George Leeman video on beginner use.


Too new here to post the link, but it's his most recent video.

What do you guys think about his philosophy?

Basically says that running cycles followed by PCT is not a useful thing for most people... That you should either stay natural, or decide to hop on test continuously and only cycle in other substances on top of it occasionally.


Judging by the hundreds of people on this forum and others who successfully cycled on and off while using a PCT. Personally, Anyone who doesnt use any type of PCT is a complete idiot and is wasting anything they gained on cycle. Sure I think the best and safest advice is to probably not touch anything that affects your endocrine system and HPTA, However, not all of us are born with the gift of great genetics... In fact, I have to work twice as hard as the next guy just to hold close to 200 pounds at 5'11. If I hadnt cycled in the past, I might of never gotten where Im at now.And Im real proud of where Im at. I think its to each their own.


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Judging by the hundreds of people on this forum and others who successfully cycled on and off while using a PCT. Personally, Anyone who doesnt use any type of PCT is a complete idiot and is wasting anything they gained on cycle. Sure I think the best and safest advice is to probably not touch anything that affects your endocrine system and HPTA, However, not all of us are born with the gift of great genetics... In fact, I have to work twice as hard as the next guy just to hold close to 200 pounds at 5'11. If I hadnt cycled in the past, I might of never gotten where Im at now.And Im real proud of where Im at. I think its to each their own.
read what the OP wrote. He didn't say he said not to end a cycle and not PCT he said to just stay on testosterone and cycle in other androgens. That means not ever coming off therefore no need to PCT.

His point is: All-in or don't bother.

BTW OP that's called cruise and blast or the inverse.

There's another very entertaining thread elsewhere on the board that's very similar to yours. Search: Piana


I took the phrase "Basically says that running cycles followed by PCT is not a useful thing for most people," the wrong way obviously.


read what the OP wrote. He didn't say he said not to end a cycle and not PCT he said to just stay on testosterone and cycle in other androgens. That means not ever coming off therefore no need to PCT.

His point is: All-in or don't bother.

BTW OP that's called cruise and blast or the inverse.

There's another very entertaining thread elsewhere on the board that's very similar to yours. Search: Piana
Gotcha. Wasn't sure what it was called. Will also search for that thread.

who the F is George Leeman anyway?
One of the strongest deadlifters on the planet. Holds the American record for SHW. Has some really great videos about training methodology and such too.


Gotcha. Wasn't sure what it was called. Will also search for that thread.

One of the strongest deadlifters on the planet. Holds the American record for SHW. Has some really great videos about training methodology and such too.
Agree with everything you said, except the Record, current U.S. Overall record (and 275lb world record) goes to my buddy Aria Attia. Awesome dude, taught me a ton about lifting.


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Agree with everything you said, except the Record, current U.S. Overall record (and 275lb world record) goes to my buddy Aria Attia. Awesome dude, taught me a ton about lifting.
Good call, beat him with a 915 weighing at 275. Strong shįt by your buddy.


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It's a train wreck of a thread. You've been warned :)
Just the name kept me from going in. Your description though has me intrigued for some late night entertainment


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Too new here to post the link, but it's his most recent video.

What do you guys think about his philosophy?

Basically says that running cycles followed by PCT is not a useful thing for most people... That you should either stay natural, or decide to hop on test continuously and only cycle in other substances on top of it occasionally.
If you are on test continuously it will ultimately affect your sperm count and quality in such a way that you may not be able to have a child in a natural way


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If you are on test continuously it will ultimately affect your sperm count and quality in such a way that you may not be able to have a child in a natural way
Certainly good point, but what if you don't intend to have children or you're done having children?


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Certainly good point, but what if you don't intend to have children or you're done having children?
Then blast and cruise is an option(many do it). As long as its done responsibly. With frequent bloodtests, support sups(even when cruising) etc.

I rather agree with it, after a certain age that test natural production is at its lowest. Eg. I cant see the point of a man running PCT to bring back his natural test at 300. A TRT would be more helpful


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I agree - but only if you've decided your family life. Like one of the above posters said. If you're not having kids or are done having kids - let the good times roll.

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