Feel like **** during bulk


Well-known member
Jul 23, 2014
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Okay guys this is my first time bulking with a control diet and a girlfriend that's cooking me all my meals so I'm actually doing it properly for the first time ever in my life. I'm in a huge surplus and I'm bloated and I'm tired all the time and just generally feel like dogshit. I simplified my cycle to just 500mg of test with arimidex for estrogen and 1.4iu daily GH for optimal igf levels. I'm always bloated, tired, have acid reflux and Generally unhappy lol. Scale is going up tho. I'm eating clean food by the way we're talking lean meat lots of rice or potato and eggs. Is it normal to feel like **** when bulking?
What kind of surplus are we talking? If you are eating in a huge surplus id expect it to be uncomfertable. If its not that huge than Id look into changing the foods that doesnt seem to agree with you.

Read up on Stan Efferdings Vertical Diet. He fed some of the biggest human beings on this planet and made them go from eating and shitting at the same time to perfect bowel movments and no bloating what so ever.
What kind of surplus are we talking? If you are eating in a huge surplus id expect it to be uncomfertable. If its not that huge than Id look into changing the foods that doesnt seem to agree with you.

Read up on Stan Efferdings Vertical Diet. He fed some of the biggest human beings on this planet and made them go from eating and shitting at the same time to perfect bowel movments and no bloating what so ever.

Around 300g protein, 350 carbs, 90g fat.

That's the macros. I don't know the exact calories but I'm sure it's over 3,000.

I mean, this diet is from my coach and it's working as the scale is going up, I just feel like im dying lmao. I just feel so sluggish and awful
Hm yeah thats not a lot of food so its weird that you should feel that bad on it. Protein is pretty cray high so that might have something to do with it. But other than that you myabe should look into more easy digestable food option. Maybe some of the foods you are eating are high-FODMAP.


If you are used to much lower food, would be a lot easier on your digestion to increase it slowly rather than all at once. Your metabolism needs to ramp up over time, spread the meals out with smaller portions. If you are still having trouble, drop things little by little to see what you aren’t digesting. Psyllium husk and digestive enzymes can help a lot as well.
It's because you have been in a deficit for most of your lifting career. 3000 calories is baby food. (Yourva little over 3200) My maintenance calories are 3000 currently. When I'm working on a construction site mid summer my calories are over 4000. My recent weight loss from 218-200 was done eating around 3000 calories per day.

Also given your bodyweight I would cut your protein down to 180-200 and you should probably be eating the bulk of your calories from carbs.

I've seen a lot of your stuff over the years and the 1 thing that's been holding you back is your low calorie diet. I think you might have just made too big of a initial jump but your eventually gonna need to eat more, and then more and more again if you wanna gain any significant amount of size.

Start your day off with a 1200 calorie shake.

12 oz Lactose free fairlife milk, 2 bananas, 2 scoops whey, 2 servings of peanut butter.

You can drink that in 30 seconds and it won't keep you full very long
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I don't think most ppl should drink shakes but I think if 3000 is hard to stomach then some shakes will save the day given they don't make you **** your pants lol
It's because you have been in a deficit for most of your lifting career. 3000 calories is baby food. (Yourva little over 3200) My maintenance calories are 3000 currently. When I'm working on a construction site mid summer my calories are over 4000. My recent weight loss from 218-200 was done eating around 3000 calories per day.

Also given your bodyweight I would cut your protein down to 180-200 and you should probably be eating the bulk of your calories from carbs.

I've seen a lot of your stuff over the years and the 1 thing that's been holding you back is your low calorie diet. I think you might have just made too big of a initial jump but your eventually gonna need to eat more, and then more and more again if you wanna gain any significant amount of size.

Start your day off with a 1200 calorie shake.

12 oz Lactose free fairlife milk, 2 bananas, 2 scoops whey, 2 servings of peanut butter.

