Do company's still underdose or spike products these days?


Active member
Hi guys.

I was looking to stick a Sarm into my routine for about 6 weeks.

Keep reading alot of people saying that Sarms are notorious for being spiked with pro hormones! Is it really that bad still? No want to put any of that through my system tbh.

The company is Focused Nutrition. They use to be a sponsor on here. A few logs done on here seem to be a few positives. This is from 2016-2017.

The Sarm is LGD + Ostarine + Cardarine + DAA.

What's the likely hood the product is as stated and isn't either a prohormone or very user dosed?

I'm buying from a well established UK company. Just didn't think they would stock bunk products but who knows.

Hi guys.

I was looking to stick a Sarm into my routine for about 6 weeks.

Keep reading alot of people saying that Sarms are notorious for being spiked with pro hormones! Is it really that bad still? No want to put any of that through my system tbh.

The company is Focused Nutrition. They use to be a sponsor on here. A few logs done on here seem to be a few positives. This is from 2016-2017.

The Sarm is LGD + Ostarine + Cardarine + DAA.

What's the likely hood the product is as stated and isn't either a prohormone or very user dosed?

I'm buying from a well established UK company. Just didn't think they would stock bunk products but who knows.

That's a pretty crazy choice if you haven't ran sarms before. Coupled with the fact that you don't want to put prohormones in your system but will take a combo of two suppressive sarms that are not for human consumption plus something that has been shown to cause cancer (in mice and at mental doses but trying to work out your logic in risk assessment).

If you have never used any of this stuff before start with one, go ostarine and see how it goes then add more next cycle.

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That's a pretty crazy choice if you haven't ran sarms before. Coupled with the fact that you don't want to put prohormones in your system but will take a combo of two suppressive sarms that are not for human consumption plus something that has been shown to cause cancer (in mice and at mental doses but trying to work out your logic in risk assessment).

If you have never used any of this stuff before start with one, go ostarine and see how it goes then add more next cycle.

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I had already put the order in.. Just wondered if company's are still as shady for underdosing or even having a completely different compound in their?

Their supplements are across a variety of websites so was hoping their legit
Yes many companies are still very very shady. The entire industry is shady and that will never change
Sad aint it? Zero concerns for the consumer. Spiking products with Pro Hormones really is a poor move and VERY dangerous. They want the product to seem legit ie show progress (Which a pro hormone will do) but the liver issues with those compounds aint worth it. Far better running proper steroids than those jaundice compounds.

I have emailed the company to see if they can verify the product. A few big company's in the UK stock this Sarm so i feel like it should be legit but i don't fancy just guinea pig'n it
You could request a COA.
I have emailed the company to see if they can provide some proof or just to cancel and refund my order. As i says above. The company are very reputable and i can't see them stocking bunk products but you never know these days.. All about £££ than the health of consumers.

Will keep use posted
Sad aint it? Zero concerns for the consumer. Spiking products with Pro Hormones really is a poor move and VERY dangerous. They want the product to seem legit ie show progress (Which a pro hormone will do) but the liver issues with those compounds aint worth it. Far better running proper steroids than those jaundice compounds.

I have emailed the company to see if they can verify the product. A few big company's in the UK stock this Sarm so i feel like it should be legit but i don't fancy just guinea pig'n it
Spiking supplements will definitely increase the TRT market.
Spiking supplements will definitely increase the TRT market.
Aw i know. Its crazy how they don't care for people. I know we are playing with our hormones but of we know the proper compound then we know how to battle the side effects based on research. If we have zero clue what's in it then we won't know what's going on.

I do bloodwork alot so i have a good idea of how my levels are all doing.

