Enclomiphene referrals


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I'm trying to find a reputable US-based vendor that sells pure Enclomiphene Citrate. I have suspicion that my current supplier has been incorporating an AI into their liquid, as my E2 crashes and is almost unmeasurable. Please post here or DM me with any referrals! I have heard of 50mg En-Clofert tablets that can be purchased online overseas, such as from India, though there's speculation that some international vendors are selling plain Clomid.



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I'm trying to find a reputable US-based vendor that sells pure Enclomiphene Citrate. I have suspicion that my current supplier has been incorporating an AI into their liquid, as my E2 crashes and is almost unmeasurable. Please post here or DM me with any referrals! I have heard of 50mg En-Clofert tablets that can be purchased online overseas, such as from India, though there's speculation that some international vendors are selling plain Clomid.

Asking for research chemical company enclo is ok but the overseas India is sourcing and not allowed


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Meaning outside of research chem catagory no1 can tell you where to purchase


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As far as I know the only few research companies I would trust sell clomid, not enclo


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Enclomiphene is used to raise serum total testosterone levels while maintaining sperm counts in the normal range in men with secondary hypogonadism
Why are you on this site?


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I used research company Amino Asylum's Enclomiphene. I didn't get it tested in a lab to confirm its not clomid. I did 12.5mg dose for one month, followed by 6.25mg for two months for my PCT. I didn't get any side effects besides some acne at the end of the 12.5mg month. I didn't get the emotional side effects that I get from Clomid but the dose is lower than what I would run Clomid at so who knows. Overall I liked it. I don't have bloods but feel back to normal. I came off a two year blast and cruise.


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Does anyone have any feedback on this international vendor based in the UK called "receptor chems"? Do they have quality enclomiphene citrate? Thanks again!


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So receptor chems was initially responsive, and then went silent when I inquired if their Enclomiphene was pure or mixed with an AI. Pure Rawz claims to have 100% pure Enclomiphene in both tablet and liquid form, though they advertise on their website as US based, though they ship from the EU? They appear to be the most responsive and have offered a 15% new customer discount. Does anyone have any feedback on Pure Rawz? I'm seeing various positive and negative reviews on Reddit for them. I've also reached out to Amino Asylum this week as well and haven't heard back about the purity of their own Enclomiphene product.
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So receptor chems was initially responsive, and then went silent when I inquired if their Enclomiphene was pure or mixed with an AI. Pure Rawz claims to have 100% pure Enclomiphene in both tablet and liquid form, though they advertise on their website as US based, though they ship from the EU? They appear to be the most responsive and have offered a 15% new customer discount. Does anyone have any feedback on Pure Rawz? I'm seeing various positive and negative reviews on Reddit for them. I've also reached out to Amino Asylum this week as well and haven't heard back about the purity of their own Enclomiphene product.
I am not sure what sort of response you think these companies are going to give you. It's not like they are going to be honest if their product is crap. Also when you contact a RC company and state: Your enclomiphene lowered my E too much. They HAVE TO go silent as their product is NOT FOR HUMAN CONSUMPTION so were they to even acknowledge your intake they are exposing themselves to even more risk than they normally carry.

TLDR: Drug dealers will always claim quality. Sometimes they are right and sometimes they are wrong(and know it.)


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I've used a few bottles of Amino asylum enclomiphine. I've also used their chlomid. definitely not the same.


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I am not sure what sort of response you think these companies are going to give you. It's not like they are going to be honest if their product is crap. Also when you contact a RC company and state: Your enclomiphene lowered my E too much. They HAVE TO go silent as their product is NOT FOR HUMAN CONSUMPTION so were they to even acknowledge your intake they are exposing themselves to even more risk than they normally carry.

TLDR: Drug dealers will always claim quality. Sometimes they are right and sometimes they are wrong(and know it.)
I've never mentioned to a RC company anything about bloodwork or consumption of products. I'm not sure where ya got this from. I only inquire if a product is as stated on their website with a COA and also the shelf life, which is very basic fundamental info. I've also inquired if they are mixing in an AI which appears to be the case with most of these RC companies. You are correct though...don't expect honesty.


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I've used a few bottles of Amino asylum enclomiphine. I've also used their chlomid. definitely not the same.
Coincidentally, I just ordered 2 bottles of enclomiphine from Amino Asylum after they provided a recent COA, and a 20% new customer discount. The total was $73 for 2 bottles including shipping, and each bottle has 30 servings of 12.5mg. All of these RC companies are 'hit or miss' according to the countless reviews here and on Reddit. I do appreciate that Amino Asylum has been very responsive and is also based in the US.


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I used research company Amino Asylum's Enclomiphene. I didn't get it tested in a lab to confirm its not clomid. I did 12.5mg dose for one month, followed by 6.25mg for two months for my PCT. I didn't get any side effects besides some acne at the end of the 12.5mg month. I didn't get the emotional side effects that I get from Clomid but the dose is lower than what I would run Clomid at so who knows. Overall I liked it. I don't have bloods but feel back to normal. I came off a two year blast and cruise.
Thanks for the feedback! 12.5mg of enclo daily seems to be the sweet spot, and I've proven many times with bloodwork that it keeps my test at or above my baseline levels during an LGD cycle, with no sides.
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