Cutting with OL Assass1nate + Sup3r Shred (Unsponsored)



So I know a number of people got on the OL BOGO deal, but I haven't seen any logs started and it seems most comments indicate peoples stacked them immediately.

I'm 8 weeks into a cut (first 6 weeks was a logged run of Epi/1). I got a cold coming off that, so I bumped calories near maint for a week to help with recovery. Last week I started 15mg yohimbine. Doing 16/8 IF and I averaged -500 calories for the week. I lost 1.1lbs.

My products are arriving today. I already have a baseline with my current routine/diet/yohimbine, so I'll add ONLY assass1nate for the first two weeks and note any deviations. Then I'll add sup3r shred into the stack and do the same. If all goes well, last two weeks of sup3r shred will then flow into my next phase (recomp. w/ FD2).

I'm also on a stim-break, but Conqu3r UL SF was sold out, so I'll be using Endure+ as a PWO for the next 4 weeks.

Male, 34, 5'-10", 180.5, roughly 18%bf

Routine (plus stats for week on yohimbine):


Subbed as well! I'm stacking Sup3r 7/SS/Assass1nate beginning in a few days so I'm interested in seeing your results


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Running sup3r shred stacked with sup3r epi elite and sup3r-2, interested to see your results!


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I'll be starting Sup3r 7 / Assasinate in about 4 weeks, after I finish pct. In for your experiences.



"Olympus Labs is proud to present ASSASS1NATE, a combined stimulant free fat burner and glucose disposal agent (GDA) supplement."

First impression? Disappointed OL didn't actually print little ninjas and kanji on each capsule. I've been lied to!!!!!

But seriously, I'll be using Assass1nate for both it's fat burning and GDA properties.

Planned dosing will be:
-1 capsule in am (fasted)
-2 capsule at lunch (meal highest in carbs)
-1 capsule at dinner

I took my first capsule last night about 30 minutes before dinner. Felt a bit of appetite suppression and that's about it so far. Just trusting the GDA portion was doing its thing too.

I found one of the hardest parts about cutting AND taking a stim break is I don't get my ECA stack to help with 16/8 fasting! It's a mental challenge every day to push through that for me. But I took another capsule this morning and I'm cruising right along.

The appetite suppression is different than what I'm used to. My go to is ECA, but I've also used a handful of Bloodshr3d Raw samples. Bloodshr3d makes me want to run away from food. Like I don't even want to think about eating. ECA tends to just kill my appetite so I don't feel hungry. With assass1nate I still feel hungry, but it's "no big deal". So hunger is there, but is very manageable.


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Good feedback, I got mine this morning and am planning to try it out soon.


Ok, so I've got a few updates:

-I took one cap the last two mornings and performed cardio (LISS) about an hour later. Happy to report I've had no hypoglycemia type sides reported with some GDA's.
-I performed deads, high pulls, and KB swings today and was pouring buckets of sweat. Much more than normal. Much more than I get with Y-HCL or ECA. I'll update if this was a fluke, but I take it as a sign the "thermogenic activation" is working!
-My pee is dark-ish and smells funny. I don't consider this significant, but I drink 1.5-2gal of water a day, and adding Assass1nate has been the only change to my routine. Basically it's normally clear and odorless and the last two days it has been light yellow and has that ammonia smell like you get when dehydrated. NOTE: I don't have any other symptoms of being dehydrated.

My daily routine is below. If any OL reps see opportunity to change/maximize my dosing, I'm all ears.

-7am: Take 1 cap assass1nate, 15mg Y-HCL, 50mg Forskolin
-9-10am: LISS on treadmill
-11am: PWO with 1 scoop Endure+ and PES Protein*
-11:30-12:30pm: Workout and have 1 scoop Endure+ and PES Protein intra*
12:30pm: Take 2 caps assass1nate
1:00pm: Eat lunch and take first daily multi & vit d
3:30pm: Eat oatmeal w/ egg, cinnamon, raisins, and sorghum
6:00pm: Take 1 cap assass1nate
6:30pm: Eat dinner and take second daily multi & fish oil

So I fast until I take my PWO on days I lift and until I eat lunch on days I don't.


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Are you going to do before and after pictures?


I made a dosing change today. Previous dosing listed above, but long and short is that I was taking my largest dose (2 caps) with my lunch. That timing is also post workout on lift days. Since the body is already "primed" to partition, I probably wasn't getting max benefits of GDA.

