Developing a Freak

Cole Dreyer

Cole Dreyer

10/26/16 Day 14 Cell Swell Arms & Abs

Cardio: 4 HIIT sessions on bike

Tricep giant set 3 roundsRope press down 20 reps, over head ez bar extension 20 reps, assisted dips 20 reps: 20x37.5/20x47.5/20x200, 20/20/20, 20/20/20

Bicep giant set 3 rounds ISO cable curl 20 reps, Rope Hammer curls 20 reps, prime preacher curl 20 reps: 20x17.5/20x60/20x70

Weighted ab crunch: 15x90, 15
Leg raise: 15xbw, 15

Clearly this is nothing special on paper. And in the gym it did not take long. Cell swell days often times are shorter sessions BUT don't let that fool you. If done right the body part you are training should feel like balloons when your done. My arms felt that way for sure when I wrapped up which was great and is indicative that the mission of the session was accomplished.

Each training session should have objectives to accomplish that yield progress to the greater goal. If you are not approaching each session in this way I encourage you to start. Simple 1-2 things that will help you leave feeling accomplished.

For me today it was:

1. Make the pump be ridiculous for such small amount of volume.

Simple little goal. There is some power in the act of mentally setting this up before entering the gym because it elevates you to a higher state of mental fortitude to make the session, and each component of it, really count.

Aches, pains, hurts and injuries happen. And they almost always suck to some degree.

The truth is - if we are committed to regular fitness for health but especially if we are committed to a high end goal (marathon, triathlon, physique competition, powerlifting meet, etc) and we are "in the trenches" training for said things for an appreciable amount of time the question not becomes "if" we get injured but "when" we get injured.

I mean lets face it right - our bodies are bones blanketed in muscle, skin and other squishy soft tissue. If we continue to place different stressors on those structures they will falter and breakdown at some point. We are not made of steel.

Sure we can train smart and do everything "right" but that doesn't mean we won't battle injury. So what do we do when it does happen? Quit, give up, order a year supply of pizza and binge on netflix and xbox?????

(lets be real...everyone has wanted to do that ^^^^ at some point in their life)

NO! We don't do that! Instead we need to resolve to make the injury count - to "never waste an injury" as Lewie West has once said.

How do we do that?

By doing anything we can do inspire of that injury that is productive to our goals. Literally anything.

Sure this is very injury dependent. If you broke your toe preparing for a marathon then running might be out of the question for a while. But couldn't you still do something? Possibly seeing if you can pedal a stationary bike to continue training in someway or utilizing another non weight bearing form of cardio to keep up with training for your event and goal as best you can.

Real life example - a client of mine had a freak accident where she tore her MCL and ACL in one of her knees while walking through a field with her dogs. She stepped funny and boom! Total knee reconstructive surgery.

The bummer of the scenario is that she was preparing for her first triathlon. She and I were doing some supplement weight training 1-2 times a week as a part of her prep that had to be postponed for a couple weeks while she got surgery and re-hab.

But do you know what she did the second she could? She came right back into the gym and willingly with joy in her heart wobbled from exercise to exercise doing all that she could until she was able to train back to 100%.

She didn't waste her injury.

And you shouldn't either. So don't.

In fact if you want or need it, because maybe your in a similar boat, shoot me an email and lets talk about how you can not waste any setback you might have too.

email: [email protected]

Or heck even just comment here or shoot me a FB message.


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Cole Dreyer

Cole Dreyer

For those who are new to weight training:

In my experience one of the most common "newbie" mistakes I see in a person who is a beginner to weight training (say 6-12months or less) is when they go to do the flat Barbbell bench press (because everyone does do this exercise at some point in their early stages, men and women alike) I inevitably see them not complete a full range of motion through the movement.

You need to have the bar touch your chest or bring the bar within 1 inch of your chest. Doing a very slight range of motion does almost nothing for you.

What's worse is when I see guys throw on 2 plates, ask for a spot, and proceed to move within a 3 inch range of motion and then complain that they see no "chest gainz". What's worse then that? Is either:

1. They never actually thought far enough to think that maybe they are not getting gains because they might be doing something wrong when it comes to chest training.

2. They care more about the appearance of weight on the bar and how others perceive them and not actual progress (whether they realize this or not about themselves is up for debate but most of the time they know full well but deny it to themselves.)

If you are going to take the action to weight train for a specific goal don't you want to actually do it the right way so you can achieve that goal? How can you go about it the right way?

Humble yourself and ask for help and guidance by someone more experienced then you. Personal trainers, coaches, gym vets... we are every where!!!

Don't train in ignorance.

I use this example of chest training and bench press because it is so common but believe me this notion applies to every body part and exercise.
Cole Dreyer

Cole Dreyer

Pretty good chest and some delts session today with some calves for good measure. In fact I like doing calves away from legs. Haven't done that in a while but it was a Jay Cutler thing I picked up.

I did like the focus of more or less one body part as this day was a bit more chest heavy with some pressing movements that included the delts a bit and then doing some rear delts isolation work. The chest focused volume was just enjoyable. With the current split set up everything is hit twice within 6 days so sill have some decent frequency within that 7 day period.

As a guy who always have felt that responds best to volume it felt good to get in and do that while focusing on pushing as heavy as I could on this day.

Not that I don't do that each time I get in the gym but all the more on mechanical strength days.

Cardio: 4 HIIT intervals on bike
Day 1 Mechanical Chest/Calves/some delts
Incline DB press: 8x90s, 6x105s, 3 (might change this to smith incline, I think I like that compound movement over DBs on mechanical days)
Plate loaded flat machine: 4x2pps, 5, 8x2pps+25ps
Incline Prime Plate Loaded Press: 8x2pps+25ps, 8
Flat Barbell press:6x135, 6x185, 6x225, 3x245
Flat fly machine: 8x156, 8x168, 8x180
Rear delt fly: 8x120x3
Seated Calf Raise superset with Donkey Calf Raise: 6x80ps/8

Here is a big cliche fitness phrase as it relates to going about reaching your goals.


"There are a million ways to skin a cat."

(Totally side note: is that true? Can we prove there are actually a million ways to skin an actual cat?)

Truth be told that is phrase hits the nail right on the head. There really is no one perfect way to reach any goal you might have.

Better said: there are no specific molds that we need to try to force ourselves into to reach our goal.

Yes there are tried and true general practices for specific goals that generally lead to success that a lot of people follow BUT how they follow them, the specific path they take specifically, doesn't have to be the same way as others.

