Epistane + Estrogen?



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Has anyone on here done bloodwork while on Epistane? I've looked the Internet but so many people seem to side step bloodwork! It's actually scary how many people take ped's and don't do bloods to just see what's happening to their hormones.

I've just added epistane 20mg a day for a few weeks to my trt.

I've been on it a few days and it feels like it's lowering my estrogen? I will know 100% next week what it's doing. I've just ordered a new bloodwork kit. I've spent over £1000 / $1500 this year on bloodwork. I was taking test without any bloodwork for a while without any bloods and I was all over the place. I've got it dialled in perfect now though.

Just wondered if anyone else has run it and noticed estrogen lowering properties?. Some say it does and some say it doesn't.

I know when my estrogen is getting low usually if I don't get morning wood for a few days.

I will post all my results for future searches though. Estrogen/Lipids etc. Just will let others know.



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Ya it can lower your estrogen a decent bit. Back in the days some guys swore it reversed gyno but i dont buy that bs. Lots of dht type steroids will act "kinda" like serms or ai. Mast, primo, winni, epistane, proviron and a few others. I know quite a few ppl that perfer epistane over winni, and im one of them🙋‍♂️


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Ya it can lower your estrogen a decent bit. Back in the days some guys swore it reversed gyno but i dont buy that bs. Lots of dht type steroids will act "kinda" like serms or ai. Mast, primo, winni, epistane, proviron and a few others. I know quite a few ppl that perfer epistane over winni, and im one of them🙋‍♂️
I've just sent my bloods away today. I will post my results. I do think it's affecting my estrogen but without bloods I'm just guessing.


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Thought I would update this.

Does epistane lower estrogen? Yes

My bloodwork showed a drop from 61pg/ml to 37pg/ml. So it's dropped it a fair amount. This is on 20mg epistane split over x2 a day.

It does lower estrogen but doesn't really crash it. I suspect the higher the dose the higher the drop.

My test is at 1200ng/dl and 37pg/ml estrogen. 140mg test + 20mg epistane.

Epistane is the only addition to my trt also. Not even added in DIM + Calcium D Glucarate.

With my test levels being so high I wouldn't want estrogen to be any lower tbh. Everyone will react different to estrogen levels though. Some prefer lower some prefer higher.

Just hope this helps anyone in the future.


Has anyone on here done bloodwork while on Epistane? I've looked the Internet but so many people seem to side step bloodwork! It's actually scary how many people take ped's and don't do bloods to just see what's happening to their hormones.

I've just added epistane 20mg a day for a few weeks to my trt.

I've been on it a few days and it feels like it's lowering my estrogen? I will know 100% next week what it's doing. I've just ordered a new bloodwork kit. I've spent over £1000 / $1500 this year on bloodwork. I was taking test without any bloodwork for a while without any bloods and I was all over the place. I've got it dialled in perfect now though.

Just wondered if anyone else has run it and noticed estrogen lowering properties?. Some say it does and some say it doesn't.

I know when my estrogen is getting low usually if I don't get morning wood for a few days.

I will post all my results for future searches though. Estrogen/Lipids etc. Just will let others know.

It’s amazing how many people use steroids and never do any research on them!


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Nice to have some labs. I didn’t think it would drop that much at 20mg but good to know!$

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