So now I'll be taking two am (fasted) and two pm (30 min before dinner). I took two this morning and didn't notice any hypo symptoms (didn't notice any at one cap either). However, I didn't experience any additional appetite suppression compared to just one cap either.

Since this is non-stim, I don't expect taking two caps in the evening to effect sleep, but I'll report back if it does. I use a sleep logging app, so I'll have some good data to compare against.


First week is in the books and I'm pleased with the results. I averaged 2500 calories and lost 2.2lbs. The week before starting I averaged 2500 calories and lost 1.4lbs. Macros, sleep, and activity levels were all very balanced between the two weeks.

In short, I lost 0.8lbs more than the week prior with the only significant change being the addition of Assass1nate.

The fact this is a stim-free product makes it difficult to FEEL it's working. The appetite suppression and thermo effects are extremely mild, so I'm happy I kept things consistent and had a baseline to compare it to.


Midweek update. Nothing appreciable has changed. I've stuck with dosing 2 morning fasted and 2 evening dinner. Appetite suppression is very minimal for me, but it is there. Sweating more during both LISS and HIIT. Diet and routine has been consistent so far this week, so I'm hoping for a similar drop on Monday's weigh in.

If anybody is looking for any additional feedback I haven't covered, please feel free to ask.


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Just seeing this now. Noticed you're on a powerlifting split...definitely in for this, will also be curious to see how well you maintain strength on your cut since that's sometimes tough. I expect that stack to treat you well though. :)


Just seeing this now. Noticed you're on a powerlifting split...definitely in for this, will also be curious to see how well you maintain strength on your cut since that's sometimes tough. I expect that stack to treat you well though. :)
Feeling pretty good. Strength has not changed on the big lifts in three weeks (first week baseline and two weeks with Assass1nate). So while I'm not going up or setting PR's, I'm not backsliding either. As you said, just maintaining is sometimes tough on a cut so I'm pretty pleased so far.

I have gone up 10lbs on KB swings (from 45 to 55), but I think that's more a reflection of me getting my technique and cardio back more than strength. I will be curious if I make more improvements in the HIIT portion as I incorporate Sup3r Shred next week!!!


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Kettlebell swings are way out of my realm of expertise lol.

I'm curious, given your routine you're doing, do you have strength goals? Moving down a weight class or something? Or just prefer low rep work? Not that there's anything wrong with low rep work for aesthetic purposes, I'd still base my program off low rep compound work even if my goals were to change to be more aesthetic based.


I say my answer is "yes" to all your questions!

I spent a few years doing stuff like 5x5. I looked around and realized I was stronger than a good number of fellow gym-goers, but a good number of those same people LOOKED stronger than me. Strength is my primary goal, but I've decided to try and get my physique to represent my strength

My current goal is to get into the 12-15% range. I figure on a deficit I won't be building much muscle, so I focused my routine on: compound lifts at low reps (strength), dynamic movements at moderate reps (power), and HIIT to cap off the workout and keep my metabolism going.

After this I'm planning to do four weeks of recomp at maint calories and use FD2. That will be my "tried and true" four day upper/lower split. Then I'm moving right into a lean bulk at 250 calories surplus and a hypertrophy based routine.

Long story short, I'm kind of in new territory, but right now the pounds are dropping and strength is maintaining, so I'm sticking with it.


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Looks like you have a very solid plan already figured it out!


Ok, so started Sup3r Shred today. I didn't notice any acute effects during my workout, but I stuggled to get good sleep last night and so I struggled to get a good workout in. I'll continue to take note in the coming days and provide feedback if I notice anything. From reading the Q&A thread, I expect the only thing I might notice is if the KB swings (HIIT) get easier or I can perform them for longer. Is that correct? Is there anything else I should be looking for as far as immediate response to the supplement?

My weight showed 179.4 this morning, which is an increase of 1.4 lbs! I tracked cals last week and was hitting -500 every day except for one. I did a "refeed" on Saturday and went to maintenance calories. Needless to say, the math doesn't work for food intake to get +1.4lbs. Does anyone know if Assass1nate or Shred cause water retention? I'm also using yohimbine HCL which I've read can do it, but usually that happens in the first week and I'm 3 weeks on YHCL. I'm planning to weigh in again tomorrow to see if it was a fluke, but any thoughts are welcome/appreciated.


