Finally considering TRT, Need some help.

Alright so, I am finishing up a blast

Test E, Tren E, Tbol. See here High Test / Low Tren / Tbol V.2 -

I was planning a PCT but I have to say I don't want to get off gear completely. TRT was never something I was going to consider because the wife is not on board and she doesn't know about my last cycle. Knows about my cycles from 10 years about. Anyways not here to debate this part.

I want to put myself on TRT. I figured my current cost at 200mg Test E for 60 weeks is $200. Yes, that is it. That is including HCG @ 800iu every week. Which I would only be doing because my wife not knowing. This isn't including pins or swabs. I have had enough Aromasin for 2 years. I know this would likely get me over 1000ng/dl blood level. My current natty levels are 630ng/dl. I'd like to be at a borderline range for a while and maybe drop down after some time.

So here are my questions....

Will the HCG work indefinitely to have my balls in the normal range for size? Currently, I have been using it for the last 10 weeks and they are about 65-70%? Not interested in fertility.

Should I tell my primary?

If I decide or have to for any health reasons, get off say 5 years from now how is that handled and are my test levels fucked? How is that handled?

If I am on my own TRT I am giving myself. Get off, Tank my test levels, go see my primary, would they give me TRT through my insurance?

What else should I know about TRT?

I plan on doing 100mg x2 a week Test E.
Except the part where if he decides to get off in 5 years he's test levels being effed lol
I'd be fine with staying on but I just am curious about what happens if you get off. I see posts about it but never the ending....

Just trying to be prepared for what I am getting myself into.
Alright so, I am finishing up a blast

Test E, Tren E, Tbol. See here High Test / Low Tren / Tbol V.2 -

I was planning a PCT but I have to say I don't want to get off gear completely. TRT was never something I was going to consider because the wife is not on board and she doesn't know about my last cycle. Knows about my cycles from 10 years about. Anyways not here to debate this part.

I want to put myself on TRT. I figured my current cost at 200mg Test E for 60 weeks is $200. Yes, that is it. That is including HCG @ 800iu every week. Which I would only be doing because my wife not knowing. This isn't including pins or swabs. I have had enough Aromasin for 2 years. I know this would likely get me over 1000ng/dl blood level. My current natty levels are 630ng/dl. I'd like to be at a borderline range for a while and maybe drop down after some time.

So here are my questions....

Will the HCG work indefinitely to have my balls in the normal range for size? Currently, I have been using it for the last 10 weeks and they are about 65-70%? Not interested in fertility.

Should I tell my primary?

If I decide or have to for any health reasons, get off say 5 years from now how is that handled and are my test levels fucked? How is that handled?

If I am on my own TRT I am giving myself. Get off, Tank my test levels, go see my primary, would they give me TRT through my insurance?

What else should I know about TRT?

I plan on doing 100mg x2 a week Test E.
Here's the best I can speculate based off my own knowledge.

100mg 2x week will probably put you above the reference range so it's most likely not trt but a low dose mini cycle/cruise. Not that I have a issue with that, I'm just drawing attention to that there's a good possibility it's more then trt.

Can't answer the hcg thing in relation to testicle size, that's completely person depending. Mine don't shrink regardless of what gear I'm on and that's with no hcg. They just always stay the same.

No yiu should not tell yiur Dr. Because you could potentially loose your insurance coverage but yes you might wanna tell your dr. For health management reasons. Sooooo that's a tough call. Depends on how cool your Dr. Is.

The longer your on the less likely you will ever recover 100% but there's also plenty of ppl who have been on for years and recover to acceptable or tolerable level with hcg, hmg and clomid/nolva.

Fertility shouldn't be a issue if it wasn't already a issue. Plenty of bodybuilders have multiple children.

It's a lifestyle decision so you probably want your wife on board for simplicity and not having to hide stuff for 10 years or more. Maybe make uo some bullshit that your Dr. Is going to prescribe test injections. Or just tell her this is what I'm doing. Also Depends on how crazy your wife is. My girl is batshit crazy and I knew it's not something to hide because eventually she gonna find out. So basically had spent time in the past educating her and about after 6 months of being on I told her I been on testosterone for 6 months and I'm probably staying on indefinitely. By this point she already understood I had made it part of my life. And seeing how I had quit drinking and all the recreational stuff she didn't have much room to argue. There's probably more to those details but that's pretty much how it happened
Honestly @Smont Is right (as usual) I wouldn't hide something like this from my wife, a girlfriend yes but eventually i would tell her because she's gonna eventually find out anyways. But my wife she deserves to may take a while to educate her on it but it's better than you getting caught, because eventually you will.