First Cycle: Fairly educated but need a few more q's answered...

Luck 6

New member
Alright gentlemen, and ladies, let's start. I'm 22 years old, stand at 5'10, and weight in around 192lbs. Been training naturally since I was 16 and have made some great gains.

Current lifts in reps of 5:
Bench: 265lbs.
Squat: 330lbs.
Deads: 410lbs.

So ya, I know what I'm doing in the whole training aspect; also assume my diet is on track (1.5g protein minimum per lb. along with all the remaining essentials).

Alright! So I have 3 main questions, most concerning to hair loss side effects:

1) I was thinking of doing Test E, maybe 500/week @ 10 weeks. Clearly this could be bad on hairloss. I currently use Dutastride daily, minox 2x daily, and Nizoral shampoo. My question is, and this may only be able to be answered from experience, what can I expect in terms of loss? I have a large degree of thinning as is and want to hold what I have... How effective will my meds be at combating the extra DHT? i'd assume I would also start using topical Duta while on cycle as well.

2) IF I chose to go an Oral only route... Which is a distinct possibility; which would be easy on the hair? Obviously Anavar comes to mind, but at 60mg Anavar per day can I expect high mass gains? Probably not. What would be the best option going the oral route?

3) Kind of an overlap but I've maintained my hair DECENTLY well with my meds without AAS; should this then relate that if I up the dose of my meds on AAS I should be ok? Hmmm..

Generally I want a cycle that will give quality mass gains while keeping hairloss to a MINIMUM (as in NONE if possible haha). Thanks in advance.


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sides are generally a hit or miss ya no. it effects people differently. the best thing to do would be to research and look at logs of people and ask them the questions about it. anavar does come to mind, but if you are dead set on doing test E then i would just make sure your meds are on track and you have a flawless pct.

o the steroid forum there is a poll on hairloss and AAS.


Well, with Dut. you should have quite low levels of DHT. It's much more powerful than finasteride. What are you dosing the Dut at?

I think test e is probably going to be your best bet so you can stop the conversion of test to DHT, where as a lot of orals you cannot. Also look up the hairloss thread in this section, it will tell you most everything you need to know.

Luck 6

New member

That was sort of my thoughts as well. I'm on 0.5mg Duras ED.

I'm actually quite well versed on actually battling hair loss... As I'm 22 y/o and probably a NW2 (if your familiar with the norwood scale). The thing is I have concealers that make this 100% undetectable (I use dermatch and topik together).

But if I thin out to much more... I won't be able to use these concealers, so even half an inch of recession concerns me.

I'd be using Alpha El Cranell as well while on cycle, which is a good anti-androgen... Probably better then any listed in the hairloss thread except the Nizoral (keta).

So test would be the best way to go and then just massive DHT blockers and anti-androgens from every angle eh? Haha..

Anyone else care to comment? Greatly appreciated.

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