Do I need to eat more food?


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Hello Everyone

Currently im on week 2 of Test E 300mg/ EQ 450mg for a 17 week cycle, but my concern is not my gear, its my food.

Im current : 214.8lbs 6'1" and 12.6% BF Age: 27
Been training since 18 and this is my 2nd Cycle.

This is my Diet Plan

1. 7am 2Tbsp Omega3-PB + 2 Wheat Bread
2. 9am 1scoop Protein/Water + 1 cup of raw oats
3. 11am 2 Chicken Breast + 2 Small Potatoes
4. 1pm Protein Bar Meal Replacement (VPX No Impact Bars)
5. 3pm 2 Chicken Breast + 2 small Potatoes
6. 5pm 1 scoop Protein/Water + 1 cup of raw oats
7. 9pm 5 Egg Whites + 2 Wheat Bread
8. 11pm 2 Cups of Milk + 2 scoops on On Casein

EST : 3200Kal C:300 P:300 F:80

**Keep in mind I take 5g Omega 3, 1.2g R-ALA, 5g CLA, Multi, Pre-Wo (No-Shotgun), Post-Wo (2g of Glutamine), Intra-Wo (Purple Wrath), Animal PM and Flex.

I work out GVT (German Volume 5x5) 60 min + 90min Cardio (Interval) on Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri
Wed, Sat, Sun (Rest Days but I limit to 4 Meals a Day)

My Goal is to gain to 36lbs in 15 weeks (2.4lbs a per week) with out gaining as much Fat.

Question: Do I need to eat more, eat less. Change my work out? Any suggestion will be helpful. Side note I use to weight 260lbs 3 years ago but was around 30% BF


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3200 cals at 214 lbs, i highly doubt will put on that much mass. plus all that cardio - 90 minutes 4 times per week?

less cardio + more food

if it were my diet, i'd drop the wheat bread at 9 and move it to earlier. Double each shake to at least 2 scoops and theres an extra ~250 cals.
add a extra virgin coconut oil + olive oil and more natty peanut butter in the later half of the day.

with your cycle i think you would end up cutting with what you're eating now. just my thoughts.


New member
I tought I was eating enough, I guess i should add 2 scoops of protein, and remove the wheat bread and replace with some cheese. Good idea, I would add more oils in there.

How many Kal should I eat to hit my goal?


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I eat the same as your and I'm 35lb lighter and 4 inches shorter. I'd check the scale at the end of this week and pending your change in weight probably up the kcals by 500 or so. Give it a week, and weigh again. Don't let the easiest part of gaining weight (eating) be the part that you slip up on.

Good luck.


Work out your BMR, then this will give you a much better insight in how much you need to be eating to put some mass on. But at a quick glance, Id say you need a few more cals in there. But up them slowly if your worried about gaining to much BF.


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Thank you for the insight, Ill up Kal by 500 if I dont see any gains.


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You need to eat a lot more my friend. That's a lot of whey in there. Replace one of your shakes with a whole food meal. Also your first meal doesn't contain any lean protein. Add some eggs there or some type of protein other than pb. At your size, you need to eat roughly 4000 calories I'd say, possibly more with the amount of cardio you are doing.


New member
Yea your right, Im bump up the pb + bread in morning and stick in 2 slices of Bacon and 5 egg whites with slice of cheese , and reduce my cardio down to 60 mins. Lately its so hard eating like this, maybe I have to wait till eq kicks in with the hunger:saevil:


New member
You need to eat a lot more my friend. That's a lot of whey in there. Replace one of your shakes with a whole food meal. Also your first meal doesn't contain any lean protein. Add some eggs there or some type of protein other than pb. At your size, you need to eat roughly 4000 calories I'd say, possibly more with the amount of cardio you are doing.
Little more protein first in the morning is a good idea. Actual food is always better than shakes too.


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Throw some cottage cheese and greek yogurt in before bed, with milk to make it drinkable unless you like hard food before bed. I eat about a cup of cottage cheese, cup of greek yogurt, 2 cups of milk right before bed every night. Cottage cheese is slow release protein so you should lose less during the night. I can't sleep more than 5 or 6 hours though so that might be whats helping me. And of course lifting heavy.

I thought GVT was a 10x10 or are there alternatives?


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that must be so aggravating to do every day.

don't drink so much of your protein and you won't have to eat so frequently.

you're consuming about 115g protein in solid food, and 125 in shakes/bars

personally i started eating 2-3 meals a day and im having better results than ever.

since i eat so infrequently, i can do it good when i do eat. one meal i have every single day is a can of turkey chili and 6 whole eggs. its 800 cals and the chili completely covers the taste of the eggs. its easy to put down and all good cals. rarely ill have a whey shake. i may start putting 1 scoop in a day just to add a little protein. but whey should absolutely not be the majority of your protein.


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This is my Diet Plan

1. 7am 2Tbsp Omega3-PB + 2 Wheat Bread, 5 egg whites, 2 slices of bacon
2. 8:30 am 1scoop Protein/Water + 1 cup of raw oats
3. 11am 2 Chicken Breast + 2 Small Potatoes + 1cup of Baby Carrots, handful of Baby Spinach
4. 1pm Protein Bar Meal Replacement (VPX No Impact Bars)
5. 3pm 2 Chicken Breast + 2 small Potatoes + 1cup of Baby Carrots, handful of Baby Spinach
6. 4:30pm 2 fillet of fish + 1 cup Brown Rice + 1cup of Baby Carrots, handful of Baby Spinach

6. 5:30pm 1 scoop Protein/Water + 1 cup of raw oats
7. 9pm 5 Egg Whites + 2 Wheat Bread + 3 slices of Cheddar Cheese + 1 cup of almonds
8. 11pm 2 Cups of Milk + 1cup of Greek Yogurt + 1 cup of Cottage Cheese + 2 scoops on On Casein

I’m reducing the Cardio to 30 min only to 5x a week and 4x lifting days.

Is this better, any more suggestions?
Okay I’ve ate all this last week and I gain 3lbs even with the cardio. But I have another problem look at my other thread.


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i only read your title of the thread. the answer is this. if you arent growing, you need to eat more. simple as that

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