Do We Have Meta-Studies of TRT and GH Results? I Might Do?


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Hi Everyone,

I am about to turn 40.

I see no overt problems with testosterone or GH. I still have high libido, aggression, energy, etc.

But, I think I might want to do, just because it is about time.

What do people think? What are the results? Are they life changing, for people in the low-normal range?
Well if your Test is fine and you don't have any symptoms then it's not really TRT is it? you're just doing a cycle haha. If you want to do a cycle then do one, if you want to bring your test up to a higher range full time, then life style change?
Life changing alright. In the wallet. If you don’t need it you are spending money for nothing. My TRT was $250 every 12 weeks.thats $21 a week and one of the cheaper online options but then again I needed it, had really low test. I’m actually on enclo right now because it’s cheaper and same results.

If I didn’t need TRT, damn man, whenever I needed a boost I would just run a solid 4-dhea/1dhea cycle even 3 times a year! And you would save money lol 😂