Designer Supplements NHA Stack (ActivaTe + Rebound Reloaded) Review



New member
For the past month I have been using the Designer Supplements NHA stack of ActivaTe and Rebound Reloaded.
NHA Stack (combo pack) By Designer Supplements

I have been dosing at 2 caps of RR (bfast and dinner) and 4 caps of ActivaTe (bfast, lunch, prelift, dinner).


Strength: 10/10
Strength gains have been great. I came off a 10 week olypic distance triathlon training and it DESTROYED my strength, I felt like a noob hitting the weights after the race, but in a short time period, I have really bounced back and in no short part due to this. Almost all my lifts are back to where they were and I am 11 lbs lighter than before :)

Vascularity: 7/10
Vascularity was up slightly.

Muscle Hardness: 10/10
Again, following the race, I felt very flat, especially in the chest. Now I feel better than before, muslces are very full

Endurance: 8/10
No positive or negative effect on aerobic endurance, but did feel very good on the anaerobic endurance level. I left the gym most days feeling like I could keep tearing up the weights, but only left to go do some cardio :)

Internal Feelings:9/10
Aggression (or what is frequently noted as Alpha Male) has been up. I don't feel anxious or anything, just assure of myself and a little angrier ;)

Side Effects
No sleep problems to note, I have some lethargy, but it is hard to filter out what may be a result of the stack and what is a result of life. I do feel like the stack played into this a little, but nothing horrible. I have noticed some additional acne on my face with no other specific source.

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