DZine/MLMG cycle help


So I'm thinking of running a dzine mlmg cycle soon.

Dzine 30/30/45/45/45/45
Mlmg 100mg -6 weeks

But I want some opinions on PCT

I'm going to do

Nolva 20/20/10/10
DAA 3g until it runs out

I'm deciding between using Anabeta third week or using Lean Xtreme/Activate Xtreme/Triazole stack (since nutra has it for a decent price.)

Which would be better to run? And if I ran the stack with the three compounds, how should I dose them and when should I use each(In terms of which week etc)?

Thanks in advance!

gotta get big

  • Established
Take however much money you feel comfortable with burning and spend it on your otc pct...and then boost your Nolva. Word

gotta get big

  • Established

I'll just bump the nolva 30/20/10/10/10 and run DAA with it.
Nice work man. Skeptical on daa, however I believe it is beneficial when test is low (ie in old ppl or post cycle).


Well-known member
  • Established
So I'm thinking of running a dzine mlmg cycle soon.

Dzine 30/30/45/45/45/45
Mlmg 100mg -6 weeks

But I want some opinions on PCT

I'm going to do

Nolva 20/20/10/10
DAA 3g until it runs out

I'm deciding between using Anabeta third week or using Lean Xtreme/Activate Xtreme/Triazole stack (since nutra has it for a decent price.)

Which would be better to run? And if I ran the stack with the three compounds, how should I dose them and when should I use each(In terms of which week etc)?

Thanks in advance!
I always use clomid in my PCTs. Just from what i've read i think it's superior. But i'm not knocking Nolva, it definitely will do the trick. DAA is a solid addition to ANY PCT! You can get some from the NTBM store for 16.99 so it's dirt cheap.

As far as Anabeta or the LX/AX/T stack I would say run them both if you can afford it. I'm entering my 8th week anabeta. I love that stuff. If you do run anabeta make sure you run it for 2-3 bottles in a row. You'll see the best bang for your buck running it like that.

No need to boost your nolva. 20/20/10/10 is sufficient. DAA is a proven supplement. Use it.


Asked a CEL rep and they helped me fix PCT

20/20/20/20 nolva
DAA 3g
Erase 2/2/2/2(starting fourth week of PCT)
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