Essential And NonEssential Fatty Acids Funtion In Intellgence
Fish has been known for over two hundred years as a ?brain food?. Why is this? Because brain health and intelligence requires the rich supply of omega 3 essential fatty acids that are found in fish.
DHA is one of the omega 3 essential fatty acids that contributes to the formation of synaptic connections in the brain, thereby aiding intelligence. The synaptic connections are what makes it possible to send messages around the body and brain. They must function properly for the brain to operate at optimal levels.
Fat comprises the primary portion of the brain and DHA is a large portion of that. In order for the brain to develop and function properly, DHA is essential. Breast milk has a higher concentration of DHA than infant formula or even cow's milk, so this is the most likely reason that it has been proven that breast-fed children are more highly intelligent than those who are fed formula.
Another essential fatty acid for intelligence is alpha linolenic acid, or ALA. The ability to cope with stress, learn, IQ, be calm and improve mood is promoted by ALA. DHA and EPA, another fatty acid can be made from ALA, so DHA supplements may not be needed if you are getting enough ALA.
A common learning problem in today's schools, attention deficit disorder, has been linked to the lack in the ordinary diet of omega 3 fatty acids. Intelligence, behavior and the ability to concentrate and learn are affected because children often do not get the right balance of both non-essential and essential fatty acids.
In his book ?The Omega3 Connection?, Andrew L Stoll MD says ?The implications of omega-3 deficiency on the brain are profound and span the entire human life cycle. Beginning in pregnancy, premature birth and its potential neurologic complications may result from omega 3 deficiency. Babies who are bottle-fed or born from Invalid Link Removed mothers will lack the omega-3 fatty acids necessary for optimal cognitive and visual development. Children deprived of omega 3s may have less ability to pay attention and control impulsive behavior and may be at a higher risk for depression. Teenagers and adults with omega 3 deficiency may be more prone to hostility or violence. In ageing, the loss of omega 3 fatty acids in the brain may result in a higher risk of stroke, memory problems, or dementia. Individuals of any age without adequate amounts of omega 3 fatty acids in the brain and body may also be at a higher risk for depression, bipolar disorder, and possibly other psychiatric disorders.?
It is clearly seen that for children to have the right brain development and for proper brain function, the right balance of non-essential and essential fatty acids is required. DHA, ALA and other omega 3 fatty acids are very necessary for the brain to function at optimum levels.
You can also find more information at Invalid Link Removed and Invalid Link Removed. OmegaFlaxSeedOil.com is a comprehensive resource to help individuals gain the benefits of essential nutrition such as flax seed oil, omega 3 and vitamin B12.
By: Julie Wellsworth
Fish has been known for over two hundred years as a ?brain food?. Why is this? Because brain health and intelligence requires the rich supply of omega 3 essential fatty acids that are found in fish.
DHA is one of the omega 3 essential fatty acids that contributes to the formation of synaptic connections in the brain, thereby aiding intelligence. The synaptic connections are what makes it possible to send messages around the body and brain. They must function properly for the brain to operate at optimal levels.
Fat comprises the primary portion of the brain and DHA is a large portion of that. In order for the brain to develop and function properly, DHA is essential. Breast milk has a higher concentration of DHA than infant formula or even cow's milk, so this is the most likely reason that it has been proven that breast-fed children are more highly intelligent than those who are fed formula.
Another essential fatty acid for intelligence is alpha linolenic acid, or ALA. The ability to cope with stress, learn, IQ, be calm and improve mood is promoted by ALA. DHA and EPA, another fatty acid can be made from ALA, so DHA supplements may not be needed if you are getting enough ALA.
A common learning problem in today's schools, attention deficit disorder, has been linked to the lack in the ordinary diet of omega 3 fatty acids. Intelligence, behavior and the ability to concentrate and learn are affected because children often do not get the right balance of both non-essential and essential fatty acids.
In his book ?The Omega3 Connection?, Andrew L Stoll MD says ?The implications of omega-3 deficiency on the brain are profound and span the entire human life cycle. Beginning in pregnancy, premature birth and its potential neurologic complications may result from omega 3 deficiency. Babies who are bottle-fed or born from Invalid Link Removed mothers will lack the omega-3 fatty acids necessary for optimal cognitive and visual development. Children deprived of omega 3s may have less ability to pay attention and control impulsive behavior and may be at a higher risk for depression. Teenagers and adults with omega 3 deficiency may be more prone to hostility or violence. In ageing, the loss of omega 3 fatty acids in the brain may result in a higher risk of stroke, memory problems, or dementia. Individuals of any age without adequate amounts of omega 3 fatty acids in the brain and body may also be at a higher risk for depression, bipolar disorder, and possibly other psychiatric disorders.?
It is clearly seen that for children to have the right brain development and for proper brain function, the right balance of non-essential and essential fatty acids is required. DHA, ALA and other omega 3 fatty acids are very necessary for the brain to function at optimum levels.
You can also find more information at Invalid Link Removed and Invalid Link Removed. OmegaFlaxSeedOil.com is a comprehensive resource to help individuals gain the benefits of essential nutrition such as flax seed oil, omega 3 and vitamin B12.
By: Julie Wellsworth