Ezekiel bread Vs Old fashion oats for breakfast



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What would be better for breakfast??They are both low in GI value, No added sugars, good amount of protein and high in fiber? Any pro's and cons besides that old fashion oats are cheaper?? thanks


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I would assume that the only difference is that the oats have been processed futher than the Ezekial bread. Will it make a difference? Nothing that I'd be worried about. Keeping up with the Ezekial bread can take a huge GI toll on your wallet, resulting in poor bioavailibility of funds. Gastrointestinal discomfort can occur here during realization.


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I would assume that the only difference is that the oats have been processed futher than the Ezekial bread. Will it make a difference? Nothing that I'd be worried about. Keeping up with the Ezekial bread can take a huge GI toll on your wallet, resulting in poor bioavailibility of funds. Gastrointestinal discomfort can occur here during realization.
haha yeah true that


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You're saying ezekiel bread is superior to oats?

Are you serious? Ezekiel bread has got to be more processed than oats.


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You're saying ezekiel bread is superior to oats?

Are you serious? Ezekiel bread has got to be more processed than oats.
No, what I was implying is that Ezekial bread would be appear to be the more natural, pure source of sprouted bread, as compared to the mass-produced oats.
If anything, it is my opinion that neither is *superior* to the other. Ezekial bread may have the slightest edge, but the difference is negligable. I can see replacing the average stop-and-shop wheat bread with Ezekial sprouted bread, but oats... I don't see what is to be gained.


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I would assume that the only difference is that the oats have been processed futher than the Ezekial bread. Will it make a difference? Nothing that I'd be worried about. Keeping up with the Ezekial bread can take a huge GI toll on your wallet, resulting in poor bioavailibility of funds. Gastrointestinal discomfort can occur here during realization.
yeah Ezekial bread is expensive $4 for a loaf which will last you a week. Or you can get price rite old fashion oats for $1 and it will last you probally a month hahah. I read that umm Jay Cutlet eats alot of the Ezekial bread. IMO Ezekial bread will be the only bread i will ever eat because its low in gi (36) and it doesnt taste bad at all!


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Not considering cost, I'd have to say Ezekial is better. For one thing, it's got seven different grains and legumes, as opposed to just oats.

For another thing, these are all sprouted, which adds a lot to the nutritional profile. Variety of foods is always important in nutrition and this bread contains a variety of seven diff foods, as i said.

That means it's probably a more well rounded choice and i believe it's even considered a complete protein, which can't be said of oats.

In addition, you can toast it and dress it up w/ natural pb, sugar free fruit spread or apple butter, etc. One of my fav. things to put on it is an omega spread butter sub. that's rich in omega fats.


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Not considering cost, I'd have to say Ezekial is better. For one thing, it's got seven different grains and legumes, as opposed to just oats.

For another thing, these are all sprouted, which adds a lot to the nutritional profile. Variety of foods is always important in nutrition and this bread contains a variety of seven diff foods, as i said.

That means it's probably a more well rounded choice and i believe it's even considered a complete protein, which can't be said of oats.

In addition, you can toast it and dress it up w/ natural pb, sugar free fruit spread or apple butter, etc. One of my fav. things to put on it is an omega spread butter sub. that's rich in omega fats.
Okay, the reason why I started this thread is because I spoke with a natural bodybuilder who won lots of championships the other day and And I asked him about Ezekiel bread and he simply quoted "bodybuilders dont eat bread" ....


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Okay, the reason why I started this thread is because I spoke with a natural bodybuilder who won lots of championships the other day and And I asked him about Ezekiel bread and he simply quoted "bodybuilders dont eat bread" ....
I bet most bodybuilders would disagree w/ him. Ezekial bread is different from most breads, though, since it doesn't contain any flour. It's seven diff. sprouted grains. I'm pretty sure that if he knew what it really was, he'd change his answer.


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This is obviously a smear article. The author knows little about grains and their value. People may have considered millet "poor man's food" throughout history, but any nutritionist will tell you that it's the single most nutritious grain there is. Quinoa would be the second.

Whole wheat bread was also considered peasant bread at one time, as the wealthy classes would eat the more socially acceptable white bread.

Personally, I'm not worried at all about the historical perceptions of foods, but rather there real nutritional value in to me today. There's no denying that Ezekial bread is extremely nutritious and beneficial to bodybuilders. Oats are great, but this bread still beats it 7 grains to 1.


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Can't make a tuna sandwich out of oatmeal. Tuna and sprouted grains FTW. :)


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Okay, the reason why I started this thread is because I spoke with a natural bodybuilder who won lots of championships the other day and And I asked him about Ezekiel bread and he simply quoted "bodybuilders dont eat bread" ....
I doubt the guy knows what Ezekial bread is and that it doesn't contain any flour. Comparing Ezekial bread with any other bread is just not comparing apples to apples.


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I doubt the guy knows what Ezekial bread is and that it doesn't contain any flour. Comparing Ezekial bread with any other bread is just not comparing apples to apples.
Exactly. It's on an entirely diff. level than standard, and even whole wheat bread. If you're cutting, it's great because it's so filling. It would be an easy way to kill hunger pangs and get you through to the next meal by just having a piece or two of toast or something.


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I agree with both of you guys. Either way, I think the best option would be to include both of them in your diet. It doesn't have to be one or the other.

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