This is why a great coach/personal trainer will not give the same programs to a number of their clients. Rather they will take various models and frameworks and will fit them to the unique client with their unique goal.

Don't force yourself or others into a mold because "that is the way its always done." Because that doesn't exist.
Cole Dreyer

Cole Dreyer

Cole Dreyer

Cole Dreyer

Happy Monday everyone!

Good session today, really hammered legs this morning and it felt great. Nothing fancy, some various forms of squats, leg extensions, some straight leg deads with a top set at 275, wrapped up with some donkey calf raises and headed out. Legs feeling pretty good right about now haha.

I am across this short clip writing by Scott Abel about what bothers him most about the fitness and physique related industry. I thought it was too good not share.

For those who don't know who Scott Abel is he is a Canadian bodybuilding coach who helped produce some stellar results on stage for a lot of folks. I definitely encourage you to find some of the articles and interviews he has done because he puts out a lot of great info that is very simple and common sense. It is quite refreshing.

But here check its out. Really was thought provoking in a few ways for me because I am guilty of over quantification at times for sure.

One of the worst fitness trends is the ridiculous "over-quantification" of everything.
The key word here is "over" – rep tempos, macros, calories-crunching, rest times by the clock, FitPal, Fitbit etc. I keep having to remind people of Einstein's quote:

"Not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted."

The human body will always be far more than a bunch of pretentious outside-in mathematical equations. Things like recovery needs, maximum versus optimum work capacity, internal biochemical and hormonal environments, refeeds to replenish glycogen stores and to optimize metabolism – these qualitative elements can't be number-crunched. They can only be assessed and observed.

On the training front, watch Pumping Iron from the 70's. Pay attention to the training sequences. What do you see? What don't you see?

Back before the days of GH and insulin and bloated bellies, these world-class physiques were created with crappy equipment and keen attention to biofeedback. What you won't see in Pumping Iron is anyone practicing rep-tempo nonsense, or resting by the clock, or stopping between sets to write a bunch of numbers in a training log.

As for diet, the National Weight Control Registry monitors people who've lost a substantial amount of weight and have kept it off long-term. They look for common denominators of success. They find that calorie-counting is NOT a major contributor to taking weight off and keeping it off. More general lifestyle habits like regular meal times and eating breakfast matter more.

Recently, a study from the University of Pittsburgh showed that number-trackers like Fitbit did NOT help people lose weight compared to those who went on a diet and didn't use such technology.

The fact is, wannabe gurus in the fitness industry love to dazzle consumers with fancy formulas and mathematic equations. They love to play doctor, and they take this way too far. The truth? Most of these quantifications don't offer true control – they give an illusion of control, often without any relevant context.

The problem here is that the more effort you put toward outside-in dictations, the more you lose the ability to listen to the wisdom of your own body.

Over-quantification syndrome is the pretention of expertise. True expertise is far more sophisticated. You can never number-crunch your way to a satisfying relationship with your own body. – Scott Abel
Cole Dreyer

Cole Dreyer

Training has been pretty awesome over the past few days. Hit some chest and shoulders yesterday and am really focusing hard on progressive overload each session. Really looking to get as strong as I can within the confines of proper tension through the muscle. Its been the real focus of my training as of late.

Should we give praise to PR's (personal record) with form that isn't perfect?

There are cases yes and no. And this is a fine line because the "form police" is strong in the ego's of lifters - which is really inherently stupid and is complete indication that the "form police" guy or girl is probably super insecure about themselves or very jealous that they can do what they just witnessed.

For when we should give praise even when form isn't perfect: you have to considered that person specifically and often times their joint integrity in a lift.

Take for example someone squatting who has had some serious knee injury or reconstructive surgery to the joint. For them, going to parallel or below might not be practical, they might not be able, and it flat out might not be wise for them to do so because of their injury history. So for them squatting to a box or a bench might be safer and not cause joint pain or worry in the person's mind while doing the movement.

And guess what, they can still benefit tremendously from that type of squatting even if it the squat isn't meeting some "form police" standard.

Plus most people's goals are aesthetically based and not power based. Who cares if they don't hit a perfect squat then?

Stupid people, thats who cares. So when you see someone hit a PR with this kind of modification give them the praise they are owed

For cases when we shouldn't give praise we will use the deadlift.

How many times have you seen somebody attempt or perform a deadlift PR and their back so rounded and looks so strained that you think they are going to to shoot a vertebrae and a disc right out of their back and hit the kid curling in the squat rack right in the face?

I have seen that a lot. And you can too - just go search on IG.

In these type of scenarios where form is so horrendous that injury risk is very high then we should not praise that. If you are a coach or trainer who can speak to perform whatever lift is in question in good form then you should speak up. Too many people are at risk of seriously hurting themselves and often times no one has the guts to go say anything.

Have the guts and don't praise that kind of stupidity.
Cole Dreyer

Cole Dreyer

Good arm session today! Got a good pump, hit some good numbers and got out!

A few days ago I wrote about how to not waste an injury and the time period it keeps you away from doing what you normally do exercise and fitness wise.

A few days before that I centered on if my "painfully Obvious fitness tips of the day" around the same topic.

Today let's talk about some simple things to do to prevent injury in the gym.

The first thing would be to not train cold. This applies specifically to those who regularly resistance train. How many times have you seen gym bros run over to the bench, throw on a 45 pound plate on either side, do a few reps, then go straight to their working loads which is a considerable jump from 135? I have seen it lots and I bet you have too.

That is asking for injury, especially if you are using near maximal loads. Rather what is better and much safer is taking the extra 5-10 minutes and doing several potentiating sets up to your working loads. This will get you "warm" for the lift and probably cause the lift to be more efficient for you from a contractility and muscle activation standpoint.

Another simple thing to do is to know when to walk away. Tweak something in your low back while squatting that instantly caused some pain? Stop squatting and move to another lift that doesn't place so much load on the low back. I often see or hear (and I have been guilty of it) people say that they felt something happen and now feel pain to some degree but continue in the same movement or continue with the workout when they probably shouldn't.

If you feel "bad pain" when performing a movement or lift stop, consider what it is, it's severity, and then make a good decision with the long term big picture in mind and not just the here and now.

Two very simple things that can go a long way for injury prevention.
Cole Dreyer

Cole Dreyer

Excellent back session this morning. Moved some heavy weight with good clean form on some rows and pull downs. Just some old fashioned movements focused on adding weight to the bar and ensuring A+ contractions and tension.

