DIESELADE - All Natural BCAAs Dec 2015!

Chuck Diesel

Are you Diesel?
DIESELADE BCAA's | 100% no artificial flavors, colors or sweeteners | dissolves instantly | no equal | sneak peak​

Been working to get this right for over a year now. Refused to do an artificially sweetened BCAA product, but BCAAs are the worse tasting thing on earth so companies have to use heavy doses of artificial flavors or sweeteners. #gamechanger

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Got a lot of heat coming soon for 2016.....

30 Servings, 8g BCAAs, about $30! Nothing like it!

Also a new yohimbe free Sunami
A joint forumla
Rasp. Lemonade JP8x
and more for Dec 2015 release.

Been off the boards because been working on all this heat​
Label looks great, can't wait to taste it, I use BCAA twice a day. I like the name also!
I heard a rumor this is almost Ready, I can't wait to try it! Chuck has been very quite so he is either hibernating or working like a maniac !!!
I heard a rumor this is almost Ready, I can't wait to try it! Chuck has been very quite so he is either hibernating or working like a maniac !!!

Working on the 2016 lineup like a maniac.

DIESELADE Cherry Limeade release date: 18/19 or 20 Jan 2015 #getdiesel

I'll post supplement facts next week.
Will be running a 10% off coupon for a few days soon!

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*This is not meant to replace your bulk BCAAs....this is to an option if you purchase flavored BCAA products.

Short info:


After literally over a year of formula development and flavor testing, GET DIESEL has created DIESELSELADE: The best tasting, all natural, BCAA product in existence.

What are BCAAs and why take them? BCAAs increase protein synthesis (the rate you build muscle) and have become popular for their lean muscle preserving effects during cardio and weight training. BCAAs have been shown to increase the fat burning process.
Why DIESELADE? There are two main problems with traditional BCAAs. One, they typically do not dissolve in water. DIESELADE however is made using ultra-premium, highly soluble BCAAs that dissolve completely with a few shakes in a shaker bottle. The 2nd problem with BCAAs is they taste HORRIBLE! Think of chewing aspirin and washing it down with Aloe Vera juice! For this reason companies have to use heavy doses of artificial flavors and sweeteners such as Acesulfame Potassium (Ace-K). In addition to that, they are heavily colored with artificial colors. This is why most BCAA products taste like melted candy with extra sugar.

DIESELADE contains no artificial flavors, colors or sweeteners. In addition to that, DIESELADE has one of highest amounts of BCAAs per serving (30 servings per container) at 8g. You also get electrolytes, and ATP energy promoters such as D-Ribose and Magnesium Malate. Not only is this the hands down best BCAA product you can purchase (performance wise), it is one of the maybe only three natural BCAA products available and is definitely the best tasting natural BCAA product on earth!

More information can be found at at getdiesel.com

Chuck Diesel, MBA

4 page research blabla write up coming soon to getdiesel.com
I am using a BCAA right now I forget the name but it taste like dog poop !!! Can't wait for GET DIESEL Natural BCAA's/DIESELADE
Long write-up now avail. at getdiesel.com Invalid Link Removed

Once avail, 10% off with AM10 at fefifo.com Invalid Link Removed
^^ click "Put me on the waiting list" to be notified when avail. for purchase. ^^

Eventually I will get DIESELADE.COM up for a place to break down all the research and reasoning I have for BCAAs.
UPDATE....DIESELADE should be shipping to me today (insert dancing dude emoji)

Once I confirm I will put it up for sale, use "AM10" for 10% off until end of the month. Also check my retailers list for it as soon
as tomorrow eve.

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Guess what officially shipped today?? That mother flippin DIESELADE! !!! Going to put it up for sale at fefifo.com. another one of my retailers might have it tomorrow. Im shipping orders starting Thursday. 10% off w AM10. Not 10% off some inflated price but 10% off 31.95.
Guess what officially shipped today?? That mother flippin DIESELADE! !!! Going to put it up for sale at fefifo.com. another one of my retailers might have it tomorrow. Im shipping orders starting Thursday. 10% off w AM10. Not 10% off some inflated price but 10% off 31.95.

DIESELADE lands, and starts shipping tomorrow #getdiesel
how many calories does this contain? i see it contains maltodextrin so it must have some calories from sugers?
how many calories does this contain? i see it contains maltodextrin so it must have some calories from sugers?

No cals. Maltodextrin is listed because its a carrier in bromalin and papain. The fda has requirements that certain carriers be claimed in drink mixes. Companies just dont care or dont list it. For instance long jack, tribulus. Almost all herbs have maltodextrin at 5% or so. Thats why malto is list behind other "other ingredients" each scoop has less than 100mg of maltodextrin.

Long story short there is no added matodextrin. Its a claimed carrier in from other ingredients.
Im sure Aminos have calories but aminos are specifically only suppose to be claimed as aminos. Not protein or anything else. People also double list ingredients. For instance they will list sodium citrate in an electrolyte blend and also claim it sodium (as citrate) etc. Thats not within regulations either.
I got some coming tomorrow!!!! YEA!!
Also just FYI (a lil' insider info.) I just got word the 2nd flavor of DIESELADE will be done soon. I am doing a thread this week where if you guess the new flavor you get a free bottle on me, but the catch is you will have to post a order screen shot or snip of a DIESELADE cherry limeade order. So proof of purchase required. I want to reward people who believe in the brand.
I'm in a generous mood.....anyone currently logging or have given online feedback on DIESELADE. If you do a YouTube review after using DIESELADE for a week or 2 (no taste test BS reviews you see all the time). Link it up and I will give you a new DIESELADE on me. Even if you get on there and say "fck this, I like cough syrup and sugar w Shampoo tasting BCAAs better." So this is not some reward to get you to pimp DIESELADE. I am just that confident in DIESELADE.
Getting Crazy Chuck !!
I Forgot how good Pineapple Dieselade taste, cracked open a new tub this morning !!