Country gets freaky w/ Finaflex Ultimate PWO protocol



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Went 3/3 on both. Bench 290-315-325 and dead 500-550-585. Vids later as I get them from people. Got lots. Both weights felt good 585 was def the worst though. 3rd bench in 198, 1st deadlift 198, best overall deadlift for all "lightweights" Weight was -94.6 Awesome experience. Ripped the hell out of my hands and shin but no where near dropping it. Following commands was the toughest part.


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Congrats brother. Glad you had a great experience!


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Thanks guys.


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Now that finals are over I will be back to updating again more often. The stack is still going good. I still have a little bit of a jittery/tired feeling at times during/post workout but it seems to be random. I just had one yesterday. I think it only does it on days I'm doing a lighter workout. Anyways I do love the max pump and creatrona, both seem to be working great and doing their job. Stimul8 tastes great, gives me energy and focus and I seem to lift well/perform w/ it. I have set several rep PRs in the gym while taking it, so it's certainly not hurting me.

Here is the vid from the meet.


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Felt good and halfway through my workout got really fatigued. Like. Yawning/falling asleep. No energy or strength. I got my work in though. Stayed lighter today. Hammer down next week. Body weight 195 Bench- warm up good. 225x5, 245x7, 265x4 (left some in tank) 245x7 Uh bench-135x10,12,12 Pull up 45x7. Chin up 45x10. Pull-up BWx10. Chin up BW x 10 Db skulls 35x10 Helped my buddy w his deadlift and got him hitting over his max with ease. I think I was off a little bit being on a different bench as well. Weight felt light but I was fatiguing during the sets fast. Didn't eat much today so I may have just been low on energy. Who knows.


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Annnnnnnd, how goes the stack?
Not bad. I have to honestly say I'm not crazy about stimul8. It's really hit or miss for me. I've felt great some days on it. Some days I've felt jittery, sick or crashed after. The max pump and creatrona are doing their job and I am enjoying them. Overall it's a great stack I just think some of the ingredients in stimul8 do not agree with me for some reason. It tastes good though and does normally give me good energy. I do think my heart rate increases on it though which is good for getting warmed up but bad for my ME sets.


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Have you been trying different sized dosages? I have found that 1/2 scoop is where it's perfect for me.


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Have you been trying different sized dosages? I have found that 1/2 scoop is where it's perfect for me.
Yes I usually dose about 1/3 scoop. I have had a lot of other pre workouts have a similar affect on me. So lm not surprised. I actually feel like sometimes the higher dose is better but that's when I get like the shallow breathing and high heart rate.


call me a lil slow but: is that a fish you are gnawing on in your avi?
how's that working out for you?


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call me a lil slow but: is that a fish you are gnawing on in your avi? how's that working out for you?
Imma blow his cover again. That's Lucas Parker, a Canadian crossfit games competitor. He's a monster. 365lb clean and jerk.


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This guy^


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Well I just finished max pump yesterday and I think the last of the creatrona will be gone tomorrow. Still about half a tub of the stimul8 since I would take such a low dose. I will be posting up with a final review soon. Thanks for the opportunity guys!


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Well I just finished max pump yesterday and I think the last of the creatrona will be gone tomorrow. Still about half a tub of the stimul8 since I would take such a low dose. I will be posting up with a final review soon. Thanks for the opportunity guys!
I don't blame you on the Stimul8. Like I mentioned before, 1/2 scoop for me is where it's at.
Anyway, looking forward to your final review. Holler!


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Well I have to say this was a pretty good PWO overall and I'm thankful for the opportunity from Finaflex and the help and support from all the great reps on AM when it came down to dosing etc and support during my training.

Please rate on a scale of 1-5: 1=Strongly Disagree; 2 = Disagree; 3 = Neutral; 4 = Agree; 5 = Strongly Agree

1) This product produced great Vascularity/Pump - 5. I was veiny all the time, and noticed a lot of vascularity in places like the front/back of my arms and on my legs where I didn't normally.
2) This product produced great Muscle Endurance/Stamina - 5. I definitely has some good muscle stamina and was able to put up some solid rep PRs during the time I ran this stack.
3) This product improved Muscle Strength - 5. I got stronger while I was taking it. What more proof do you need. I set 1 rep PRs and rep PRs.
4) This product improved Overall Physical Performance - 5. I got bigger and stronger. No doubt.
5) I really enjoyed this product and would recommend it to friends and family... 5.

Please rate on a scale of 1-5: 1=Strongly Disagree; 2 = Disagree; 3 = Neutral; 4 = Agree; 5 = Strongly Agree

1) This product was a great source of clean energy/good mood... 3.5. A lot of days it worked great for me, but I had a few days where I would feel really tired afterwards or crashed. Overall it worked well but those few days were a bummer. That's really out of the norm for me which is the only reason I mention it. I have had this issue with out PWOs before though and don't fault stimul8, but fault my personal body for the way it responds.

2) This product helped me power through my training sessions... 5. It was a good solid stimulant and not jittery or obnoxious and I had no trouble getting through my lifts. Definitely plenty of energy to go around at only 1/2 scoop, this stuff will last.
3) This product enhanced my mental focus... 5. I was definitely focused in the gym and set out to get what I wanted. As a powerlifter, the mind is one of the most powerful tools when it comes to hitting big numbers and PRs.
4) This product gave me the jitters... 2. No jitters, it was a clean energy.
5) This product tasted great... 5. I loved drinking this stuff. Great taste, and mixed super easy.
6) I really enjoyed this product and would recommend it to friends and family... 4.5. I would suggest my friends give it a try, it is one of the most solid pre workouts I have taken. Clean, strong energy and focus and 95% of the time I felt great afterwards.

Please rate on a scale of 1-5: 1=Strongly Disagree; 2 = Disagree; 3 = Neutral; 4 = Agree; 5 = Strongly Agree

1) This product helped me gain strength... 5. I set a ton of PRs during the last month or so on this stack. I have no doubt going to creatron from mono was a benefit.
2) This product improved my muscle fullness... I definitely look and feel bigger, and I weigh more. I believe this product helped me keep more intracellular water and other important goodies in my muscles, which was a benefit when it came to intense training sessions.
3) I really enjoyed this product and would recommend it to friends and family... 5. Great creatine product at a great price.


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Excellent review fine sir. As far as Stimul8 goes, I feel you. I haven't had the crash or anything, but the stuff is POTENT. Thank you for taking the time to log the stack and congratulations on all of the PRs.


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Another satisfied FREAK. Yup yup


^^ that

definitely appreciate the time & efforts in here CL! glad we could be a part of your progression
thanks again, and best to you during the holiday & upcoming new year


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Excellent review fine sir. As far as Stimul8 goes, I feel you. I haven't had the crash or anything, but the stuff is POTENT. Thank you for taking the time to log the stack and congratulations on all of the PRs.
Another satisfied FREAK. Yup yup
^^ that

definitely appreciate the time & efforts in here CL! glad we could be a part of your progression
thanks again, and best to you during the holiday & upcoming new year
No thank you gents. Also I hooked up my good friend with some stimul8 who is home on leave from the marines. He didnt bring his pre with him so I gave him some. Ill let ya know how he likes it haha.

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