Feedback on supplement stack appreciated


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So.. I'm 24 yrs old, 6'1 and 186 lbs (as of today), bf% being about 8% (as of early winter, haven't got it checked recently but probably hasn't gone up more than 2% or so I'd imagine). I also don't know if I buy the bf% with the calipers, since abs are just about visible which seems like more than 8%....

Done some natural stacks in the past and had decent experience with them and now felt that it was time to get a little boost. So I decided that I wanted to try the Trifecta stack, and in the process got some I-GH-1 and GHenerate as well.
As a side note I might also hop on some Pre-workout supp (after using some of my workout partners after some time of it...), or add something else - I'm open to suggestions.

What I wanted to ask was whether I should run the I-GH-1 and GHenerate (which I heard go well together) alongside the Trifecta, or if I should save those for later. Also considering adding the T-911 to the Formadrol which seems popular, but might be overkill? As well, is a PW supp. worth it while running the Trifecta stack?

I'm looking to put on as much as possible this late winter/early spring, so gonna up the calories significantly and go hard. Wanna get the most out of it, so wanted to ask these questions. Short term goal being 195lbs, long term 205-210lbs at around 7-8bf%. (At least for starters :) )

Other essentials such as BCAA's, multivitamin, already taken care of, of course.

Feedback appreciated, might also log this if I'm feeling up for it (probably good in order to design a good routine), and if the interest is there ;)


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Done some natural stacks in the past and had decent experience with them and now felt that it was time to get a little boost. So I decided that I wanted to try the Trifecta stack, and in the process got some I-GH-1 and GHenerate as well.
As a side note I might also hop on some Pre-workout supp (after using some of my workout partners after some time of it...), or add something else - I'm open to suggestions.

I think your on the right track here. I am running the GHenerate during the actual run, and it was recommended to do the same with the I-GH-1.
Also adding the T-911 in the PCT is a great idea.

I start my stack next week and mscleaddictin is running a great log right now in this section. His log is very detailed and informative and will definitely help lead the way for your run...

I'm sure Flex99 or Liftergym33 will be on to help answer your questions also.

Good luck...


New member
Sweet, thanks.

Yeah, looked over mscleaddictin's log now and looks great, a lot of detail as you said. Hoping I can start up within a week too, always looking forward to try new stuff :)

Going to try and look over dosing and stuff like that when it gets closer, but I'm sure I can use you guys' logs as guidelines.

Just thinking if there's anything else interesting I can add but maybe I should just settle for this for now hehe :p


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For a PWO you might want to try Anadrualic State GT
Not over-stimmed and really compliments my workouts.

My thought is just don't throw in so many things your not sure what's working and what's not. The Trifecta with those few added goodies should do you well.

It sounds like you have things all lined up...


New member
Alright, getting all my stuff tomorrow! :D

Trying to figure out the whole dosing schedule... Standard seems to be like 4-5 MMv3 and 5-6 M1D, so if I stick to around 5/per day it should give me roughly 4 weeks which is good. Would appreciate some help with planning the dosing for these two. Trying to figure something out with the help of mscleaddictin's schedule, but it's kinda tough. Guess doing the GHenerate and I-GH-1 pre-workout and at bedtime seems like the way to go at least?

So, really, just a little confused about how to split up the MMv3 and M1D dosing.... Usually wake up around 10AM, lift around 6-7PM, and sleep around 1:30AM....

Thanks for any help I can get! :)


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Flex or LG33 will see this and help time things out for you...

4 weeks is a good run from what I have read and the PCT should be 3-4 weeks.

I'll follow the log if you put one up. I start my run on Monday.


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Alright, getting all my stuff tomorrow! :D

Trying to figure out the whole dosing schedule... Standard seems to be like 4-5 MMv3 and 5-6 M1D, so if I stick to around 5/per day it should give me roughly 4 weeks which is good. Would appreciate some help with planning the dosing for these two. Trying to figure something out with the help of mscleaddictin's schedule, but it's kinda tough. Guess doing the GHenerate and I-GH-1 pre-workout and at bedtime seems like the way to go at least?

So, really, just a little confused about how to split up the MMv3 and M1D dosing.... Usually wake up around 10AM, lift around 6-7PM, and sleep around 1:30AM....

Thanks for any help I can get! :)
Just spread the doses evenly. Id take M1D with a meal, MMv3 doesnt have to be taken at the same time, it can, but doesnt have to. Try and get one in preworkout. Take Ghenerate before bed and before workout, and use the IGH1 prebed as well.


New member
Thanks, I'm gonna set this up today and have everything in order on Sunday so I can start this on Monday!

This is what we have to play with:

Anadraulic Pump
I-GH-1 + GHenerate
+ a little bit of Postal

Should I add on the ASGT and Pump to the Trifecta stack, or hold these off?

Now I feel kinda forced to get some T-911 to go along with the Formadrol as well haha :)


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Look sliek FLex has you covererd!, Ive been away, only had my phone which sucked!

let us know if you need anything.;)


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OK, so I'm running this stack at 6 M1D/5 MMv3 a day, and now that I was gonna order some other stuff I realized that I'm gonna need more bottles to even keep this running for 4 weeks, heh...
Since I'm getting more bottles, would it be fine to run it for like 5-6 weeks just 'cause I have it then? Would I have to extend the Formadrol run then as well? Or is like 3 weeks still fine? Gonna add the T-911 to the PCT I think.



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6 weeks is a solid run on this, no issue there

I would definitely throw the T-911 in the PCT


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Thought I'd give a little update on how things are going:

I started my 4th week today, really liking it now after the 3rd week since I have to admit I had trouble noticing any effects the first two weeks....

GHenerate + I-GH-1 is working well alongside this stack, making me get some good sleep and had no issues with soreness, joints etc.

Results-wise I'm up a nice 7lbs, which I really like in 3 weeks :) Trying to put on weight during this stack so it will be interesting to see how the rest will play out. I don't feel like I've put on much fat. However, I'm going to check my BF% this week to make sure.

Pretty much got some nice increases strength-wise on all muscle groups as well (tri's not showing as much improvement for some reason, have to look over that).

Sooo, 3 weeks in, +7lbs (at 194lbs now, going for 200 :).... If I could pull that off it would be amazing)

On another note, I'm a little concerned. I was slacking way too much with ordering my other two bottles of M1D and MMv3, and I don't think I'll have them until Wed/Thur... My problem is that I've calculated that I think I'm gonna run out on the first two bottles on Wednesday, hopefully I will have the two new bottles by then but what do I do otherwise? Should I just go a day without it and then just resume the stack for 2 more weeks (6 total) like nothing happened?

Came out to be quite a long post... Last question kind of the most important right now...


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I would cut the dose down until you receive the bottles, this way it stays active in your system. Better then to go with out;)


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I would cut the dose down until you receive the bottles, this way it stays active in your system. Better then to go with out;)
Ohh, well that was kind of a simple solution! Haha, thanks a lot. That should take care of the problem ;)

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