Feelings - they bring motivation and effort towards your fitness and health goals to a grinding stop if you are not careful.

How do they do this?

In large part because you do not control your feelings. At least not really. Have you every considered that? Feelings are psychological responses to events and thoughts that happen to us or pass through our minds.

If we ever do choose our feelings its often times that we choose to feel negative about something opposed to positive. And even then we don't really choose it. Rather we focus our thoughts on something negative about the scenario that then produces negative feelings.

Either way they happen. And when it comes to our fitness goals we find ourselves having varying feelings in varying degrees of intensity.

We don't feel like sticking to our diet so we don't. We don't feel like training so we cut it short or don't go to the gym at all.

Conversely, we might feel like sticking to our diet so we do. We might feel like training so we do and we do it with an extra pep in our step.

But neither of those feelings are long lasting.

So what do we do? We need to work to follow through in our plans as objectively and as rationally as we can. The problem is some of the time (if not most of the time) we are not thinking or feeling rationally. We will justify actions that at the moment seem fine but in truth are hampering our progress. We need to combat that by being as objective with ourselves as we can and using whatever actions we can to ensure that we remain objective.

Part of being objective is realizing that our feelings towards our fitness goals are fickle and will not last. In the times we "feel good" about our progress and the path we are following we need to ride that out for as long as it lasts and maximize the progress made in that time. In the times we don't feel good about our progress or current training program or diet protocol we need to place actions in our thought patterns that help keep us objective and stay the course even when we feel like we should change.

Are you objective with yourself? Are you in a time of feel good or feel bad? How can you be more objective with yourself in spite of your feelings?

Need help? Reach out to me and lets talk: [email protected]
Cole Dreyer

Cole Dreyer

Very excellent chest and felt day today.

Worked up to some heavy load sets on decline smith machine bench and smith machine behind the neck shoulder press. I really love the smith machine. I know some hate on it but I love it. I can place the tension exactly where I want it with perfect positioning and I can go safely to complete and utter mechanical failure and never worry about if I will be able to rack the weight or not. Really glad it is a thing haha.

Hope you guys had a great weekend. My bride and I went to visit my mom which was sweet. Great time to catch up and spend time together. We also went to some dear friends baby shower who live in the same town and it was so good to see them too.

Now lets get the week to a good start with a Sea Hawk win tonight against the Bills!

Speaking of shoulder training lets talk about the over head press variation.

The standing overhead barbell or dumbbell press is a rather common exercise that a wide range of folks thought.

Most of the time people stand with their feet mirroring one another in a neutral stance when pressing. While this isn't wrong per se it can cause some problems. Specifically if the person isn't able to keep a neutral spine through the movement, with maybe some slight thoracic spine (chest portion of the spine) extension, then that person is endanger their low back.

This is because most of the time, especially when the load of the weight gets high, people end up hyperextending the low back which can place a decent amount of stress through that area. This break down of the posture then can cause other areas of the body to be under unneeded stress such as the shoulder complex that will lose some stability during the movement of the press itself which will make the lift that much harder.

To help keep you in a good stable position while doing the movement stagger your stance. By dong this we create a bit of a stronger base that will help keep us from over extending out back too much during the lift and cause us to be more secure through the movement.

Check out this article for a bit more info on some little tweaks you can do to make the standing version of this lift more efficient.
Cole Dreyer

Cole Dreyer

So I hear it a lot, why people "Can't" get bigger, stronger or gain weight.

I hear things like the following weekly:

"I can't get big."

"I can't gain weight."

"I eat so much but I can't gain weight."

"I can't get stronger."

"Why can't I grow more muscle on my _________." - Fill in the blank.

In all honesty, it sometimes drives me absolutely insane hearing this. Why? Shouldn't I be patient and seek to help and direct and give guidance to people who say this things to me and help them get to where they want to be?

YES! And I do almost every time. But the reasons these comments sometimes drive me nuts are for two reasons primarily.

1. They don't want to listen what I have to say. Meaning they will sit and hear what I have to say that would, most likely, really solve a lot of their muscle gain/get big/gain weight problem, but they don't listen to it. Meaning they don't grasp it and implement it. Rather they want to take the hottest new weight gainer formula (which is almost always full of crap) they find at GNC, Vitamin shoppe, or

***This is the reason I get the most frustrated at - is because people just don't take good advice often.***

2. These kind of comments show the great lack of intentional thought to a goal. If the people (typically guys) who made these comments took an hour and really thought about why they are not getting big and growing muscle and getting stronger and did some good research on methodologies on how to go about obtaining this goal they would find that it is rather simple and the implementation of simple strategies is just that: simple. The lack of thought and action towards a goal, if they are truly serious about it, just boggles my mind but I know why they don't, its because they rather a quick fix. Reference #1 for that quick fix.

But as I said above I do love to help people and I am willing to talk to almost anyone who wants too so I will do that hear to you. Because likely you (or someone you know) has the physical goal of getting bigger and stronger so take a few minutes to put some effort into intentional thoughts and listen to what I say.

If the goal is to gain weight and muscle tissue for whatever reason you need to understand that ultimately the actions you have to take to achieve this are:

1. Weight train in a manner that focuses on progressive overload (getting stronger as time goes on) within in a training protocol that is specific to you and your specific goal as pertains to growing muscle tissue. This is what signals the body to grow new tissue.

2. Eat in a caloric surplus to support and facilitate the "raw materials" needed for the body to synthesize and grow new muscle tissue that the weight training signals. This IS arguably the more important of the two in my experience.

3. Do both of these things consistently over a long time

4. Be patient and see #3.

Trust me - this is not the sexy or cool way in terms of what fitness media would tell you. But hear you me this: it is THE WAY TO DO IT.

Now, if you are one of the people that has said something similar to the phrases I quoted above, think intentionally about what I just stated and do some research. If you do some good research you will probably read and find things that line up with points 1-4.

The biggest guys I know of all have these things in common:

1. They consistently weighted trained, focused on progressive overload and trained hard and did this for a long time.

2. They consistently and progressively ate to fuel muscle and strength growth.

Odds are the same simple things will work for you.

The question is, are you willing to do those things? Are your goals worth it?

If you want to chat more about this shoot me a FB message or fire me an email at [email protected]

- Cole
Cole Dreyer

Cole Dreyer

Excellent leg session today. Strength is on the rice which feels good.