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Weight loss isn't linear. Could be water, could be food in your gi tract, could be a number of things. Watch for overall trends, not just day to day differences.


Weight loss isn't linear. Could be water, could be food in your gi tract, could be a number of things. Watch for overall trends, not just day to day differences.
Thanks! I'm not getting discouraged and I'm not going to do anything drastic like cut more calories. I was mostly posting it in case people were looking for an update.

I'm going to keep on digging and hope I have a good payoff in two weeks at my final weigh in for the log!


I weighed in again this morning. 178.4. So down a pound from yesterday but still up 0.4 from last week. My weight loss has been pretty linear up to this point, and I know it often goes non-linear the leaner you get.

I'm going to take this as I sign I'm getting leaner and I'll just start waiting for the "wooosh"!




Quick update. No change in lifts. Weight has stayed above 178 all week. Sticking to my diet so I'm just waiting for the scale to change.

As far as Sup3r Shred, I never got any other feedback here on acute effects to look for, but as far as increased cardio capacity...I haven't noticed much. Now, it could be that I'm either doing LISS or HIIT (for only 5-10 minutes) and the endurance effects are more in the realm of MISS, but just being honest I've not noticed anything beneficial from adding Sup3r Shred to what I was already getting out of Assass1nate.


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I don't know what the actual science behind the "whoosh" is, though I remember first reading about it on Lyle McDonald's site during prep and thinking it all sounded very weird and unscientific, but it seemed to explain away why my body was acting like it was and I took it as a good enough explanation at the time. Fwiw, for me, it wasn't an issue until I was fairly lean (maybe 4 or 5 weeks out from a show, I think), and I'd get stuck for like two weeks then drop like 2lbs in a day. All anecdotal, of course.


Second straight week with no change on the scale. My calories and macros have been good, my lifts have held steady, and I had a refeed on Saturday. So I'll continue to not panic.

Sup3r Shred NOTE: My KB swings (HIIT) are performed at the end of each lift day. The goal is to use it as a workout "finisher" that ramps up metabolism. Goal is always 10 rounds (10 minutes) but I don't consistently hit it. It's worth noting that I did last Friday and today and so I may be seeing a bit of the endurance benefits from Sup3r Shred. I don't feel any different however, just seems my capacity has increased slightly.


Scale changed this morning. I had been averaging 178.4-179.4 over the past week. This morning I weighed in at 177.5. Not a huge change, but finally dropped below 178.0 which from my March 7th weigh in.

I'm on my last week of Assass1nate and I was just chosen to be a logger for MassMax XT. I'd been at -500 calories for this entire log. I'm using this week to transition back to maintenance calories. Yesterday I moved to -250 and strength was already improved during my lifts today. I'll continue to work towards maintenance across the week and go to a +250 clean bulk once MassMax arrives.

Unless I'm holding water weight, I don't expect too much more weight loss. If the run ended today, I'd say I'm happy with this product. However, I've got a few days left and I'll update next week with final weigh in, final thoughts, and before/after photos for comparison.

Thanks to all that have followed along!


Another day, another scale change. 177.2#. That's -0.3# since yesterday and -0.8# down from previous low of 178.0#.

I'm thinking the drops are finally coming because I resumed the use of caffeine on Monday and it imposes some diuretic effects. If I'm continually shedding a bit of water I was retaining, I may end up losing another pound or so before next weigh in, even though I'm tapering back towards maintenance. I'll continue to update here as appropriate. Summary still to come next week.


I'm nearing the end of this log. I have been on a calorie deficit since Jan. 1st (almost 12 weeks) and I was happy to be tapering back to maintenance this week. I also resumed the use of caffeine on Wednesday. So it's been nice to have some extra calories and caffeine in my life! Lifts held steady this week, so strength didn't increase (or decrease which was the real goal!!!) during my cut with Assass1nate+Sup3 Shred.

I'll have my closing thoughts on Monday when I perform my final weigh in. I also plan to get my "after" pictures to share a before/after comparison, but they might not get posted until Tuesday.


Final weigh-in was today. I hit 177.0 on the nose. That is -3.5lbs across the last 4 weeks at a 500 calorie deficit till halfway through last week, at which point I moved back to maintenance calories. If you're doing the math, it doesn't appear I lost any additional weight while taking Assass1nate and Sup3r Shred than I would have with a straight calorie deficit. However, my strength did stay the same throughout the entire cut (which isn't normal for me), and so it's possible the supplements helped me maintain more muscle and lose more fat than I would have done without it.

