diet during PCT after MDrol cycle.


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so... let me get this straight... people are saying that I should keep the same diet that I had on-cycle while in PCT...

but doesn't that just translate to way too many calories that can't be used by the body and thus turn to fat?

SD-cycle... ~2000cal surplus
PCT... still a 2000cal surplus?? or can I tone it down to a 500-1000 surplus?

I understand that I should keep my body fueled w/ excess in order to keep my gains, but is such an overage really necessary?... I don't really understand the reasoning behind it.

Of course, training will be just as intense as on-cycle... as intense as possible that is.


  • Established
2k over maintenance. :bigeyes2: I would gain a ****ton of fat if I went 2k over. Think it's a bit of overkill in pct but not sure. Definitely have a new amount of maintenance cals to account for the muscle you gained during cycle.


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Well, calculating that the average MDrol user gains between 10-15lbs on a cycle... 1,666-2,500 Cal surplus per day for 21 days. I figure that, while I'm not going be microscopicly spot on with nutrient timing, a 1500-2000 Cal surplus per day should do nicely on-cycle w/o adding too much fat. I have noticed a bit of fat gain, as in my abs aren't AS visible now... but I'd imagine that keeping a slight surplus is enough to keep gains. However, keeping the SAME diet, I'd just turn into a fatass. Can anyone chime in on this? Should I recalculate and eat just maint Cals while on PCT, or keep it at a slight surplus?

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