Crazy stack cycle

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I hate bees. Dam do I hate bees!


Speaking of sarms, after my pct I'm doing a sarm cycle, 30mg osta, 25mg Lgd, 75mg s4, 25mg mk677, 20mg Gw501516 bridging into a Epi, halodrol, stanodrol, megadrol, Clenbuterol cutting cycle lol going to be a crazy year of gains for me lol my liver is gonna be f***ed by the end but s**t happens. I used to wonder why ppl called me crazy when I was younger, now I know lol


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The mk will make you super hungry and tired for the first 2 weeks then it's all good but the taste


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Speaking of swarms, after my pct I'm doing a sarm cycle, 30mg osta, 25mg Lgd, 75mg s4, 25mg mk677, 20mg Gw501516 bridging into a Epi, halodrol, stanodrol, megadrol, Clenbuterol cutting cycle lol going to be a crazy year of gains for me lol my liver is gonna be f***ed by the end but s**t happens. I used to wonder why ppl called me crazy when I was younger, now I know lol
This is just stupid. You're the reason why things get banned. Thanks.


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If you want to run stuff year round you need to pin. You can blast and cruise if you must.


You think things get banned because of ppl like me? Lmao Yeh ok it's all my fault superdrol and every other good supplement was banned. More ppl die from smoking and drinking than ppl taking steroids and drugs put together yet they are still legal? Things get banned cause of tax money and the advantages they give to sporting cheaters which in turn is about money, it's got nothing to do with ppl like me. So get your facts right and think before you speak m8 cause your making yourself look stupid. I meant sarms typo lol I live in n.Ireland not the USA. If your country is banning your favourite s**t then go suck off Donald trump and maybe he will make them legal again for ya


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I thought you meant sarms :D.


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You think things get banned because of ppl like me? Lmao Yeh ok it's all my fault superdrol and every other good supplement was banned. More ppl die from smoking and drinking than ppl taking steroids and drugs put together yet they are still legal? Things get banned cause of tax money and the advantages they give to sporting cheaters which in turn is about money, it's got nothing to do with ppl like me. So get your facts right and think before you speak m8 cause your making yourself look stupid. I meant sarms typo lol I live in n.Ireland not the USA. If your country is banning your favourite s**t then go suck off Donald trump and maybe he will make them legal again for ya
No my man, you are actually incorrect. Things dont get banned by big pharma (who controls all the money that you referenced) if they have a use. Literally ANY use. They would simply become pharma only (like anadrol and test and many others). Things get banned outright and become 100% illegal when they are dangerous... which is exactly what happens when people (like yourself) abuse them. Someone over does their cycle, dies of liver failure, and POOF, theres lawsuits and then eventually bans.

And your comment about smoking and drinking is only somewhat valid simply due to the fact that 102845924785208475 times as many people smoke and drink vs the number that do an form of steroid. thats not a realistic comparison. Thats like saying more people die in car accidents than in fighter plan crashes... no shiiit. only .01% of people are flying fighter planes.

and its not just a US issue. bans happen in all countries for similar reasons. If big pharma cannot use it and tax it and control it, or if it has no purpose, it will get banned.


Fair enough. The fact remains that humans will always take things too far, I know ppl who drink alcohol everyday to the point they are p****ing themselves and ppl smoking 40 cigs a day even though a family member just died of cancer. With life being crazy and humans being even more crazy, you will always have ppl taking everything too far, it's called human nature. Maybe I'm just fed up of ppl constantly judging you on s**t to make themselves feel superior or to just be a d**k that I honestly Cudnt care less about the risks I take with my health. Notice how I said MY health not yours. You don't need to worry about ppl like me taking it too far, worry about your own health but the fact you posted a response shows that you do care so thank you, your a real sweetheart lmao


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Speaking of sarms, after my pct I'm doing a sarm cycle, 30mg osta, 25mg Lgd, 75mg s4, 25mg mk677, 20mg Gw501516 bridging into a Epi, halodrol, stanodrol, megadrol, Clenbuterol cutting cycle lol going to be a crazy year of gains for me lol my liver is gonna be f***ed by the end but s**t happens. I used to wonder why ppl called me crazy when I was younger, now I know lol


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Just a quick question for you if you don't mind, could you please elaborate on your starting stats and whatnot so we have a better understanding of where you're at and how you end up progressing during this cycle.

The reason I ask is you say "I'm addicted to running cycles as I have a highly addictive personally and can't help myself," which implies that you run cycles frequently. One reason why I'd like to know where you stand is to see how successful your previous cycles have been.