Started on some hacks and worked up to what was a top set of 1 rep for 6 plates a side lol. Had done several top sets already on hacks, a front squat machine and sumo deads and wanted to see what I could get for 6 preside and 1 was all I had and it was a grinder haha but I wanted to see!

Did some adductor and calf work at the end and that was a wrap. Today's focus was mechanical strength on compound movements so volume and number of movements were not high.

A shoulder movement I am not particularly fond of is the barbell upright row. I personally believe that it can cause extra "wear and tear" on the entirety of the shoulder joint and whole girdle. If thoracic spine posture is not near perfect and if shoulder mobility is poor we are most likely going to experience a lot of unneeded stress and tension through the joint it self which is not what we want.

The exercise is supposed to be targeting the deltoids (specifically the medial head) but if we are crushing our shoulder joints in the process is it worth it? I say no. Plus a lot of the time peoples' traps tend to take over and the deltoids don't receive the work one would hope they are getting.

My recommendation would be to stick to movements such as dumbbell lateral raises of various forms. These do a much better job targeting the deltoids and will keep you from hammering your shoulder joints into oblivion.

A good mental que you can use to be sure you are perform laterals correctly is to do this:

-Bend ever so slightly at the waist
- ensure that through out the movement your elbow remains higher in positioning then you wrist and that your elbow is just below or as high as your shoulder joint at the top of the rep
- Keep the dumbbells slightly pointed down. Your wrist positioning will be as if you were pouring out a cup of water.
- don't go overly heavy with lateral raises, slowly progress up in weight so to be sure that the deltoid takes the tension, no the joint!

I find that performing laterals following these type of ques in mind that I get a lot more out of them.
Cole Dreyer

Cole Dreyer

Good back session today. I typically do a lot of rope pull overs as an either before back training because I think it is both a good starter/warm up movement and a great finisher. But today I did hammer strengths iso pull over plate loaded machine for some muscle round sets and my oh my was the stretch and contraction awesome. Certainly going to add these in from time to time going forward.

All in all a great session of some heavy rows primarily.

As exercisers and fitness people who are pursuing various goals with various modes of training something that is important to consider (which I think isn't considered too often) is how you breathe during training.

Depending on what you are doing will determine the type of respiration patterns to follow. This makes sense because it goes right in hand with specificity of training, right? If it is our goal to run a marathon our training is going to programmed around running for that goal.

I find that most folks, even moderately advanced folks don't pay too much attention to their respiration patterns while training. Instead they settle into some kind of pattern, become comfortable with it, and then don't think about it again. This is erroneous because how you go about breathing can effect how optimal you are in your training. So it is worth taking sometime to ensure that you are using proper breathing techniques for your specific mode of exercise and goal.

This is going to be different for the runner, the weight lifter, the power lifter, the tennis player, etc.

Take powerlifting for example. When training with near maximal and maximal loads your respiration will effect your stabilization (but please know that it does not equate to good stabilization necessary) and so it really effect if you hit or miss a lift. For this mode of exercise and training it is a critical component.

My advice is to take sometime to consider how your respiration patterns could be used to your advantage to optimize your training and then figuring out how to adjust your execution to incorporate it properly.
Cole Dreyer

Cole Dreyer

Alrighty fella's back from a couple days away from the boards.

Had a great heavy leg session yesterday. Went in on some heavy V-squat, wide low foot placement leg press, and various hamstring and calve movements.

Today was a great chest/delt session. Worked up to some heavy incline hammer strength press, some dumbbell flys and then some heavy seated military press and various laterals.

Great pump, numbers went up on all lifts from the previous session and just felt great!

Okay friends it's November and what does that mean???

Holidays are here. Just like they are EVERY YEAR.

But without fail people always act and talk about how "fast" it came and how "they can't believe the holidays are here already" as if it is some huge big total surprise that they did not see coming.


Inevitably what happens is people go into this 1.5-2 month state of frenzy where they are constantly hustling and hurrying in just about every aspect of life. What happens is many folks let what is (or at least what they say) is important to them go by the way side and give room to the tyranny of the urgency that they have allowed themselves to feel because of the time of year.

One of those important things is people fitness goals. They go right out the window. What then happens is all of the holiday events, that ALWAYS contain copious amounts of good food, come and people act as if they have no self control, forget all of the progress they have made on their goals and act like they never had goals.


Because January is going to come and the 2 months will be over and life will go back to "normal" and you will loathe yourself for the foolish actions you took and the great lifestyle you abandoned.

Continue on the path regardless of the seasonal culture around is. Your goals are worth it!
Cole Dreyer

Cole Dreyer

Off day today. Nothing fancy just a day of work and it has been fairly relaxed.

I can always tell when it's an off day because even after good sleep I just feel worn down and a bit foggy mentally throughout the day. My CNS seems to take a good beating on my heavy compound days (always the first couple days of the week) and by mid week I need a day off.

Here is the thought of the day.

Don't define yourself via your health and fitness goals - or any goal for that matter - because if you do you will find that:

1. Your daily joy rises and falls by how "successful" you are at achieving that goal.

2. You will view people around you as either obstacles to your goal or enablers to your goal and you won't view them as people.

3. You will most likely not make good progress towards your goal at all.

It is okay to be obsessive toward an endeavor like body change, hitting a certain number on a lift, or losing "X" amount of weight but the moment that takes over as identity you are doomed in a lot of ways.
Cole Dreyer

Cole Dreyer

Fairly solid leg training session today. Started off with some standard leg extensions to get the knees and legs feeling good and then progressed over to a Prime High Angle Leg press that was a much more glute and hamstring specific. Worked up to 7 plates a side and then finished with a muscle round at that weight.

Then headed the hammer strength iso lateral horizontal leg press because the standard leg press was in use. Worked up to 4 plates for single lateral presses and then did two muscle rounds here to finish up.

Wrapped up with some calves and other leg work and wrapped up with some HIT cardio. Legs felt fairly good.

A word to those who are simply looking to lose weight and are working to see that scale go down.

Realize and remember that throughout the week your weight on the scale is going to fluctuate and won't be the exact same day to day and won't necessarily be linear in gains or drops over the course of a given week.

I find that lot of my general weight loss clients and folks who speak with on a regular basis get very discouraged when they see one day the scale tell them their weight is down and then the next day see it go back up. The problem is they simply don't realize how fickle their weight can be. Just because you were down in weight one day and up the next does not mean you are going backwards or have lost progress.

