Cycle thoughts? Test c Npp mast superdrol


New member
What’s up guys, first post on this site/forum. Just looking for thoughts/critiques/experience from anyone who has ran this cycle.

First off, I’m 28 yrs old, 175 lbs, 5’5. Been lifting for 9 years. Bf% 15.

I’m on trt. This will be my first cycle after getting Gyno surgery but 10th overall cycle.

I’ll be running:
Test c 400 mg/week pinning EOD
SUPERDROL 20-30 mg Ed weeks 12-16.
Npp 400 mg/week pinning EOD
MAST A 400 mg/week pinning EOD
16 week

will have adex and nolva on hand during cycle.

with last cycles I ran 1 mg adex/week.

Goal is to lean bulk trying to shed some dad bod fat and get back to my peak condition pre-kids.

of course diet and workout regimen will be on point, more just looking for thoughts on the cycle as I’ve never ran superdrol and this is post Gyno surgery.

thanks guys.
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Are you saying you going to run 1200mg of each drug a week or 400mg a week? If 400 it looks good but if it’s 1200 you’re insane.
yes 400mg each week. Holy **** not 1200

lol, good, you did write 400mg eod (each other day) but you should of wrote ew (each week).

Ok, yeah that be good, I would probably finish with the SD so you get a little extra push at the end or start lower and finish higher with the oils. I would recommend doing that either way. 16 weeks is a long time and it’s a chance that your results will stagnate towards the end otherwise.
Each week, every week. Potato patato but no really i guess someone would have read that and done it like that if they were dumb.

I’m still iffy on 16 weeks. Might shorten it, might throw winny in the mix for that good end of cycle hardener.
Each week, every week. Potato patato but no really i guess someone would have read that and done it like that if they were dumb.

I’m still iffy on 16 weeks. Might shorten it, might throw winny in the mix for that good end of cycle hardener.

Ramp up the dosage or throw in a new drug is the way to go for long cycles, good luck.
I agree with bbiceps...why the sdrol at the start? Your cycle will certainly start with a hiss and a roar, but I'd rather end that way. Plus, most guys will not exactly feel 100% on sdrol, you sure you want your cycle to begin with potentially feeling crappy?

If we consider how muscle is built, and how long it takes, and adaptation, really the only reason for "kickers" is psychological and not physiological so much.
I agree with bbiceps...why the sdrol at the start? Your cycle will certainly start with a hiss and a roar, but I'd rather end that way. Plus, most guys will not exactly feel 100% on sdrol, you sure you want your cycle to begin with potentially feeling crappy?

If we consider how muscle is built, and how long it takes, and adaptation, really the only reason for "kickers" is psychological and not physiological so much.
I’ve never done the sdrol so I’m not sure how I’ll respond. If there’s potential of feeling crappy I’d want to get that out of the way.
But I understand why you’re asking why not at the end.
Funny how ppl come here and ask for “thoughts/critiques/experience” on cycles and when they get them they will argue against them 😂
Bro I was like wtf, 4,200mg/wk of oil right out the gate?!

Someone running doses like that doesn’t take advice on what they’re running. They already believe in what they’re doing lol

But yeah, start at 300 for everything per week and then creep it up to 400 then 500. And put the oral as a finisher. Same total drug exposure, but you are pushing the most gear when training and food needs to progress will be highest so you can keep driving hard.
Funny how ppl come here and ask for “thoughts/critiques/experience” on cycles and when they get them they will argue against them 😂
Not arguing my man just wanted to figure out why at the end vs the beginning then questioned why at the end if most people reacted poorly to it.
Bro I was like wtf, 4,200mg/wk of oil right out the gate?!

Someone running doses like that doesn’t take advice on what they’re running. They already believe in what they’re doing lol

But yeah, start at 300 for everything per week and then creep it up to 400 then 500. And put the oral as a finisher. Same total drug exposure, but you are pushing the most gear when training and food needs to progress will be highest so you can keep driving hard.
Sounds like a plan to me. Will keep track thru out. Not sure if people follow this post afterwards…
Not arguing my man just wanted to figure out why at the end vs the beginning then questioned why at the end if most people reacted poorly to it.

It's like a long road trip. If my kids are going to be b1tching and moaning and annoying the fuk out of me would I rather them do that at the start of the journey, or at the end?