You can drink that in 30 seconds and it won't keep you full very long

Awesome bro I appreciate that! And yes you're absolutely correct my diet has always sucked. The only time I could eat a ton of calories was if I was eating at a steak house or putting down burgers. It was always so difficult for me to consume high calories from clean food. now I'm paying for it. The good news is I got a Colombian woman pouring flavored spicy sauce stuff all over my rice making it able for me to eat when I'm too full and basically doing all my cooking for me. But still I don't always get to meal 6. It's just so damn difficult but I'm trying my best. I'm gonna ask my coach about the shake
Awesome bro I appreciate that! And yes you're absolutely correct my diet has always sucked. The only time I could eat a ton of calories was if I was eating at a steak house or putting down burgers. It was always so difficult for me to consume high calories from clean food. now I'm paying for it. The good news is I got a Colombian woman pouring flavored spicy sauce stuff all over my rice making it able for me to eat when I'm too full and basically doing all my cooking for me. But still I don't always get to meal 6. It's just so damn difficult but I'm trying my best. I'm gonna ask my coach about the shake
Diet is the most important part. It's what separates guys like us from guys who are fookin huge. 5 years of never missing a meal (even on moderate cycles, would probably make a 50lb difference on the average persons physique. Once I get up over 215 I start getting fat because it's fukin hard to eat 4000 cal in healthy food so I gotta start adding the junk in. If I did it intelligent it would be fine but once I pop I just can't stop lol. Work the junk into your diet as necessary but try to be strategic. If your plan is 6 meals then don't eat 3 and a cheat or your missing calories, but you also don't wanna eat crap all day.

I like to throw in Chinese take out on my planned cheats. Lots of carbs, goes down easy and your hungry again in a hour or 2 lol. But When I crack into the oreos or pop tarts it's game over tho lol
Yep just gotta keep upping the calories slowly until your metabolism is used to it, that’s why it’s preferred to eat every 3 hours or so. You’ll be blown away by how much easier it is to eat once you go a few weeks without missing a meal. I spent most of this past year above 5k calories and didn’t really have a hard time at all
Diet is the most important part. It's what separates guys like us from guys who are fookin huge. 5 years of never missing a meal (even on moderate cycles, would probably make a 50lb difference on the average persons physique. Once I get up over 215 I start getting fat because it's fukin hard to eat 4000 cal in healthy food so I gotta start adding the junk in. If I did it intelligent it would be fine but once I pop I just can't stop lol. Work the junk into your diet as necessary but try to be strategic. If your plan is 6 meals then don't eat 3 and a cheat or your missing calories, but you also don't wanna eat crap all day.

I like to throw in Chinese take out on my planned cheats. Lots of carbs, goes down easy and your hungry again in a hour or 2 lol. But When I crack into the oreos or pop tarts it's game over tho lol

I almost made all my meals today. I work late nights so I sleep all day and wake up in the afternoon. 4th of July weekend so I'm off till Wednesday. Woke up at 3pm today started my meals when out on my motorcycle, I stayed up all night long to eat all my meals. By 5am I'm on meal 5 which is steak and a bagel, then I pass out but I set my alarm for 9am to eat meal 6 which is 7 eggs. I wake up at 9am, and I was SO BLOATED. Dude I made the eggs but I just put them in the fridge and drank a fiber shake and now I'm in bed propped upright trying to sleep against the wall because the bloating and acid reflux im dealing with is crazy right now. Hopefully I'll get all 6 in tommorow
I almost made all my meals today. I work late nights so I sleep all day and wake up in the afternoon. 4th of July weekend so I'm off till Wednesday. Woke up at 3pm today started my meals when out on my motorcycle, I stayed up all night long to eat all my meals. By 5am I'm on meal 5 which is steak and a bagel, then I pass out but I set my alarm for 9am to eat meal 6 which is 7 eggs. I wake up at 9am, and I was SO BLOATED. Dude I made the eggs but I just put them in the fridge and drank a fiber shake and now I'm in bed propped upright trying to sleep against the wall because the bloating and acid reflux im dealing with is crazy right now. Hopefully I'll get all 6 in tommorow
I think someone already mentioned it but I would look into the vertical diet and yiu could probably eliminate some of the foods causing bloating. You can also take some digestive enzymes and replace some carbs with pineapple and fermented foods to help digestion. Pineapple must be real fresh pineapple because most of those enzymes get lost in the canning process.

Make sure your sauces are not tomato or citrus based and finally I'd take a 1/2tsp of baking soda mixed with water every night or morning
I think someone already mentioned it but I would look into the vertical diet and yiu could probably eliminate some of the foods causing bloating. You can also take some digestive enzymes and replace some carbs with pineapple and fermented foods to help digestion. Pineapple must be real fresh pineapple because most of those enzymes get lost in the canning process.

Make sure your sauces are not tomato or citrus based and finally I'd take a 1/2tsp of baking soda mixed with water every night or morning

Half a teaspoon of baking soda with water? Ok. Every morning I do lemon juice, apple cider vinegar and glutamine. Could I mix baking soda with that or will it cause some chemical reaction like pop rocks and cola and make me explode