I hope this company replys sharpish
The company are sending me the certficate of analysis just now. So once i see this i will feel far more at ease
I really don't understand this sarms obsession. They are no less suppressive or harmful than pro hormones or other orals. They have little to no human data, and some if them have been dropped by pharma companies after human trials.. so if a pharma company won't put them out, why would you trust a supp company to do it? You would be way better off, safety wise and result wise to run something like 1andro/4andro, halodrol, or even anavar or tbol with dermacrine or 4 andro for you first time. These are tried and true prohormones and oral steroids.. they've been around for a long time, and you know what you get with them. Just my opinion..
I really don't understand this sarms obsession. They are no less suppressive or harmful than pro hormones or other orals. They have little to no human data, and some if them have been dropped by pharma companies after human trials.. so if a pharma company won't put them out, why would you trust a supp company to do it? You would be way better off, safety wise and result wise to run something like 1andro/4andro, halodrol, or even anavar or tbol with dermacrine or 4 andro for you first time. These are tried and true prohormones and oral steroids.. they've been around for a long time, and you know what you get with them. Just my opinion..
Good points although pharma are looking for stuff that can help people suffering from conditions such as injuries, burns, muscular wasting etc. They are not looking for dry or wet bulking compounds that can add 12 lbs in 8 weeks. Superdrol would be abandoned by pharma because of liver stress but doesn't mean it doesn't suit our personal vain goals. Sometimes anecdotal is all we have.
Interesting topic. I was chatting to a mate at work the other day and he was telling me that a while ago he went to the Dr's as he had gyno (He's natty) and after the Dr eventually believed him he sent him for tests. Now the ONLY thing he swears he was taking was mass gainer by Sci Mix when the Gyno flared up. He obvious stopped taking it and in time the gyno cleared up. He's convinced it was tainted.
I really don't understand this sarms obsession. They are no less suppressive or harmful than pro hormones or other orals. They have little to no human data, and some if them have been dropped by pharma companies after human trials.. so if a pharma company won't put them out, why would you trust a supp company to do it? You would be way better off, safety wise and result wise to run something like 1andro/4andro, halodrol, or even anavar or tbol with dermacrine or 4 andro for you first time. These are tried and true prohormones and oral steroids.. they've been around for a long time, and you know what you get with them. Just my opinion..
Both Ostarine and Lgd 4033 have been trialled alot, infact LGD is ready for Phase III trials.

I hardly think they are as toxic as PH's like Superdrol, M1-T, Phera, DMZ, MSTEN and others.
I am sure there are some companies that spike or intentionally mislabel products. There will always be shady people in the industry.
Hi guys.

I was looking to stick a Sarm into my routine for about 6 weeks.

Keep reading alot of people saying that Sarms are notorious for being spiked with pro hormones! Is it really that bad still? No want to put any of that through my system tbh.

The company is Focused Nutrition. They use to be a sponsor on here. A few logs done on here seem to be a few positives. This is from 2016-2017.

The Sarm is LGD + Ostarine + Cardarine + DAA.

What's Thea likely hood the product is as stated and isn't either a prohormone or very user dosed?

I'm buying from a well established UK company. Just didn't think they would stock bunk products but who knows.


What’s your plan with LDG, Osta, and GW? Goal/dosage/pct? I’d also run the compounds longer than 6 weeks.

At the end of the day we’re all at the mercy of the companies...choose carefully. Put a post up in Anabolics...they may have some feedback for you over there about the company.
Hi guys.

I was looking to stick a Sarm into my routine for about 6 weeks.

Keep reading alot of people saying that Sarms are notorious for being spiked with pro hormones! Is it really that bad still? No want to put any of that through my system tbh.

The company is Focused Nutrition. They use to be a sponsor on here. A few logs done on here seem to be a few positives. This is from 2016-2017.

The Sarm is LGD + Ostarine + Cardarine + DAA.

What's Thea likely hood the product is as stated and isn't either a prohormone or very user dosed?

I'm buying from a well established UK company. Just didn't think they would stock bunk products but who knows.


What’s your plan with LDG, Osta, and GW? Goal/dosage/pct? I’d also run the compounds longer than 6 weeks.

At the end of the day we’re all at the mercy of the companies...choose carefully. Put a post up in Anabolics...they may have some feedback for you over there about the company.
that easiest thing to fake. need only printer. see usp labs case.
Really? Damn!

Their are a few decent reviews on the product also. Just don't want to put a random compound into my body ie a Pro Hormone.

If the Certificate looks shady i will just refund it. The company do a load of other supplements and have good reviews on them. Just thinking why spike a product that could harm your reputation? Money can make people greedy for more so may use any tactic to gain far more profit than their output.

Will keep use updated though. The company is sending my the Certificate today.
Really? Damn!

Their are a few decent reviews on the product also. Just don't want to put a random compound into my body ie a Pro Hormone.

If the Certificate looks shady i will just refund it. The company do a load of other supplements and have good reviews on them. Just thinking why spike a product that could harm your reputation? Money can make people greedy for more so may use any tactic to gain far more profit than their output.

Will keep use updated though. The company is sending my the Certificate today.

Wouldn't worry about it. When you eat McDonald's you are putting random sh1t into your body. But yes, if companies can print fake labels for bottles there is no reason they can't print fake documents of any kind. Just try it. There is probably a 0.000001% chance it will harm you. If it's not legit it will most probably just be ineffective. As shady as some companies are they don't want dead bodies on their hands.