Cutting on anabolics how much cardio is too much?


Jul 6, 2017
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Can you do more then an hour of cardio daily on cycle and not loose muscle? How much is too much?
Depends what and how much you are on, but general answer is yes. Although for most it's easier to do cutting with diet and reasonable amounts of cardio, unless you really like doing cardio. As long as you're eating enough protein, getting the EEAs you need through food or supplements and are on decent anabolics you're not going to lose muscle regardless of how much cardio you do.
Depends what and how much you are on, but general answer is yes. Although for most it's easier to do cutting with diet and reasonable amounts of cardio, unless you really like doing cardio. As long as you're eating enough protein, getting the EEAs you need through food or supplements and are on decent anabolics you're not going to lose muscle regardless of how much cardio you do.

I'm on 400mg test cyp per week. I'm waiting on a package with test prop and winstrol. Planning on running 100mg prop eod and 50mg winny ed. Diet is on point 300grams protein 65grams fat 150 grams carbs. I normally do an hour of fasted incline walking but some days when I have the time after work I like doing an extra 30min
this is how they do it down town, if you namsayin