How tall are you? If what you posted earlier is correct, and you're 74kg (~163lbs) and benching 95kg (~210lbs) as a 1-RM after running numerous cycles, perhaps there is something that can be improved to help you make more gains during cycles and/or keep more of your gains after your cycles. Throwing more drugs into the mix isn't always the best idea, or even the most effective.


I suffered a injury to my right shoulder last year resulting in 5 months out resulting in strength loss and I cut my bodyfat to 6% during the summer also losing a small amount of strength. My starting weight strength at the min is as follows, weight 74 kg body fat 8% bench press 95kg shoulder press 30kg (dumbbells) chin ups bodyweight plus extra 30kg 6 reps, squat 120kg I hate doing my legs lol alot of ppl notice how big my back muscles are as they stick out even when I'm wearing a jumper. My goal for this cycle is bench 115kg to 120kg shoulder 36kg to 38kg chin ups 40 to 45 kg extra weight, hopefully getting that up to 60kg extra weighted chin ups at some point later in the year. The only side effects I'm feeling at the min 4 days in is shortness of breath which I'm worried about when I'm at my new job and ppl wondering why is that obv physically fit person so out of breath all of a sudden


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This is just stupid. You're the reason why things get banned. Thanks.
My thoughts exactly booneman77. If you took real Superdrol, Halo & Episatne stacked you would have jaundice!! Blood pressure would be so high to the point of hindering your training.


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You need more food!! I was benching 275 lbs at 19 year old @ 182 lbs and I never took anything other than whey/creatine and calorie surplus.


If all you have is negative s**t to say then keep it to yourself m8. If I want to listen to bitching I will listen to my gf talking about other women, funny how some men moan and bitch more than women do. If you don't like the cycle I'm running and have nothing postive to post then go bitch in other ppl's forums. Eat more food? I'm already eating 5,500 calories lol if your really crying about phs being banned then go find a dealer and buy some proper steroids like Anadrol and stop your whinging before you get gyno from acting like a little girl. Some ppl just like to try and put ppl down to make themselves feel better about their own crappy life. They obv have some emotional problems or a tiny prick or prob both


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With that response maybe you have emotional problems?I just don't want a young guy to cause irreversible damage to ones health. Talking smack on the internet is a punk move bro.


Maybe it's the fact I'm on Dmz, hdrol and Epi making me angry when ppl seem to just talk s**t lol I have seen lots of ppl on this forum ask a question and instead of ppl answering the question or saying something postive you just get alot of big guys seeing a chance to talk down to some1 or slag them off because they THINK they know it all. The bigger the build the bigger the ego. I got a like on the post so obv some1 agrees with me. Anyway I'm not the one talking smack, I asked a question at the end of my first post and if you read all the replays you Will see that a few actually answered my question and alot just talked smack as you call it. Get your facts right m8


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If you don't want differing opinions, constructive criticism, and people not spoon feeding you the answers you want, then don't post on this forum.


Watch I'm gonna ask a question, let's see if every reply can just answer my question. Shud I increase the Dmz to 40mg the last 2 weeks? Or maybe keep the Dmz at 30mg and increase the hdrol too 100mg? Or just keep the dosages the same. I'm after lean gains more than mass gains. Any postive input would be appreciated


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Watch I'm gonna ask a question, let's see if every reply can just answer my question. Shud I increase the Dmz to 40mg the last 2 weeks? Or maybe keep the Dmz at 30mg and increase the hdrol too 100mg? Or just keep the dosages the same. I'm after lean gains more than mass gains. Any postive input would be appreciated
I like to venture on the wild side myself...with that said, up the doses :boobies:


I'm taking a test booster, I thought that was rule 1. Some1 said early in the post the dosages were low, I've had good solid gains from taking 40mg Epi and 75mg of hdrol together before but I've never taken Dmz before, once superdrol got banned I took mdrol and thought it was ok but decided to try Dmz. Some websites claim you need about 50 - 60mg of Dmz to get 20mg of superdrol gains others say it's 2x weaker meaning 40mg wud give you 20mg superdrol gains. Just wondering if upping any of the dosages would give better gains as I might just stick to sarms from now on and if this is my last ph cycle I might as well make it count lol


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A test booster is not a test base.

Prohormones will shut you down.
A 800% boost of 0 is still zero. You need something like test, 4-Andro, Trest (not recommended at all on this cycle), EpiAndro, or Super-DHEA.

What's your cycle support? Are you running TUDCA? Like all of the TUDCA?