What causes these fluctuations? A myriad of things can be to blame but most common are:

- caloric intake from one day to the next
- macronutrient break down and variances from one day to the next
- type of exercises and intensity there-of and its physiological effects on the body
- levels of inflammation through the body from food, exercise, illness, etc.
- hormonal levels and fluctuations - this is especially true in females.

It is very important to keep these things in mind. What is more important however is work to re-egineer the way you tie your since of success of weight loss and self-worth to the scale. I have spoke with numerous people that are shackled to the tyranny of what a number says on a machine. For so many it defines how they can feel about themselves.

Reject this because it is not true. You are not the scale.

Rather the scale is a tool to use in your process of weight loss and body change. Use the mirror and a tape measure as well to determine how your progress is going in addition to the scale. Yes it should go down as time goes on but it is not the end all be all as so many believe it to be.


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What are muscle rounds?
Cole Dreyer

Cole Dreyer


Rack Deadlift zig zag with prime plate loaded pull down: 8x455/10x3p, 6/8, 7x405/8

Incline Smith Barbbell press zig zag with flat DB fly: 10x2pps/10x50s, 6/8

Seated smith Barbbell press zig zag with prime lateral raise machine: 6x205/10x170, 9x185/9

Good session today with a bit of a whole upper body focus. Because of thanksgiving plans I had to restructure somethings so this is what I ended up doing today.

Plan is to go in tomorrow morning for a good session to prime the body for all the food I will be eating!
Cole Dreyer

Cole Dreyer

What are muscle rounds?
Muscle Rounds are a concept developed by Leo Costa's "Titan Training". It is essentially an elongated set.

How it works in FT is you pick a weight where you could perform roughly 12-15 perfect reps with but would cause you to fail at 15. You then perform 6 sets of 4 reps with only a 10 second break between sets of four.

The idea is that you get more volume, via getting 24 total reps with a load you would otherwise fail at 15 with.


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Muscle Rounds are a concept developed by Leo Costa's "Titan Training". It is essentially an elongated set.

How it works in FT is you pick a weight where you could perform roughly 12-15 perfect reps with but would cause you to fail at 15. You then perform 6 sets of 4 reps with only a 10 second break between sets of four.

The idea is that you get more volume, via getting 24 total reps with a load you would otherwise fail at 15 with.
Ah got it! Something I've done before but never really had a name for. Kinda like rest-pause but not all sets to failure.
Cole Dreyer

Cole Dreyer

Ah got it! Something I've done before but never really had a name for. Kinda like rest-pause but not all sets to failure.
Yes very similar! Just specific to getting the heaviest load possible for all 6 sets of 4.
Cole Dreyer

Cole Dreyer

Alright boys and girls I hope everyone had a great thanksgiving! I know I did and enjoyed just being away from social media for a while.

My wife decided she wanted to be training partners again because she had a schedule change that will allow it to be so most days of the week.

I was planning on transitioning to Fortitude training after thanksgiving because the more I read and listen to Dr. Scott Stevenson and the more I grow in my knowledge of my own body as it relates to training and with the goals I have, and seeing how many, many people (especially us normal joes with not stellar genetics) make stellar gains on high frequency training I decided it was time to really give it sometime.

My wife decided to do it along with me which is pretty awesome.

Here is the first workout of the week on the Basic Tier 1.

11/22/16 FT Basic Tier 1 Day 1A

Cardio: 4 10/50 intervals
Front squat machine: 6x7pps
Leg extension: 12xstack
Straight leg deadlift: 7x315
Adductor: 20x100
Donkey Calf: 12x340, 8

Flat machine fly into DB floor fly/Mag neutral grip pull down: 20x156/8x40s/15x130

DB laterals/lateral machine/rear delt fly: 30x10kgs/15x50/12x96

Cable preacher curl/rope press down: 12x30/20x42.5

Training Days

Meal 1 Pre workout:
12 Egg Whites or 1.5 scoop whey iso or 1 scoop of whey iso IF you choose oats or bagels by of how much protein is in it
400g of sweet potato or rice or oats (90g) or 1.5 bagel as long as carbs are the same

Meal 2- 15 minutes Preworkout:
1 scoop of amino acids (
5-10g Glutamine
5g Taurine
10g Vegetable Glycerin
200mgs Caffeine

Meal 3 - Intraworkout Meal:
•50g of carbohydrates from Highly Branched Cyclic Dextrin OR Waxy Maize OR Karbolyn
•25g protein from Whey Protein Isolate or Hydrolyzed Whey
•15g amino acids (BCAA or EAA depending on the individual, minimum of 2-3g Leucine)
•10g Vegetable Glycerol
•1g Agmatine
•10g Glutamine

Meal 4 - Immediately Postworkout Meal:
•50g protein from Whey Protein Isolate or Hydrolyzed Whey
•50g carbs gatorade

Meal 5 taken with a low dosed GDA:
•8 oz Ground Turkey (93/7)
•600g Sweet Potato or equal carb amount from rice, bagels or combo there of

Meal 6
•6 oz Beef
•1 tbsp coconut oil

•Meal 7
•1 cup Greek yogurt
•1 scoop whey iso

•Meal 8
•1 cup cottage cheese
•1 tbsp EVOO

Rest Days

Meal 1:
•7 Whole Eggs
•2 TBSP Red Palm Oil
•2 cups of Spinach or Kale

Meal 2:
•6 oz Ground Turkey (93/7)
•200g sweet potato OR Rice (keep the carbohydrates the same)
•1 TBSP Coconut Oil
Meal 3:
•4 oz Ground beef
•1 TBSP Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Meal 4:
•6 oz Chicken Breast
•200g Sweet Potato OR Rice (keep the carbohydrates the same amount)
•1 TBSP Coconut Oil
Meal 5
•8 Whole Eggs
•2 cups of Spinach or Kale
•1 oz Almonds

Meal 6:
•1 cup 2% cottage cheese
•1 TBSP Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Adjustments will be made via what pics and scale tell me.

Thought of the day:

If we look at those who have built incredible physiques over the decades I see a common denominator and that is simply that they had a dumbbell or a barbell in hand as often as possible when it came to exercise selection.

I think more people would see more progress if they followed suit.

Diet is as follows and is current for the cut I have been in for a few weeks.
Cole Dreyer

Cole Dreyer

A+ day when your wife goes set for set with you. Not weight for weight of course but her intensity and effort was right there with mine.

