Cutting SARMS questions


New member
Hello everybody,

I’m somewhat new to SARMs but I wanted to try them out. I’ve been researching them for a bit, and have found out answers to some questions, but I still have some.

What would you consider to be the best standalone SARM (or like-SARM) for cutting (and why, not just opinions)?
As well as what you’d say would be the best stack of SARMs for cutting (again, please explain your answer)?

It’d be great if people who have actually done these cycles and answered. And if you could maybe share your personal results?

Thanks for the help in advanced, I really appreciate it!


If you only want to go with one sarm in a cut, I’d suggest MK-2866 Ostarine at 15 mg per day. Ostarine is known for helping maintain muscle mass in a caloric deficit.
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