DMZ or Hexadrone w/ 1-Andro & SARMS


New member
Currently running 8 weeks of:

LGD: 10mg
RAD-140: 20mg
S4*: 50mg
1-Andro: 300mg
*S4 is leftover and I figured I’d finish it off

I’m taking Wolverinez Cycle Support as well; all products are from Narrows Labs.

I want to add in DMZ or Hexadrone given they’re non-methylated and both show promising results in mass and fullness. Any recommendations for either?

-DMZ would be:
20mg week 1-2
40mg 3-4

-Hexadrone would be 100mg all 4 weeks
Dmz is definitely methylated. Not sure who told you it wasn’t, but you should probably stop listening to them.
I messed that up I’ve been cramming research in and switched it with another compound.

BUT... That aside, any input on which one would be better/why? Lift 3 days a week and boxing/mma 2 days (for now).

Controlling calories and hoping to drop fat and take what I have and make it presentable lol
I messed that up I’ve been cramming research in and switched it with another compound.

BUT... That aside, any input on which one would be better/why? Lift 3 days a week and boxing/mma 2 days (for now).

Controlling calories and hoping to drop fat and take what I have and make it presentable lol

Well, Hexadrone is sort of the anavar of legal, meaning it seems like most is bunk.

So really your choice is DMZ, which might be dangerous to add to an already liver toxic stack, and also might be bunk, or possibly way more likely getting bunk hex.

Hexadrone needs to be TD or injectable to really pack that punch, or else orally it seems like it takes much more than the usual 100mg they claim.
You don’t need to take that much stuff in my opinion. Not to mention you’re gonna be absolutely destroying your natural test levels with dmz and the liver toxicity is unreal with it man, idk where you heard it was non liver toxic but it is very liver toxic. I ran dmz once and never again for those two reasons.

And tbh. The mass and fullness from dmz wasn’t great for me. You will put on a ton of weight but it’s not gonna be good weight at all. You’ll look like you’re on oral steroids, because it is an oral steroid. Lots of water and bloat for me at least

Sarms seem a lot more mild imo. Yeah you won’t blow up but the gains you do get are quality gains and they are pretty much keepable once you stop taking them. I ran a sarm cycle 5 months ago and I’m stronger and bigger than I was while on them.

If I were you I would just run the sarms and stop after 8 weeks then run a mini pct or just stop taking them. You’re not running any test base, so youre asking for libido issues/ not getting it up adding 2 more compounds into the mix. You’re going to crash your estrogen but shutting yourself down, which is needed to build muscle. It will be a waste of money man.

My .02, finish 8 week cycle. Get bloods a few months later. Then run another sarms cycle for a longer period of time with a low dose testosterone base or 4 Andro
So really your choice is DMZ, which might be dangerous to add to an already liver toxic stack.

What compound that is taking do you think makes it such a liver toxic stack? The 1 andro is probably the most toxic of all the compounds, but isn’t going to hit the liver near as hard as a methylated.