yeah the problem with ashwaganda is there are studies it affects hormones and not recommended with hormonal pills (as it so good at balancing them out,
With wome its all in the brain, the female viagra pill actually just helps brain circulation and was developed as an anti depressant initially... got me think ginko would be a good one, and the reason it helps blood flow, risk however is bleeding out or affecting the flush out of the pill (making it useless).
I kinda wish she was going through the menopause, then at least there would be no pregnancy issue and i have a zillion of studies for stuff that could be taken... just none that are pill friendly
i need an aphrodisiac that DOESNT balance hormones, DOESNT affect tesosterone or estrogen instead jsut makes her aroused initially.
larginine might be a shout, being non hormonal....
can anyone think of others non hormonal? 5htp perhaps... but i know st johns is known for failing the pil... maca too is a no go.
In regards to your statement about needing an aphrodisiac that doesn't balance hormones, doesn't effect testosterone or estrogen, etc. - the problem is that aphrodisiacs normally work through doing those things; its normally how they work.
There can be a variety of reasons that libido can be decreased for females but the primary main 3 are:
- Hormonal imbalances or changes
- Stress/Anxiety
- Medication Related
Things like Arginine work in theory through improved circulation. I've never heard much success with regular Arginine for this anyway, but even the advanced types like Nitrosigine, they may enhance sensitivity and pleasure thru circulation but they wouldn't have any affect on actual desire itself. And from what you said, the pleasure part isn't the issue since she enjoys it when you do it; the issue just seems to be the desire to get started.
A lot of the things you're saying may affect birth control pills aren't commonly known to or thought to affect them; its more like one of those there's a super slight chance type of things. That's a decision that everyone has to make for themselves there, but I've never heard of things like KSM-66, low dose DHEA, etc. contradicting the pill.
You said that you had tried testosterone boosters and it just made her angry. I would say it would depend on which ones you tried. Certain ones I wouldn't have females try but then others may work well. We have had some good feedback from women taking 1 capsule of Spilanthes XT per day for example. It's a natural testosterone booster and also enhances circulation and the raw material has been shown in studies to help with firmer erections so in theory, the same method of action may apply to clitoral stimulation and circulation.
I wish you the best of luck. You're in a tough spot bc you've ruled out most of what I would consider the best options to try.
My general thoughts on the subject for anyone reading (not specific to you) would be:
- KSM-66 is a great ingredient for helping with stress and anxiety and it can have somewhat of a hormonal optimization effect in women so I would give that a try; either solo or as part of an overall supplement regimen. We offer a KSM-66 that is 695 mg. so it's a one pill a day formula.
- DHEA is a good option for some women. For a female, I would start at 5 to 10 mg.
- Spilanthes XT gets some good feedback in this department.
There's been some discussion here on AM about our upcoming Libido Boost XT product. That will be a libido product for men that helps with several areas of sexual health. What I haven't mentioned yet is that if the formula stays the same as it is now, then a female should be able to take half the dose of it and it should work well. And also, we are working on a female specific libido boosting formula that should hopefully launch within a couple of months of it as well. So its a subject that I've put a lot of time into researching over the last 6 months or so.