11/30/16 FT Basic Tier 1 Day 2A

Rack Deadlift zig zag with prime plate loaded pull down: 6x495/12x3p, 7x405/

Incline Smith Barbbell press zig zag with flat DB fly: 9x3pps/6x30kgs

Seated smith Barbbell press zig zag with prime lateral raise machine: 7x205/12x170

Leg Press: 25x6pps
Prime Lying leg curl: 20x1p+25p
Seated calf raise: 15x215
Cole Dreyer

Cole Dreyer

A+ day when your wife goes set for set with you. Not weight for weight of course but her intensity and effort was right there with mine.

11/30/16 FT Basic Tier 1 Day 2A

Rack Deadlift zig zag with prime plate loaded pull down: 6x495/12x3p, 7x405/

Incline Smith Barbbell press zig zag with flat DB fly: 9x3pps/6x30kgs

Seated smith Barbbell press zig zag with prime lateral raise machine: 7x205/12x170

Leg Press: 25x6pps
Prime Lying leg curl: 20x1p+25p
Seated calf raise: 15x215
Cole Dreyer

Cole Dreyer

The common "hardcore" quote you see all the time "if it doesn't challenge you it doesn't change you" is quite possibly one of the better quotes that directly relates to those aspiring to either:

1. Build copious amounts of muscle
2. Lose copious amounts of fat
3. Gain copious amounts of strength.
4. Achieve a copious combination of 1-3.

Every training session, in some way, should challenge you in a fairly sizable way to where you are borderline scarred.

THAT is when you know progress is happening.
Cole Dreyer

Cole Dreyer

Been busy the last few days and did t have a chance to update here but here is the last few workouts of the week.

Overall a great first week training with the wife and we look forward to next week!

Enjoying some great college football action today!

12/2/16 FT Basic Tier 1 Day 4A
Cardio: none
LE Row machine: 4x3pps/4/4/4/4x2pps/4
LE pull down: 4x2pps/4/4/4x1pps/4/4/4
12/1/16 FT Basic Tier 1 Day 3A
Cardio: 4 10/50 intervals
Prime leg press MR: 4x9pps/4/4/4/4/4
LF leg ext P: 20x210
Seated ham curl P: 15x150
Donkey CR MR: 4x360/4/4/4/4/4
Preacher cable curl P: 16x30lb - meh
11/30/16 FT Basic Tier 1 Day 2A

Rack Deadlift zig zag with prime plate loaded pull down: 6x495/12x3p, 7x405/

Incline Smith Barbbell press zig zag with flat DB fly: 9x3pps/6x30kgs

Seated smith Barbbell press zig zag with prime lateral raise machine: 7x205/12x170


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Still looking good.


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Who's your team? I went to psu so obviously I'm hoping for a win and some help
Cole Dreyer

Cole Dreyer

Still looking good.
Thanks brother. It's really just been a time of chipping away. Not overly exciting but that's the point: mundane consistency is where the magic comes from.
Cole Dreyer

Cole Dreyer

Who's your team? I went to psu so obviously I'm hoping for a win and some help
Did you really?? Are you still in PA?

I am an Oregon duck fan because I am from out that way but my entire wife's family are PSU fans. What a win they had!

I would like to see Washington play a good game against Bama. And that is saying something from a duck fan!

NFL wise I am a diehard Seahawks fan.
Cole Dreyer

Cole Dreyer

If your current physique goal is causing you higher than normal for you levels of stress and anxiety then there is a chance of a few things:

1. You are not doing what you know you should be doing deep down to ensure you are reaching your goal. If this is the case then free yourself and adjust to doing what you know you should be.

2. You are focusing too intently on one aspect of the process. Typically it is a point of minutia that really won't make or break your success. This is common and is a vice and can take daily joy out of your process toward your physical goal. When you find yourself doing this return to the basics of what has been propelling your progress.

Don't make your mind a prison of worry.


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Did you really?? Are you still in PA?

I am an Oregon duck fan because I am from out that way but my entire wife's family are PSU fans. What a win they had!

I would like to see Washington play a good game against Bama. And that is saying something from a duck fan!

NFL wise I am a diehard Seahawks fan.
was just in pitt for the last 2 weeks for thanksgiving/hunting... got to watch the game with the locals. Live in ATL tho now (and by live, i mean do laundry and see my house once in awhile since I travel for a living ha)

Washington is gonna get destroyed. Im more bummed that that game will be terrible than I am that PSU didn't make it. as much as I ahte Michigan, even they wouldve been a better game than washington. Bama by at least 40.
Cole Dreyer

Cole Dreyer

Here is yesterday's session. We too off today because I had to sit for a big licensing exam and Lindsey had been up since 4:00am and hadn't slept well so we opted to swap tomorrows off day for today and train tomorrow through Friday.

Was super groggy yesterday morning getting to the gym but still improved from the last session which is what it is all about.

12/5/16 FT Basic Tier 2 Day 1B
Hack squat: 8x5pps, 6
Front squat machine: 2x6pps/4x4pps
DB SLDL: 7x70kgs

Straight leg calf raise: 9x255, 8, 6, 6
Abduction: 12x70, 80, 90, 100

DB fly: 15x20kg, 15x12.5kg
MAG pull down: 15x150, 8/7x120

Cybex lateral raise: 50x40lb, 30x60lb
MAG Rear delt fly: 21x96, 20

Prime Preacher Curl Machine: 20x90lbs
Rope Pressdown 19x52.5


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Here is yesterday's session. We too off today because I had to sit for a big licensing exam and Lindsey had been up since 4:00am and hadn't slept well so we opted to swap tomorrows off day for today and train tomorrow through Friday.

Was super groggy yesterday morning getting to the gym but still improved from the last session which is what it is all about.

12/5/16 FT Basic Tier 2 Day 1B
Hack squat: 8x5pps, 6
Front squat machine: 2x6pps/4x4pps
DB SLDL: 7x70kgs

Straight leg calf raise: 9x255, 8, 6, 6
Abduction: 12x70, 80, 90, 100

DB fly: 15x20kg, 15x12.5kg
MAG pull down: 15x150, 8/7x120

Cybex lateral raise: 50x40lb, 30x60lb
MAG Rear delt fly: 21x96, 20

Prime Preacher Curl Machine: 20x90lbs
Rope Pressdown 19x52.5
just out of curiosity, what's your go-to pre wokrout or combo of choice to get you moving? are you a high stim guy or just more of an ergogenic?
Cole Dreyer

Cole Dreyer

Welp, my wife and I decided to go in late last night for a session so it turned out not to be an off day and today ended up being as originally planned.

