DTP or DTHC after Dermacrine


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I've just started a 6 week run of Dermacrine at 5 pumps a day, which has 72mg of DHEA in it. Would running DTP for 4 weeks immediately afterwards be too much DHEA and would it be better to take a break from DHEA and use DTHC instead?



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I've just started a 6 week run of Dermacrine at 5 pumps a day, which has 72mg of DHEA in it. Would running DTP for 4 weeks immediately afterwards be too much DHEA and would it be better to take a break from DHEA and use DTHC instead?

Some people take dhea everyday as a HRT option, but I would opt to take a break from dhea for a few weeks, and hit up the DTH.


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Thanks Trip, I was thinking the same thing and, as I haven't tried any Diesel products before, DTHC would be a good place to start anyway an I can give DTP a try later.

I'm not on HRT so don't want to overdo the DHEA.


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I belive that PP recommends doing a very light PCT after Dermacrine. I definetely would not continue usage of anything w/ DHEA for at least 4-6 weeks. Now I'm not saying this from experience, so take it for what you will, just from what I've seen people suggesting here on AM.

Now DTHC and PP's Sustain Alpha would be all you'd need for a Dermacrine PCT and would probably keep making significant progress into and through PCT.

sw bill

Taken from Getdiesel.com info page for DTP - "A "must have" during Post Cycle Treatment (PCT) for fast recovery of the Hypothalamic Pituitary Testicular Axis (HTPA)."


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Taken from Getdiesel.com info page for DTP - "A "must have" during Post Cycle Treatment (PCT) for fast recovery of the Hypothalamic Pituitary Testicular Axis (HTPA)."
A lot of people use DHEA in post cycle at a low dose (50mg or so) to combat cortisol. Usually seen more when coming off heavy cycles though. Taken first thing in the morning will be out of your system by nightime for the most part. The key is to not take it late in the day.


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DHEA will cause a cortisol crash if you're on it too long and then stop. For cortisol blocking PCT fair enough. To go from 1 DHEA/pregnenolone cycle to another isn't ideal. Pregnenalone is part solution to DHEA's cortisol crash so if you were gonna do it running preg. stand alone would help "homeostasis" afterwards if you found you'd fatigue all the time.


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DHEA will cause a cortisol crash if you're on it too long and then stop. For cortisol blocking PCT fair enough. To go from 1 DHEA/pregnenolone cycle to another isn't ideal. Pregnenalone is part solution to DHEA's cortisol crash so if you were gonna do it running preg. stand alone would help "homeostasis" afterwards if you found you'd fatigue all the time.
:261: im confused


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DHEA is very confusing. No one quite understands everything it does.

I'm going to have a go at a better explanation. This ain't free of error. Where the errors are and where the truth is and what proportion of each is herein .... I haven't a clue but here goes:

DHEA blocks cortisol but gives an energy boost. It messes around with norephinephrine reuptake, I can't remember. Its a neurosteriod. I can look this up (or you can) via wiki... but I can't be bothered.

The gist is that its a bit like being on strong stims ... you're system starts shutting down cortisol. If you stop the stims you feel fatigued and thats 'cause your cortisol has taken up the slack. DHEA can cause a sort of adrenal fatigue. If you're cortisol is really high (post cycle) DHEA is useful for counteracting it (or just don't bother sleeping).

Pregnenolone is a standard supplement to kick start the adrenals back to life (adrenal fatigue), its in Reset AD, along with stuff like liquorice. Pregnenolone is also a neurosteriod - you seem to be able to take it without any adverse effects long term (unlike DHEA). I don't know why DHEA and preg. are used together in DTP and PP products, perhaps pregnenolone is off-setting the damage that DHEA could do (adrenal fatigue type damage, i.e. not serious). IMO its better to run them separately (first DHEA and then pregnenolone) but its not easy to do, 'cause most products have them in together. However if you over did it on DTP Dermacrine etc... and felt fatigued running Reset AD is the right thing to restore the system....

I dunno if that makes any sense, or exactly how acurate it is, but off the top off my head thats as good as I can do.
Chuck Diesel

Chuck Diesel

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DHEA is very confusing. No one quite understands everything it does.

I'm going to have a go at a better explanation. This ain't free of error. Where the errors are and where the truth is and what proportion of each is herein .... I haven't a clue but here goes:

DHEA blocks cortisol but gives an energy boost. It messes around with norephinephrine reuptake, I can't remember. Its a neurosteriod. I can look this up (or you can) via wiki... but I can't be bothered.

The gist is that its a bit like being on strong stims ... you're system starts shutting down cortisol. If you stop the stims you feel fatigued and thats 'cause your cortisol has taken up the slack. DHEA can cause a sort of adrenal fatigue. If you're cortisol is really high (post cycle) DHEA is useful for counteracting it (or just don't bother sleeping).

Pregnenolone is a standard supplement to kick start the adrenals back to life (adrenal fatigue), its in Reset AD, along with stuff like liquorice. Pregnenolone is also a neurosteriod - you seem to be able to take it without any adverse effects long term (unlike DHEA). I don't know why DHEA and preg. are used together in DTP and PP products, perhaps pregnenolone is off-setting the damage that DHEA could do (adrenal fatigue type damage, i.e. not serious). IMO its better to run them separately (first DHEA and then pregnenolone) but its not easy to do, 'cause most products have them in together. However if you over did it on DTP Dermacrine etc... and felt fatigued running Reset AD is the right thing to restore the system....

I dunno if that makes any sense, or exactly how acurate it is, but off the top off my head thats as good as I can do.
The simple solution is to just not run to DHEA containing product together and just run the Dermacrine with DTH.


since primordial performance products are mentioned. How does DTP compare to their sustain alpha product? I'm looking to a test booster to throw in to my pct with nolvadex. Thanks.


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since primordial performance products are mentioned. How does DTP compare to their sustain alpha product? I'm looking to a test booster to throw in to my pct with nolvadex. Thanks.
They are totally different products. Sustain is basically topical resveratrol A mild estrogen regulator so-to-say.

DTP supports hormone balance, boosts test, frees test, mood elevator, nitric oxide support, estro controll, energy provider, insulin mimetic, circulation enhancer, anti-oxidant support, and on, and on....

Most bad-a$$ all in one test booster period. Nothing compares to it, as it stands alone as a true hybred test booster.

If pulsed 3x a week a 160 tab bottle will last several months. Best used in conjunction with DTH, but def can be used solo.
Chuck Diesel

Chuck Diesel

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I've just started a 6 week run of Dermacrine at 5 pumps a day, which has 72mg of DHEA in it. Would running DTP for 4 weeks immediately afterwards be too much DHEA and would it be better to take a break from DHEA and use DTHC instead?

ur 39 so you can do either, your not producing as much DHEA as anyone 27 and under so it prob wont matter, if you were under 27 Id say use DTH.

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