What doses would you run if you were me nosnimveins? Living life on the wild side is the best way to live, what's the point of life if you don't take risks every now or again, makes life more interesting I think


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Watch I'm gonna ask a question, let's see if every reply can just answer my question. Shud I increase the Dmz to 40mg the last 2 weeks? Or maybe keep the Dmz at 30mg and increase the hdrol too 100mg? Or just keep the dosages the same. I'm after lean gains more than mass gains. Any postive input would be appreciated
if you're gonna up one, up the dmz. stronger all around. but dear god up your support supps again too haha.

you're gonna have to replace your liver before the end of the week otherwise


If you die you die lol s**t happens. You heard the term get rich or die trying? Well get ripped or die trying lol I will up the Dmz the last 2 weeks then to 40mg. F**k the tudca it's like 30 pound a bottle, I could buy. Another bottle of hdrol for that lol I've ran Epi, hdrol, superdrol stack before without tudca and my liver is fine. I live in n.Ireland not USA so maybe it's cheaper over there but here it's expensive. If you think I'm crazy watch the news and you see I'm actually one of the sane ones lol


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Hdrol is very mild so I would certainly up the dose to 100mg. DMZ I'm not too familiar with yet, I have some but have yet to use it. Personally I will start at 30mg and go from there


Ok halodrol up to 100mg tomoz lol fk it why not lol if I'm increasing the hdrol might keep Dmz at 30mg, I'm crazy but not that crazy, well I don't think I am lol when you runnng your Dmz nosnimveins and are you stacking it? You shud stack it with Epi, hdrol and msten Lol crazy ass cycle


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Ok halodrol up to 100mg tomoz lol fk it why not lol if I'm increasing the hdrol might keep Dmz at 30mg, I'm crazy but not that crazy, well I don't think I am lol when you runnng your Dmz nosnimveins and are you stacking it? You shud stack it with Epi, hdrol and msten Lol crazy ass cycle
Well before I get to it... I have a superdrol, epi, and "tren" blend I'm going to play with :saevilw:


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If you don't want differing opinions, constructive criticism, and people not spoon feeding you the answers you want, then don't post on this forum.
This is a valid point. Even if you ask if you should run A or B at X or Y mg, if running C at Z is safer/better/etc, someone may try to help you by mentioning it. At the end of the day, the vast majority of people here want to help you, e even if it may not seem that way.
What would you run if you were me nosnimveins? Living life on the wild side is the best way to live, what's the point of life if you don't take risks every now or again, makes life more interesting I think
But why take an unnecessary risk when there are equally valid alternatives that will provide similar results without so much risk? Risk for the sake of risk, especially when you're gambling with your health, is foolish.
If you die you die lol s**t happens. You heard the term get rich or die trying? Well get ripped or die trying lol I will up the Dmz the last 2 weeks then to 40mg. F**k the tudca it's like 30 pound a bottle, I could buy. Another bottle of hdrol for that lol I've ran Epi, hdrol, superdrol stack before without tudca and my liver is fine. I live in n.Ireland not USA so maybe it's cheaper over there but here it's expensive. If you think I'm crazy watch the news and you see I'm actually one of the sane ones lol
Get rich or die trying does not imply that all your endeavors must inherently result either in becoming rich or dying. There are safer ways to achieve your goals, and if they are equally as effective as the riskier methods, it is only logical to go with the safer option, no?
If all you have is negative s**t to say then keep it to yourself m8. If I want to listen to bitching I will listen to my gf talking about other women, funny how some men moan and bitch more than women do. If you don't like the cycle I'm running and have nothing postive to post then go bitch in other ppl's forums. Eat more food? I'm already eating 5,500 calories lol if your really crying about phs being banned then go find a dealer and buy some proper steroids like Anadrol and stop your whinging before you get gyno from acting like a little girl. Some ppl just like to try and put ppl down to make themselves feel better about their own crappy life. They obv have some emotional problems or a tiny prick or prob both
Is this the first time you're eating so many calories? Have you been restricting calories every other time you cycled? People are naturally going to be critical of your "crazy" (you said it yourself) cycle when you're at a point where you could make great progress with a safer cycle. 5500 calories is a LOT. Are you actually calculating and measuring everything? It's easy to overestimate calories, I would know, haha. People are naturally going to be offering you alternative advice and asking you questions, because your past cycle history and current stats suggest that there is something that can be improved, and that something is NOT just throwing more drugs into the mix. What were your best stats (weight, lifts, etc)? How much were you eating? I feel like I'm doing you a disservice if I just say to keep adding, or even using, all this stuff if you're not dialed in with your diet, training, and recovery.


