Exterminate Fat Burner (Huge Supplements) Review


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Gave Me Diarrhea (0 stars)

I typically have a cast iron stomach and a pretty high tolerance for almost anything so I was surprised at my reaction to this product.

Day one: I noticed that Exterminate seemed to give me a bit of gas but nothing to be overly concerned with. The issues arose on day 2...

Day two: Mid-afternoon I found myself furiously sprinting to the bathroom (barely made it in time) where I proceeded to unload a torrential stream of explosive liquid diarrhea that completely splattered the entire bowl (including the underside of the seat which I didn’t think was possible). Initially I didn't think that it was the Exterminate and assumed that it may have possibly been something that I ate (which in and of itself would have been highly unusual due to my typically cast-iron stomach).

Day three: Not convinced that the previous days intestinal distress was the supplement I took Exterminate again but cut back on the dosage. Mid-afternoon it was the same thing...an extreme urge to dash to the bathroom (fortunately I'm retired so I was at home). This time while not completely liquid what was produced was the consistency of funnel cake batter. Upon inspecting my handiwork, the bowl had actually taken on the appearance of a deep fryer with a large swirl of "batter" contained within it.

Day four: Needless to say, I dropped the Exterminate. What I was eating was pretty much identical to what I had been consuming for the previous three days. Everything seemed to be back to normal.

Regretfully I had to conclude that it was the Exterminate that had triggered such an extreme reaction. There must be something in this that I must be allergic to because I've never experienced this kind of response to a supplement before. I threw out the remainder of the bottle. I couldn't very well give it to anybody. What could I tell them? “This stuff had me on the toilet for two days blowing out liquid feces. Do you want to give it a try to see how it goes down for you?”

I’ve purchased other supplements from Huge before and they were always good. Unfortunately, this one was a big miss for me and has put me off any desire to buy fat burners any time soon.
Have you ever used anything with Forskolin before? Just curious, because 'low quality' extracts of forskolin can cause a lot of stomach problems. Everything you described sounds like its coming from that haha.

EDIT: And just looked... they aren't using ForsLean forskolin, aka it's probably a cheap extract. Thats likely the culprit.
I’ve purchased other supplements from Huge before and they were always good. Unfortunately, this one was a big miss for me and has put me off any desire to buy fat burners any time soon.

I'm sorry to hear that you had the happen to you with any product from any company.

I would encourage you or anyone to not judge an entire category of supplements based off of one product.

It's not fair to companies that do things the right way, but most importantly its not fair for a person to do that to themselves bc it can hinder them from reaching their fat loss goals.

There are many bad supplements in every category - prop blends, underdosed ingredients, terrible formulations, poor quality ingredients or extracts, etc.

There are also good supplements in every category too though - like in this case, there are a good variety of products to choose from that can help you reach your fat loss goals.

You can find a lot of great feedback here on Lean Edge, Thermo Scorch, LipoVantage, MitoBurn XT, Reduce XT, and TTA-500 if you're looking for stimulant free fat loss products.

Lean Edge has been the #1 ranked fat burner on Stack3d for several years now.

If you're looking for stimulant products, you can find a lot of great feedback on Lipo Elite and the new Thermagize XT. Feedback on the new Thermagize XT has been excellent:

Have you ever used anything with Forskolin before? Just curious, because 'low quality' extracts of forskolin can cause a lot of stomach problems. Everything you described sounds like its coming from that haha.

EDIT: And just looked... they aren't using ForsLean forskolin, aka it's probably a cheap extract. Thats likely the culprit.

That would be my first thought too - that it was the forskolin and then some of the other ingredients may have contributed to making it worse but may have not bothered it on their own if wasn't already upset from the forskolin.

A lot of people don't realize that its not the Forskolin itself that usually causes the stomach upset, its the other things in the herb; and when buying Forslean, they're not just buying the name, Sabinsa has production patents that relate to the way that it is made.

There are very few people that get stomach upset from Forslean, and out of those, even fewer that get stomach upset off of the 95% versus the lower standardizations of it like the 20% or 10%.

Something else that a lot of people don't realize is that if you do get stomach upset from Forslean 95%, its likely not for the same reason that you would from forskolin. Some people get stomach upset from their cAMP levels going up - and if you fall into that category, the reason you get a stomach upset from it is actually just bc its working.

(That's the case in a low % of people with cAMP supplements and cAMP drugs is that some people are sensitive to their cAMP levels increasing and it may cause stomach upset).

That's why for us, we don't use forskolin in any formulas, but offer the Forslean 95% as a standalone product, Forskolin XT; that way people can try it for themselves and dose it however they'd like and stack it with whatever they'd like.
Our Invalid Link Removed handcraft each arrangement with care and creativity, ensuring every piece is a work of art. We source our flowers from the finest growers, guaranteeing high quality and long-lasting beauty. With a wide selection of seasonal flowers, unique plants, and charming gifts, we have something for everyone
I assume you are offering flowers for the celebration of life ceremony of johnl1800's toilet.
That is very generous of you.