First time at the Warhouse where we saw DLB be there. I don't blame her training at odd hours so she isn't bothered by the crowd. Was cool to be in such company.

12/7/16 FT Basic Tier 2 Day 2B
Prime Bent over row zz Prime high pull down: 8x3pps+10ps/8x1pps+25ps, 6/6, 7x2pps+25ps/7x1pps
Smith decline bench zz incline DB fly: 10x2pps+25ps/6x30kg, 6/6x22.5kg
Behind neck smith press zz DB lateral to failure: 4x1pps+25ps/4x1pps/12x25kg/12 partials, 10x1pps/12/15partials
LF Leg press: 22xstack
Prime leg ext: 25x3p
Prime lying leg curl: 15x2p+25

Standing calf raise: 10x215, 15x215

Some great jumps for me on decline bench from the last session and on the pull movements as well.

Enjoyed a bit of a free meal today. My personal tale tell signs that my metabolic rate was beginning to get sluggish came about so went to my go to which is a standard large pizza. It went down good and I feel very comfortable after eating it which tells me more so then the obvious feeling that I wasn't force feeding. The imes when food just goes down like its nothing and that indicates to me my metabolism and appetite and digestion are firing well. Its the times where I eat and I feel like it just sits around and doesn't feel or seem to stimulate anything makes me know that I might be having an issue before too long.
Cole Dreyer

Cole Dreyer

just out of curiosity, what's your go-to pre wokrout or combo of choice to get you moving? are you a high stim guy or just more of an ergogenic?

When it boils down too it I would choose ergogenic over stimulants simply because they will actually benefit the results I am after more so then stimulants will.

HOWEVER. I do like stimulants. I typically like something around 200mg of caffeine from a stimulant stand point to get me going. Maybe some yohimbe if it is in a product already.

Other then that I don't typically need the stims because I find I can get myself going mentally for training with out and would rather have more ergo's in my system with knowing that they will actually help me get to my goal that much faster.

How about for you?


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When it boils down too it I would choose ergogenic over stimulants simply because they will actually benefit the results I am after more so then stimulants will.

HOWEVER. I do like stimulants. I typically like something around 200mg of caffeine from a stimulant stand point to get me going. Maybe some yohimbe if it is in a product already.

Other then that I don't typically need the stims because I find I can get myself going mentally for training with out and would rather have more ergo's in my system with knowing that they will actually help me get to my goal that much faster.

How about for you?
I'm abbot of a mixed bag. I like to "feel" a pre so I def enjoy stims, especially deep in a cut. That said, I can also drop all stims cold turkey and train fine as well. Sometimes I just take stuff for the flavor and some extra water ha.

I have a lot of trouble getting good pumps tho so anything that helps there I definitely enjoy.

Focus is never an issue for me tho as gym time is me time and I'm in the zone. It's my time to forget the rest of my life and just enjoy the solitude.
Cole Dreyer

Cole Dreyer

I'm abbot of a mixed bag. I like to "feel" a pre so I def enjoy stims, especially deep in a cut. That said, I can also drop all stims cold turkey and train fine as well. Sometimes I just take stuff for the flavor and some extra water ha.

I have a lot of trouble getting good pumps tho so anything that helps there I definitely enjoy.

Focus is never an issue for me tho as gym time is me time and I'm in the zone. It's my time to forget the rest of my life and just enjoy the solitude.
We sound quite similar in this regard haha. I just feel that I am able to reach a high level of performance regardless if I got stems flowing through me or not.

In terms of pumps go I would recommend giving vegetable glycerin a shot. 10-20g pre/intra can really help a lot I have found. Also I would recommend utilizing Himalayan Pink Salt and/or Sea salt pre/intra as that can help pumps quite a lot as well.

Infact I would even utilize that salt in basically all meals. I have found I generally have better pumps when I use it constantly.
Cole Dreyer

Cole Dreyer

Sessions over the last two days. Another solid week of FT where all lifts were improved by decent margins. We did tier 2 this week and we will probably jump up to the tier 3 next week, which is the highest volume tier of the basic version, and we will see how that goes.

2/8/16 FT Basic Tier 2 Day 3C
Cardio: 4 10/50 intervals
Prime Leg ext MR: 4x4p/4/4/4/4/6
Prime high leg press MR: 4x8pps/4/4/4/4/4
Watson Leg press MR: 4x5pps/4/4/4/4/4, 4x5pps/4/4/4/4/4
Seated calf raise MR: 4x55ps/4/4/4/4/4

EZ bar cable curl: 4x115/4/4/4/4/4 - need to do more warm ups, could go a bit heavier
12/7/16 FT Basic Tier 2 Day 2B
Prime Bent over row zz Prime high pull down: 8x3pps+10ps/8x1pps+25ps, 6/6, 7x2pps+25ps/7x1pps
Smith decline bench zz incline DB fly: 10x2pps+25ps/6x30kg, 6/6x22.5kg
Behind neck smith press zz DB lateral to failure: 4x1pps+25ps/4x1pps/12x25kg/12 partials, 10x1pps/12/15partials
LF Leg press: 22xstack
Prime leg ext: 25x3p
Prime lying leg curl: 15x2p+25

Standing calf raise: 10x215, 15x215

Down 1.2 pounds this week. Was hoping to be 2+ so made some slight diet adjustments to off days that will make those 3 days geared a bit towards keto style dieting which will hopefully accelerate loss a bit .
Cole Dreyer

Cole Dreyer

Today's tip of the day.

I do these M-F on IG so follow me coledreyer if you want in on the shenanigans


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We sound quite similar in this regard haha. I just feel that I am able to reach a high level of performance regardless if I got stems flowing through me or not.

In terms of pumps go I would recommend giving vegetable glycerin a shot. 10-20g pre/intra can really help a lot I have found. Also I would recommend utilizing Himalayan Pink Salt and/or Sea salt pre/intra as that can help pumps quite a lot as well.

Infact I would even utilize that salt in basically all meals. I have found I generally have better pumps when I use it constantly.
I actually borderline abuse pink salt ha. Never thought to dose some pre tho. I'll have to try that out tomorrow morning.

Not familiar with the veg glycerine at all tho. Got me some reading to do now ;) thanks!
Cole Dreyer

Cole Dreyer

Here was today's fun! I was frustrated with myself on set two of the Watson leg press and set 1 of the high leg press because I underestimated my loads and so those two sets were not as hard as they could be which frustrated me BUT on to the next.

