sure how eating to clean would be a determent. Although I do need to watch my calorie count. I'm not currently, just slightly assuming that eating what i'm eating will be enough to start lowering my body fat. I just didn't know if I was doing something obviously wrong or that I just need to dial my diet in more. I can see the plateau that I am hitting. Counting calories is more essential now since I'm at that "point". Or at least i'm hoping.


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Not sure how eating to clean would be a determent. Although I do need to watch my calorie count. I'm not currently, just slightly assuming that eating what i'm eating will be enough to start lowering my body fat. I just didn't know if I was doing something obviously wrong or that I just need to dial my diet in more. I can see the plateau that I am hitting. Counting calories is more essential now since I'm at that "point". Or at least i'm hoping.
Its not that eating clean is bad.. Its that eating too little calories is bad...


Perhaps I should do a calorie count and take away the carbs in the morning and before my workout and replace them with fats. perhaps that would make a difference. and from there, start dropping calories at 400 cal increments every week or so.


Active member
Perhaps I should do a calorie count and take away the carbs in the morning and before my workout and replace them with fats. perhaps that would make a difference. and from there, start dropping calories at 400 cal increments every week or so.
Get a calorie count first... lets see where your at..


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Copy that.
A note on Keto too, it's easy sometimes to track calories depending on what you're buying.

I.E.: My saturdays are filled with breakfast sausage. So I buy Jimmy Dean's package for the sausage patties. They have 2.3kcal for the entire package. So, easy, I eat one of those on saturdays, and bam, I'm done for the day.

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