Finally started TRT


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Well after finding out my test level was 214 and tried clomid(which doubled my level,but had side effects) and couldn't afford gel I started shots. I've had three, doing 200mg every other week. Getting lab work done this week to check level and adjust shots. My docter says 200 every other week is standard. On here I see people say 100 every week. I haven't felt anything yet but erections are back and strong. Would splitting it and doing it weekly help. Also started working out, will I get any added bonus doing TRT?


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Well after finding out my test level was 214 and tried clomid(which doubled my level,but had side effects) and couldn't afford gel I started shots. I've had three, doing 200mg every other week. Getting lab work done this week to check level and adjust shots. My docter says 200 every other week is standard. On here I see people say 100 every week. I haven't felt anything yet but erections are back and strong. Would splitting it and doing it weekly help. Also started working out, will I get any added bonus doing TRT?
Have your doc split the 200 every other week to 100 weekly, preferably 50 twice a week. Much more stable levels and no emotional roller coaster.

You'll thank me later...


New member
Level went to 461, doc wants me at 600 so I will be going from 1cc every two weeks to 1.2cc. I'm ready to feel it!!!!!


New member
Is there anyway to maximize my potential for muscle growth now. I worked out in the military 23 years ago but not since. I've just started strong lifts 5x5. Hoping to gain muscle mass. I am currently 175 and 5'8. Small gut


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it's pretty hard not to add some muscle after starting trt if your diet and training are spot on. the 5x5 is fine for now, but after prolly 6 months or so you should be ready to start a intermediate program.

i mentioned earlier you should be talking to your doc about splitting the dose up.


  • RockStar
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it's pretty hard not to add some muscle after starting trt if your diet and training are spot on. the 5x5 is fine for now, but after prolly 6 months or so you should be ready to start a intermediate program.

i mentioned earlier you should be talking to your doc about splitting the dose up.
This. There is something else wrong if you can't add 5-8lbs of muscle on a normal TRT dose- provided diet and workout are dialed in.


New member
Last night I self injected for the first time. Didn't realize that the hard part would be to squeeze the syringe. Did it in the rear so maybe it was because I was twisted around. Butt is pretty sore today. I think I made at least two holes, haha. I guess this means I could split my doses to once a week instead of every two weeks. But, my doc likes to check levels on the off weeks.


New member
Sorry I'm new to the topic' but what is the TRT that everyone is talking about.


Sorry I'm new to the topic' but what is the TRT that everyone is talking about.
Coming from the doc, either testosterone sustanon, or testosterone cypionate. Typically doctor's will prescribe sus more commonly.


New member
Wouldn't it be a good idea to wait until doc has my levels where he wants them(around 600) before I split my injections weekly. He likes every two weeks with testing on off week. Wouldn't that mean that my level would be lowest at test time, therefore him possibly upping dose. Then when he is satisfied and keeps me on a dose i can then split it and benifit from that.


New member
Wouldn't it be a good idea to wait until doc has my levels where he wants them(around 600) before I split my injections weekly. He likes every two weeks with testing on off week. Wouldn't that mean that my level would be lowest at test time, therefore him possibly upping dose. Then when he is satisfied and keeps me on a dose i can then split it and benifit from that.


  • RockStar
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No, he likes injections every 2 weeks because he is working off of old thinking and doesn't understand the half life of test cyp. You'll never have an accurate reading if you are taking labs before your injection on the second week. On top of that, 200mg is going put your test levels sky high and this may be ok in the very beginning, but you are almost positive to see unwanted sides from the roller coaster of hormones this will cause. Ask any one of us and do your own research on how smaller, more frequent injections is absolutely the way to go.

I started two years ago at 200mg every 2 weeks and it was fine for a month and then it sucked. I had the doc move me to 200 a week and it made me crazy feeling. For the next year we went 175, 150, 125, and then this year I stayed at 125 until recently when I moved to 50 e4d and I can't even explain how much better it is. Less is more.


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So, when would be my optimal injection time if my tests are on wednesdays at 5:00 pm if i split into everyweek


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i did 40mg on mon and 40mg on thurs. aromasin 12.5mg mwf and my levels were in the 1100's felt great


Well after finding out my test level was 214 and tried clomid(which doubled my level,but had side effects) and couldn't afford gel I started shots. I've had three, doing 200mg every other week. Getting lab work done this week to check level and adjust shots. My docter says 200 every other week is standard. On here I see people say 100 every week. I haven't felt anything yet but erections are back and strong. Would splitting it and doing it weekly help. Also started working out, will I get any added bonus doing TRT?
Level went to 461, doc wants me at 600 so I will be going from 1cc every two weeks to 1.2cc. I'm ready to feel it!!!!!
It takes up to 12 weeks at a particular dose before a stable level is reached.

Is there anyway to maximize my potential for muscle growth now. I worked out in the military 23 years ago but not since. I've just started strong lifts 5x5. Hoping to gain muscle mass. I am currently 175 and 5'8. Small gut
This. There is something else wrong if you can't add 5-8lbs of muscle on a normal TRT dose- provided diet and workout are dialed in.
I was on test cream for a couple of years and never got my level up. I switched to test cyp injections the first of last September and since then I have gained 14lbs. I had a caliper test done and it seems that most of it is lean mass. My body fat is up only about 1% or a couple pounds. So I'd say a lean gain of around 12lbs in a little over five months.
Last night I self injected for the first time. Didn't realize that the hard part would be to squeeze the syringe. Did it in the rear so maybe it was because I was twisted around. Butt is pretty sore today. I think I made at least two holes, haha. I guess this means I could split my doses to once a week instead of every two weeks. But, my doc likes to check levels on the off weeks.
It's true that if you inject every week that your peak will not be as high and your trough will not be as low. This is good but it could affect how your doctor interprets the lab results.

So, when would be my optimal injection time if my tests are on wednesdays at 5:00 pm if i split into everyweek
If you are tested on Wednesday afternoons then I would inject on Wednesday evening or Thursday morning.

What I do, and I know it is not common among those here but on another forum I participate in most are doing, is sub cutaneous injections every other day. I use a 5/16" 31g insulin syringe. It is easy and virtually painless.


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Your levels that you are at currently are basically maintenance levels right now so they are normal. Tell your doc
exactly what you are looking for and he will adjust your doses accordingly. What is your diet like? What type of
foods are you currently eating? You want to make sure you are eating well and lifting regularly also to boost t levels.

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