Watson Leg press/high leg press/prime leg curl ZZ sets: 8x7pps/12x8pps/9.5x2pps+35, 8x7pps
Seated calf raise: 12x1pps, 12, 8x55ps, 8
Abduction: 12x70, 80, 90, 100

Mag fly machine zz rope pull down: 25x156/16x50, 15x180/15x50

Cybex lateral raise zz MAG Rear Delt FLy: 30x60ln/30x72.5, 20x84/25x60

Iso cable curl front to back: 22x17.5/10
Rope press down/straight bar press down: 20x42.5/12
Cole Dreyer

Cole Dreyer

Good first two days of training this week. This is the third week in the rotation so next week it's back to week 1.

I have kept the movement selection to things that I feel really work well for me and are simple variations of the classic compound movements. I may tweak 1 or 2 things here or there on the next cycle of three weeks but we will see.

I do know that I need to do a better job of keeping track of muscle rounds and beating the log book each time I do them. Since they, and pump style sets, are not required to be the same week to week and allows for variety (which I love) but it can get jumbled up in the notes if I'm not careful and then it's a pain to go through and find it at times.

12/13/16 FT Basic Tier 2 Day 2B
HS iso horiz. Row zz HS iso pull over (not sure how I feel about the pull over as a movement): 6ishx3pps/9.5x2pps, 7x2pps+25ps/9, 6.5/8
HS incline press zz MAG fly machine: 7x3pps/10x204, 8x2pps+25ps/10
Prime loaded SP: 6x3pps, 11.5x2pps+25ps, 7
LF Leg press: 22xstack
Prime leg ext P set: 15x3p w/ 1 ct hold at top. 10 partial
LF seated leg curl: 20x135

Standing calf raise: 15x215, 10/8x155
12/12/16 FT Basic Tier 2 Day 1C
Watson Leg press/high leg press/prime leg curl ZZ sets: 8x7pps/12x8pps/9.5x2pps+35, 8x7pps
Seated calf raise: 12x1pps, 12, 8x55ps, 8
Abduction: 12x70, 80, 90, 100

Mag fly machine zz rope pull down: 25x156/16x50, 15x180/15x50

Cybex lateral raise zz MAG Rear Delt FLy: 30x60ln/30x72.5, 20x84/25x60

Iso cable curl front to back: 22x17.5/10
Rope press down/straight bar press down: 20x42.5/12


New member
Excellent lower body muscle round day today. After the first set of V-squat my quads were blown up! over four hours later and I am still feeling the impact of those MRs.

I thought my glute/hamstring activation could be better so I gotta improve that going into next week.

12/15/16 FT Basic Tier 2 Day 3C
Cardio: 4 10/50 intervals on bike
Vsquat MR: 4x5pps/4/2/4x4pps/4/4, 4x4pps/4/4/4/4/4
Rev vsquat SLDL MR: 4x4pps/4/4/4/4/4
LF leg extension MR: 4x165/4/4/4/4/4
LF standing CR: 4x275/4/4/4/4/4
Prime preacher curl P set: 15x110/10x90/7x70


New member
A word to those who are simply looking to lose weight and are working to see that scale go down.

Realize and remember that throughout the week your weight on the scale is going to fluctuate and won't be the exact same day to day and won't necessarily be linear in gains or drops over the course of a given week.

I find that lot of my general weight loss clients and folks who speak with on a regular basis get very discouraged when they see one day the scale tell them their weight is down and then the next day see it go back up. The problem is they simply don't realize how fickle their weight can be. Just because you were down in weight one day and up the next does not mean you are going backwards or have lost progress.

What causes these fluctuations? A myriad of things can be to blame but most common are:

- caloric intake from one day to the next
- macronutrient break down and variances from one day to the next
- type of exercises and intensity there-of and its physiological effects on the body
- levels of inflammation through the body from food, exercise, illness, etc.
- hormonal levels and fluctuations - this is especially true in females.

It is very important to keep these things in mind. What is more important however is work to re-egineer the way you tie your since of success of weight loss and self-worth to the scale. I have spoke with numerous people that are shackled to the tyranny of what a number says on a machine. For so many it defines how they can feel about themselves.

Reject this because it is not true. You are not the scale.

Rather the scale is a tool to use in your process of weight loss and body change. Use the mirror and a tape measure as well to determine how your progress is going in addition to the scale. Yes it should go down as time goes on but it is not the end all be all as so many believe it to be.
Cole Dreyer

Cole Dreyer

So apparently I had also made an account "co1e train" on this board which I didn't know. My Safari browser some how saved that info and input for me when I went to log in for the first time on this new computer I am using. Sorry about that as I didn't realize it until after I made the posts.
Cole Dreyer

Cole Dreyer

Cole Dreyer

Cole Dreyer

Great quick session to day. Was a touch late getting to the gym but still got just about everything in.

My legs are sore from the muscle round day yesterday!

Bumping up to a new volume Tier next week and looking forward to getting back to week A Workouts and kill it via progressive overload.

Expecting a new low on the scale tomorrow too!

12/16/16 FT Basic Tier 2 Day 4C
Cardio: 4 10/50 intervals
Seated cable row MR: 4x160/4/4/4/4/4, 4/4/4/4/4x180/4
MAG wide grip pull down MR: 4x120/4/4/4x140/4/4, 4x150/4/4/4/4/4
Magnum chest fly MR: 4x204/4/4/4/4/4x2
Edge seated SP MR: 4x2pps/4/4/4/4/8 (time didn't allow for 2)
Overhead rope together MR: 4x52.5/4x62.5/4/4/4x72.5/6

Going to see rouge one tonight!!! Cannot wait!


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Definintely let me know what you think of R1! Im travelling this eveing so I wont get to, but maybe tomorrow for me. Such a huge star wars geek ;)
Cole Dreyer

Cole Dreyer

Definintely let me know what you think of R1! Im travelling this eveing so I wont get to, but maybe tomorrow for me. Such a huge star wars geek ;)
I'm a huge Star Wars geek too man! Have adored the series since I was 5 years old.

I thought R1 was great. Not a disappointment at all and I left the theater surprised at how satisfied I was.

I really enjoyed a story totally unattached from the main driving story of the franchise. A separate story in the same universe was just very cool. To me, it made the "Wars" part of the Star Wars way more real.

Excited to hear what you think about it!

Hope everyone is having a great weekend! Enjoying a football Sunday and enjoying an early Christmas present from my in laws


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