Assass1nate Final Thoughts:
-I was on a stim-break while on a cut, which is VERY difficult (no extra thermogenic effects and/or appetite suppression). While I didn't see any enhanced weight loss, I did see strength remain with Assass1nate. It did have some appetite suppression qualities as well which were appreciated.

Based on my experience, I would recommend Assass1nate to someone who is on a cut while taking a stim break. I don't think it's superior to stimmed fat burners if that is an option to a potential purchaser. I cannot speak to how it performs stacked with a stimmed fat burner (I know some people are doing this) and I cannot speak to how it performs as part of a recomp at maintenance calories (I only had 3 days like this which isn't enough time to evaluate).

Sup3r Shred Final Thoughts:
-Being completely honest, I did not see any benefits to having Sup3r Shred in this stack. I started using it during week two, and I didn't notice any acute effects (increased exercise capacity, increased sweating) or any additional weight loss benefits in my overall progress. I tried split dosing (AM/PM) and I tried dosing both prior to exercise. Dosing strategy did not have an impact for me.

I used Sup3r Shred for LISS and HIIT. I did not perform any MISS (medium intensity steady state) and therefore maybe some of the acute benefits were lost on me. The bottle says it can be used for Cutting/Recomping. I cannot speak to how it performs as part of a recomp at maintenance calories (I only had 3 days like this which isn't enough time to evaluate).

Based on my experience, I would not recommend Sup3r Shred. However, I am a fan of OL products and think they try and only bring good products to market. So I do hope more users (and maybe more logs) show that it was me (the user) and not the product itself that led to my lack of results.

Before/After Comparison Photos:
-Before pictures on top. Sorry for the crappy pose. I did bad in the before, so I felt obligated to match it for the after. Lighting difference makes it tough to see subtle changes, but they are there. Belly button and middle of lower back best show the progress made.



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Final weigh-in was today. I hit 177.0 on the nose. That is -3.5lbs across the last 4 weeks at a 500 calorie deficit till halfway through last week, at which point I moved back to maintenance calories. If you're doing the math, it doesn't appear I lost any additional weight while taking Assass1nate and Sup3r Shred than I would have with a straight calorie deficit. However, my strength did stay the same throughout the entire cut (which isn't normal for me), and so it's possible the supplements helped me maintain more muscle and lose more fat than I would have done without it.

Assass1nate Final Thoughts:
-I was on a stim-break while on a cut, which is VERY difficult (no extra thermogenic effects and/or appetite suppression). While I didn't see any enhanced weight loss, I did see strength remain with Assass1nate. It did have some appetite suppression qualities as well which were appreciated.

Based on my experience, I would recommend Assass1nate to someone who is on a cut while taking a stim break. I don't think it's superior to stimmed fat burners if that is an option to a potential purchaser. I cannot speak to how it performs stacked with a stimmed fat burner (I know some people are doing this) and I cannot speak to how it performs as part of a recomp at maintenance calories (I only had 3 days like this which isn't enough time to evaluate).

Sup3r Shred Final Thoughts:
-Being completely honest, I did not see any benefits to having Sup3r Shred in this stack. I started using it during week two, and I didn't notice any acute effects (increased exercise capacity, increased sweating) or any additional weight loss benefits in my overall progress. I tried split dosing (AM/PM) and I tried dosing both prior to exercise. Dosing strategy did not have an impact for me.

I used Sup3r Shred for LISS and HIIT. I did not perform any MISS (medium intensity steady state) and therefore maybe some of the acute benefits were lost on me. The bottle says it can be used for Cutting/Recomping. I cannot speak to how it performs as part of a recomp at maintenance calories (I only had 3 days like this which isn't enough time to evaluate).

Based on my experience, I would not recommend Sup3r Shred. However, I am a fan of OL products and think they try and only bring good products to market. So I do hope more users (and maybe more logs) show that it was me (the user) and not the product itself that led to my lack of results.

Before/After Comparison Photos:
**These will taken this evening and should be added tomorrow--3-27-17.**
Looking forward to your update pics. Great log and review. Thank you for taking the time.


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Thanks for logging, very comprehensive summary and looking forward to seeing the comparison photos!

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