For Sale: AEN - IntraXcell (Muscle Builders)

BiG in NYC 82

BiG in NYC 82

Sealed - AEN's IntraXcell

IntraXCell Highlights:

* Boosts Explosive Muscular Strength & Power Output.
* Increase Muscle Mass.
* Increase Anaerobic Muscular Endurance.
* Increase Aerobic Endurance.
* Delay Muscular Fatigue - Train Harder & Longer
* Increase Muscle Fullness and Vascularity
* No Bloating or Water-Retention

While other supplement companies talk a big game, making unsubstantiated claims with no scientific support, Athletic Edge Nutrition is different. We are a new breed of supplement company. We raise the standard, by placing our exact formula (IntraXCell) through the rigors of a scientific research study. In doing so, we want to prove to you that IntraXCell delivers the promised results and will meet and exceed your highest expectations!

A research study, on 18 collegiate wrestlers using IntraXCell for 8 weeks, has just been completed. The results were staggering. IntraXCell caused huge increases in anaerobic strength, power and muscular endurance!
*Kern BD, Robinson TL, Manninen AH. Effects of beta-alanine supplementation on exercise performance during a competitive wrestling season: An 8-week open label pilot study. (Manuscript under review).

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: There are a few other beta-alanine, carnosine boosters out there, what makes IntraXCell different?

* IntraXCell was the world's first dedicated beta-alanine, carnosine booster in convenient capsule form.
* IntraXCell is the first and only stand alone beta-alanine formula that is backed by a research study.
* With IntraXCell, you get a large 4 gram dose of Beta-Alanine per day complying to the actual dosage used in the scientific research. Other carnosine boosters put beta-alanine in proprietary blends and do not list the amount, so it's impossible unless the company discloses the actual beta-alanine content for you to know if you are really getting a high enough dose to build up carnosine levels and reap all the benefits!
* IntraXCell is designed with no stimulants so it can be taken anytime during the day everyday including late night workout sessions. At Athletic Edge Nutrition we do no recommend taking stimulants everyday, so putting any stimulants in IntraXCell or any Carnosine booster would not be logical from our standpoint.
* IntraXCell is a true carnosine booster without the unnecessary fluff that's added to some of the other carnosine boosters currently on the market.

Q: Who can benefit from IntraXCell?

* Individuals participating in weight training looking to gain lean muscle mass and increase strength.
* Any individual involved in athletic activities where strength, power and muscular endurance are needed.
* Active individuals who have reached a training plateau and are looking for something to take them to the next level.

Q: How long will it take for me to start noticing benefits?

* Performance benefits typically start occurring in as little as two weeks, although some individuals will notice benefits within one week. As carnosine levels continue to increase, so will the benefits. The most dramatic results are generally experienced within the 3-4 week range, but they don't stop there. Recent research is now showing carnosine levels continue to increase up to at least 12 weeks, so the benefits just keep on getting better which is why we recommend to continuously stay on IntraXCell for at least 3 months to optimize your carnosine levels.
* Immediate benefits: Many users experience intense vasodilatation/pumps from the very first time they take their first does of IntraXCell. The reason this occurs is because Beta-Alanine increases carnosine and carnosine is a powerful precursor in generating nitric oxide synthase (NOS). NOS are a group of enzymes necessary for making the powerful vasodilator nitric oxide. Take IntraXCell with SteelEdge prior to exercise and let us know your experience. We are confident that you will be very pleased pumps/vasodilatation from your very first workout.

Q: What other supplements do you recommend to maximize the results when taking IntraXCell?

* We recommend our Full Spectrum Pre-Workout Formula, SteelEdge. SteelEdge contains many ingredients that may work synergistically with IntraXCell. On training days, take IntraXCell with SteelEdge to amplify the benefits of each product.
* Creatine is another supplement that may work synergistically with IntraXCell and they can certainly be stacked together.

Q: Are their any stimulants in IntraXCell?


Q: Can I take IntraXCell late at night?