How the fk did you get superdrol lol Epi, superdrol tren sounds like a kick ass cycle. I run Epi in all my cycles as its one of the stackers in my opinion. Didnt get any sleep last night so I'm expecting the insomnia to last the entire cycle but I usually get insomnia so I'm not worried


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How the fk did you get superdrol lol Epi, superdrol tren sounds like a kick ass cycle. I run Epi in all my cycles as its one of the stackers in my opinion. Didnt get any sleep last night so I'm expecting the insomnia to last the entire cycle but I usually get insomnia so I'm not worried
I have my ways!


I do count my calories and its 5,500. I know how to train properly I'm just not interested in being the size of Arnold Schwarzenegger lol I want to keep a bit of speed and endurance about me. This is a picture of what I basically look like now so you have a idea of my training ability. Just cause ppl think I'm an idiot for running the cycle I'm running at the min doesn't mean i don't know what I'm doing, if I didn't know how to eat and train properly I wudnt be in the shape I am in which is prob alot more defined than alot of users on here


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I do count my calories and its 5,500. I know how to train properly I'm just not interested in being the size of Arnold Schwarzenegger lol I want to keep a bit of speed and endurance about me. This is a picture of what I basically look like now so you have a idea of my training ability. Just cause ppl think I'm an idiot for running the cycle I'm running at the min doesn't mean i don't know what I'm doing, if I didn't know how to eat and train properly I wudnt be in the shape I am in which is prob alot more defined than alot of users on hereView attachment 144110
Regardless of diet and training regime, do you think you would be still in good shape if you weren't slamming 4 prohormones into you?


Also a lot smaller than majority of the users on here. Trying pinning, safer and more effective.


Obv I'm smaller as you obv didn't read my post properly when I said I'm not interested in being the size of Arnold Schwarzenegger, maybe your eye sight Is f**ked who knows. Would anyone who uses this site be in the shape their in if they wasn't using ph's or steroids? Haterz gonna hate, players gonna play, s**t talkers gonna talk s**t. As is the way of life. Get used to it


Obv I'm smaller as you obv didn't read my post properly when I said I'm not interested in being the size of Arnold Schwarzenegger, maybe your eye sight Is f**ked who knows. Would anyone who uses this site be in the shape their in if they wasn't using ph's or steroids? Haterz gonna hate, players gonna play, s**t talkers gonna talk s**t. As is the way of life. Get used to it
Lol, telling me to get use to it when you cant take it yourself. Last time my 1 rep max at bench was 210lbs I was 16(years before touching any anabolic). Keep shoving those orals down your throat and hoping you grow amigo.


Anyone got advice on dealing with shortness of breath that's quite bad? It comes and goes but when I get it it's bad esp when I'm at the gym, workouts are extremely tough work, had a girl who works there and who does competitions so she's in amazing shape come up to me to ask me if I was ok which I didn't mind as she's super hot and knows I take gear but ppl at my new job don't and they will wonder Wft is going on if it happens at work and I don't want ppl knowing my business


Anyone got advice on dealing with shortness of breath that's quite bad? It comes and goes but when I get it it's bad esp when I'm at the gym, workouts are extremely tough work, had a girl who works there and who does competitions so she's in amazing shape come up to me to ask me if I was ok which I didn't mind as she's super hot and knows I take gear but ppl at my new job don't and they will wonder Wft is going on if it happens at work and I don't want ppl knowing my business


I've only being going to the gym 3 years m8. I was more interested in partying and banging women when I was that age than lifting weights. Plus I had an injury to my shoulder which also cost me size and strength. Not everyone spends their entire life in the gym, my life doesn't just revolve around weights, I actually have a life


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Anyone got advice on dealing with shortness of breath that's quite bad? It comes and goes but when I get it it's bad esp when I'm at the gym, workouts are extremely tough work, had a girl who works there and who does competitions so she's in amazing shape come up to me to ask me if I was ok which I didn't mind as she's super hot and knows I take gear but ppl at my new job don't and they will wonder Wft is going on if it happens at work and I don't want ppl knowing my business
Try cardio while breathing through a straw that will help


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but ppl at my new job don't and they will wonder Wft is going on if it happens at work and I don't want ppl knowing my business
Depends on your work environment. You at a desk or sedintary for most of the time at work? If so, then shortness of breathe probably won't occur. Now if you have a physically demanding job then thats another story
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