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I've noticed as I've got older that certain foods can really impact my overall mood and day to day tasks.
This is both positive and negative.
I've always been a huge fan of vegetables. I eat them in mass amounts but. Recently it's really took a toll on my digestive system. I was eating like 1kg+ of veggies every single day. I took my daily diet and put it into chronometer and seen I was getting like 100g+ of fibre. Just too much for my digestive system to handle. I've had to lower this amount of vegetables. I'm getting around 60g of fibre now and that's just about ok.
I seem to react poorly to anything choline based. Alpha gpc/cdp choline/choline bitartrate etc. I thought. Surely food sources will work different to a large blast of choline in a supplement. I started eating large amounts of eggs. Like 6 eggs everyday. After a few days I got the same impact as too much choline. Which for me is a dark depression. I stopped the eggs and a few days later I was good again. I still eat eggs but it's like 1-2 a day at most. I have my own hens and get 6 fresh eggs everyday so I have access to the best eggs you can get.
Another thing I also react poorly to is. Omega 3's. Gives the exact same effect as choline for me. If I take a high dose epa/dha supplement I get depression also. For omega 3's I will intake some flaxseed/chia mix and I will eat salmon now and again. Even too much salmon doesn't agree with me after a period. Shame because I know it's a great food to be consuming.
Foods that really give me huge positives is.
Liver (It's disgusting but I cook it and make small portions that I just quickly chew and swallow before a main meal). Liver really does make a huge impact on my energy and mood. Those high B vitamins seem to be great.
Nutritional yeast. Another B vitamin bomb. I notice some mild improvements using nutritional yeast. Also it's a great addition to sauces and a flavouring enhancer. I throw around 20g onto my meal at night's.
Black pudding (This might be a Scottish thing). Black pudding is basically dried pigs blood + some grains and spices. I was Anemic for a while (Due to blood donations. My ferritin level was 11. Yes I felt dreadful). I used liver + black pudding to get my iron levels up. I was originally using iron bisglycinate and after 3 months my ferritin was at 17. Barely moved. Added in liver + black pudding and got it up to 72! I felt incredible once I got my levels up.
I suffer some mild histamine issues so I limit certain foods. Tomato's' Strawberries' Fermented foods' Vinegar etc. I still do use them in smaller doses. One I eat almost daily is. Kefir. I believe kefir to be the best probiotic you can ingest. I don't think any probiotic supplement can match Kefir. It's a very unique taste but a few flavour drops and it's very nice.
I eat around 4000 calories a day and need to eat foods that don't destroy my gut. The high fibre was pretty bad on my digestion. Man those farts were deadly....
What foods do you eat that you think to yourself. That meal always makes me feel good.
I think food is very powerful and not respected by some people. I believe alot of issues that people suffer these days are from the foods they eat. In my workplace the guys I work with have dreadful diets. It's ultra processed garbage. Microwave meals. Cakes. Biscuits. Which having now and again is completely fine but if it's your actual diet. Your gonna get issues. They all live on coffee and energy drinks because they feel sh*tty all the time. Their constantly sick with some virus. One guy is on t3/t4 because his thyroid just crashed. Instead of the doctor saying to change his diet and try recover his thyroid. Just take t3/t4. They all are overweight and constantly moan that they need to start losing weight. If they bring in a chicken salad one day they will then binge the next 3 days because they had a 'Healthy' day.
So what foods do you feel is a huge benefit to your life? What do you notice once you eat these? Any foods that make you feel bad also and that you need to avoid?
This is both positive and negative.
I've always been a huge fan of vegetables. I eat them in mass amounts but. Recently it's really took a toll on my digestive system. I was eating like 1kg+ of veggies every single day. I took my daily diet and put it into chronometer and seen I was getting like 100g+ of fibre. Just too much for my digestive system to handle. I've had to lower this amount of vegetables. I'm getting around 60g of fibre now and that's just about ok.
I seem to react poorly to anything choline based. Alpha gpc/cdp choline/choline bitartrate etc. I thought. Surely food sources will work different to a large blast of choline in a supplement. I started eating large amounts of eggs. Like 6 eggs everyday. After a few days I got the same impact as too much choline. Which for me is a dark depression. I stopped the eggs and a few days later I was good again. I still eat eggs but it's like 1-2 a day at most. I have my own hens and get 6 fresh eggs everyday so I have access to the best eggs you can get.
Another thing I also react poorly to is. Omega 3's. Gives the exact same effect as choline for me. If I take a high dose epa/dha supplement I get depression also. For omega 3's I will intake some flaxseed/chia mix and I will eat salmon now and again. Even too much salmon doesn't agree with me after a period. Shame because I know it's a great food to be consuming.
Foods that really give me huge positives is.
Liver (It's disgusting but I cook it and make small portions that I just quickly chew and swallow before a main meal). Liver really does make a huge impact on my energy and mood. Those high B vitamins seem to be great.
Nutritional yeast. Another B vitamin bomb. I notice some mild improvements using nutritional yeast. Also it's a great addition to sauces and a flavouring enhancer. I throw around 20g onto my meal at night's.
Black pudding (This might be a Scottish thing). Black pudding is basically dried pigs blood + some grains and spices. I was Anemic for a while (Due to blood donations. My ferritin level was 11. Yes I felt dreadful). I used liver + black pudding to get my iron levels up. I was originally using iron bisglycinate and after 3 months my ferritin was at 17. Barely moved. Added in liver + black pudding and got it up to 72! I felt incredible once I got my levels up.
I suffer some mild histamine issues so I limit certain foods. Tomato's' Strawberries' Fermented foods' Vinegar etc. I still do use them in smaller doses. One I eat almost daily is. Kefir. I believe kefir to be the best probiotic you can ingest. I don't think any probiotic supplement can match Kefir. It's a very unique taste but a few flavour drops and it's very nice.
I eat around 4000 calories a day and need to eat foods that don't destroy my gut. The high fibre was pretty bad on my digestion. Man those farts were deadly....
What foods do you eat that you think to yourself. That meal always makes me feel good.
I think food is very powerful and not respected by some people. I believe alot of issues that people suffer these days are from the foods they eat. In my workplace the guys I work with have dreadful diets. It's ultra processed garbage. Microwave meals. Cakes. Biscuits. Which having now and again is completely fine but if it's your actual diet. Your gonna get issues. They all live on coffee and energy drinks because they feel sh*tty all the time. Their constantly sick with some virus. One guy is on t3/t4 because his thyroid just crashed. Instead of the doctor saying to change his diet and try recover his thyroid. Just take t3/t4. They all are overweight and constantly moan that they need to start losing weight. If they bring in a chicken salad one day they will then binge the next 3 days because they had a 'Healthy' day.
So what foods do you feel is a huge benefit to your life? What do you notice once you eat these? Any foods that make you feel bad also and that you need to avoid?