Don’t Forget About Brandon “The Prodigy” Curry!


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Everyone is saying that Andrew Jacked is the second coming!! Everyone is talking about the guy who dominated Texas! A couple weeks ago everyone was talking about how Kamal should have won Tampa. Before that there was talk about Michael Krizo officially crossing over and how well he’d do at the Olympia. Meanwhile there’s been plenty of talk at the water cooler about Derek Lunsford, how huge he is, and how he could possibly win the Olympia. Of course now the big talk is about GoodVito - who by the way isn’t even a pro with the Pro League yet - and how much damage he could do at the 2022 Olympia. The pundits are also tripping over themselves because Ramy is bigger than a house and shocked the world with his ONE post on social media just recently.

Let's go Brandon!!!!!!!