cutting pro-hormone?


Hello everyone

I was wondering what is best for cutting. I am experienced in bulking, but now having trouble figuring out a cutting plan to maintain, or even possibly still gain.

In the past, i used super dmz, halo, andro

for cutting this time, i bought 1ad 4ad and epi-andro
for future references, what is it that worked for you?

I am currently at 230 lbs, but about 16% body fat. ultimately I want to shred to 230lbs at 11%. Is this possible at the same time with some stacks and time?
Screw pro hormones man. Get some lean xtreme, and get your diet in order. If u have to have a prohormone then look into tren, or 11-oxo but the diet, and training are the most important
Screw pro hormones man. Get some lean xtreme, and get your diet in order. If u have to have a prohormone then look into tren, or 11-oxo but the diet, and training are the most important

Old thread and posted in the wrong subforum. Don't think it's an issue anymore;).