Erase+DAA+Alpha T2 Recomp/fat loss


I am into my 6th week cut from about 97kgs currently holding around 87-88kgs.
Diet is pretty much a high protein, mod fat, low carb. Currently only one my staples, amino acids, caffeine before workouts.
I have run DAA 3 cycles b4, and about 1 week ago I started another cycle.
I am close to 12% bf right now and my calorie intake and spread looks something like this:

300g protein (1200)
90g carbs (360)
45g fats (405)
Total: 1965 cals

I have 2 questions:

Should I manipulate my cal intake? Thinking of adding more fat and cutting a lot off my protein and a little off my carbs.

maybe 250p, 80f, 75c

Second: I have been dieting for about 6 weeks.
Should I break? or should I just continue?

Thanks in advanced
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

The Female Terminator
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I am into my 6th week cut from about 97kgs currently holding around 87-88kgs.
Diet is pretty much a high protein, mod fat, low carb. Currently only one my staples, amino acids, caffeine before workouts.
I have run DAA 3 cycles b4, and about 1 week ago I started another cycle.
I am close to 12% bf right now and my calorie intake and spread looks something like this:

300g protein (1200)
90g carbs (360)
45g fats (405)
Total: 1965 cals

I have 2 questions:

Should I manipulate my cal intake? Thinking of adding more fat and cutting a lot off my protein and a little off my carbs.

maybe 250p, 80f, 75c

Second: I have been dieting for about 6 weeks.
Should I break? or should I just continue?

Thanks in advanced
If you've been dieting for six weeks at a perpetual LESS than Maintenance caloric intake, then YES, you should be manipulating your caloric intake. However, NOT by decreasing them even lower - if you are resistance training, then you're just likely to push your body closer to a starvation state, and I recommend actually CALORIE CYCLING (a lot of information out there on this, so do some research) instead, since that's the BEST nutritional method for fat loss, IMO.



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If you've been dieting for six weeks at a perpetual LESS than Maintenance caloric intake, then YES, you should be manipulating your caloric intake. However, NOT by decreasing them even lower - if you are resistance training, then you're just likely to push your body closer to a starvation state, and I recommend actually CALORIE CYCLING (a lot of information out there on this, so do some research) instead, since that's the BEST nutritional method for fat loss, IMO.

Very sound advice.


Thanks, I think I will as I am gaining weight on a 1800 cal diet...

I noticed you like the velocity workouts, do you also like the diet?
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

The Female Terminator
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Thanks, I think I will as I am gaining weight on a 1800 cal diet...

I noticed you like the velocity workouts, do you also like the diet?
Not sure how you can be GAINING weight on only 1,800 calories - I wouldn't even go that low for cutting!

Well, no, I do not like the Velocity Training Programme as it stands - there is not enough volume for me, and only training for four ~20-minute sessions a week is akin to me being sedentary, which is why I modified it to suit me.

Re the Velocity Diet, I don't diet, and no, I've never tried it - definitely NOT healthy and certainly not something that is very sustainable (if you're training as little as recommended, it could be ok for a week at best, but I would never recommend something so ridiculous re calories for anything longer than a few days).



Yea after reading your logs and stuff today I realize you would never advise that diet.

Im gonna ease myself back on maintenance because for a 88kg 177cm guy... 1800cals is just tooo low.
Gonna up my carbs and keep protein around 200g, fats around 50-60g. rest carbs and slowly up them, I'll use the mirror as a guide.

Oh and Thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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