Does HGH affect TRT blood panel?


New member
I’m planning a cycle that includes HGH for the first time and trying to figure out if it will throw off any markers on my standard 6 month TRT blood panel. I don’t want my doctor questioning why I’m out of range and changing my protocol in response.
I normally have no issues timing out a blast and cruise to be back to my baseline before the next blood draw but this HGH cycle would be at least 6 months.
I’m planning on starting with 3 iu and ramping to 6. I’d like to ramp quickly once I can determine a good tolerance to sides but can hold off at 3iu till after my biannual test if it will treat my bloods better.

Any recommendations?
Does your doc test your gh and igf 1 levels?

Because those are the things that will change. Your thyroid hormones may slightly change too.
If they are not testing your IGF1 I think you should be OK.