First experience with LG products!


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Alright to start im pretty skeptical in general its just my nature. But i bought into the LG hype and order some ASGT, Natbolic Stack, and Lipotropic Protein. Im not a huge fan of stim based preworkouts since i dont ususally have caffeine in my diet, but decided why the heck not. My previous experience with pre-wrokouts isnt that vast. But ive tried Buzzerk, a stack of MAN's Body Octane and Clout, NO shotgun, and Xpand Xtreme pump the caffeine free version.

ASGT, IMO taste pretty bad and gets really frothy (hope thats a good word to explain it haha) when mixed. As a conslation it doesnt taste anywhere as bad as clout i literally gagged everytime i took that stuff. But i chugged it down none the less and headed to the gym. I only took one scoop 45 minutes before working out since its my first time. Plus im a smaller guy at 150lbs so it doesnt take much. I also took 6 sprays of Ghenerate as i was walking into the gym. This was a good dose for me I was surprised i didnt feel cracked out but had very clean energy and extreme focus! Better than any other PWO i previously used. Ive been off preworkouts for about 2 weeks so shouldnt have had too much buildup in me. So this shouldve been all ASGT.

I was also taking the natadrol (2 pills wth morning meal) but its my first day on that, so cant really chalk it up to that for the experience. None the less had a great workout and am still feeling good 2 hours later with no crash or jitters of any sort.

Had a wierd experience after a set of wide grip pullups though. I got up for my first set knocked out 15 with just my BW to failure(new PR by the way im a pretty weak dude! So dont laugh at that number lol). When i got down my whole body began to tingle intensely and i couldnt help but want to smile it was euphoric lol. Has anyone else experienced anything at all like this with either ASGT, Natadrol, or Ghenerate? It wasnt bad , i wasnt light headed, it was just very odd. Ive never felt like that before ever. So it had to have something to do with this stuff.

As far as my extra STRENGTH setting a new PR im chalking it up to the placebo effect of all this stuff lol. No way natadrol or ASGT can truely kick in adding strength in the first day. So im not saying it gave me actual strength. ASGT just had me focused on the task at hand and provided ample energy to get it done! Ill write a final review once i finish each product whether it ends positively or not. But from my first experience my skepticism is definitely subsiding!

But if anyone can comment on the weird feeling i got i would appreciate it.


The BPS Rep
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That sounds like beta-alanine paraesthesia to me, from the ASGT.

And you're right, it's definitely too early to attribute any PRs to these supps, though they are good stuff, IMO.


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Yea, Body Octane and Clout both have very high beta-alanine content. but could be that for sure. Yea im not atrributing the new PR to this stuff, but like i said it did have me more focused and better energy than ive had in a while. So thats a positive in my book!


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LG makes some real serious stuff. I am a big fan personally. I was fortunate to test Natadrol when it was still prior to release, and I loved it. Hae more on the way. Good luck with your run


  • Legend!
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That sounds like beta-alanine paraesthesia to me, from the ASGT.

And you're right, it's definitely too early to attribute any PRs to these supps, though they are good stuff, IMO.
Really? I'm normally hyper-sensitive to BA induced paraesthesia and avoid BA containing anything supps, but I've taken up to 6 scoops of ASGT without any paraesthesia.

That's really, really odd and cool.
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The BPS Rep
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I normally take 1 or 2; I've heard of Army Guy doing like 3.5, but that's about the highest I've seen.

You sure you're not thinking of Anadraulic Pump? Dosing 5-6 scoops of that is more common place.


  • Legend!
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I normally take 1 or 2; I've heard of Army Guy doing like 3.5, but that's about the highest I've seen.

You sure you're not thinking of Anadraulic Pump? Dosing 5-6 scoops of that is more common place.
I can't say for certain right now. metroba sent me a bucket and I think it was ASGT because it was new'ish.

Mine is a light green/yellow'ish powder, tastes like lime flavor, do they come in different flavors?

I'll check when I get home.


The BPS Rep
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That's Anadraulic Pump. Yeah, 6 scoops for that is understandable. I don't think it contains BA, so that would explain the lack tingles.

6 scoops of ASGT would be ~1g of caffeine I think, which was why I was so shocked.


  • Legend!
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That's Anadraulic Pump. Yeah, 6 scoops for that is understandable. I don't think it contains BA, so that would explain the lack tingles.

6 scoops of ASGT would be ~1g of caffeine I think, which was why I was so shocked.
1g, damn. yeah, I could see why that'd be outrageous. The most caff I've ever taken at one time was 400mg, maybe 600mg. Thanks for clarifying my Corky moment.


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1 scoop of ASGT is doing it for me maybe since im so small and not a stim junkie haha. Im afraid to try 2, i may try 1.5 scoops after running it for a week.

Another killer day in the gym. My buddies are hating me! Nothing better than making them look really bad and talking sh** to them while doing it haha.

Alot of it has to do with my menality though. I told myself before i ever bought this stuff i was going to lift as hard as possible increase weight every set and every week no matter what. So i know that has alot to do with it. But im liking the way ASGT is making me feel so far. Nothing like having the right amount of energy and focus to push through and surpass the goals youve set for yourself.

But honestly why does it taste so bad, is there a certain ingredient that does this or is it a combo of everything? Maybe im just a sissy when it come's to taste but i really have to choke this down.

Also took 5 sprays of ghenerate before bed. Had a really hard time getting to sleep, i read it does this to some people. Maybe ill try 4 sprays prior to sleep?? Any advice would be nice, thanks.


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Looks good only thing i found that might help is i mix my Ashton with aakg in a 16.9 oz water bottleu know aquafina or whatever grocery brand i can find a case for under 3 bucks drink a little and mix the powder in so theres little to no room at the top then no froth


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Asgt my phone might be gay... Ashton really?


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Looks good only thing i found that might help is i mix my Ashton with aakg in a 16.9 oz water bottleu know aquafina or whatever grocery brand i can find a case for under 3 bucks drink a little and mix the powder in so theres little to no room at the top then no froth
I mixed it with some pink lemonade and still didnt help lol. But after about a week or so of continuous use the taste stopped bothering me. Ive since sampled, muscle spike and maximzie v2 and wont be changing from ASGT even though they both taste 100% better. I liked the maximize V2 but didnt feel i got the same amount of focus and the energy wasnt as clean for some reason as with ASGT.


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I did 4ASGT and 6 AP a little too quickly....Bad idea! 2 is my norm now, 3 when Im really down n out.


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I did 4ASGT and 6 AP a little too quickly....Bad idea! 2 is my norm now, 3 when Im really down n out.
Thats because your a badass lol. I still havent taken over 1.5scoops of ASGT. No need for my little ass to go any higher than that and thats for leg days single scoop the rest!


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I did 4ASGT and 6 AP a little too quickly....Bad idea! 2 is my norm now, 3 when Im really down n out.
Yikes man, I did 3 and it was too much for me. 2.5 is my MAX but I much prefer 2 scoops and 1 NP geranium cap for the extra thermo effect/focus. On most days though I do great with 1 scoop or slightly more. AS-GT is remarkably effective with just one scoop and for most people that is all they really need unless they are looking for some additional stim kick. My tubs last two months with 1 workout a week getting 2 scoops and the others getting ~1 so I view that as pretty much the best PWO deal on the market today considering the ingredient list.

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