Contest Prep Recomp Cycle (Tren A/Test P/Anavar) Review, Advice and Recommendations


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May 20, 2018
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*Purposed Cycle:
Week 1-10 Test P 50-100mg/EOD (m,w,f,s...)
Week 1-10 Tren A 50-75mg/EOD (m,w,f,s...)
Week 5-10 Anavar 50mg/ED
Week 1-10 (AI) Arimidex .5mg/EOD
-5 days after last injection start PCT
Week 11-14 Clomid 40 40 20 20 (mg per day)
Week 11-14 Nolva 50 50 50 50 (mg per day)

1. I've seen mixed reviews on the ratio of Tren A and Test P. (2:1, 1:1) What's ideal? I hear that Tren binds to androgen receptors better than Test (correct me if I'm wrong)
2. Do I need an anti-prolactin drug like cabergoline?
3. Cardarine for cycle support?

*First time using Tren A but did Tren E a while back. I'm planning on keeping my Tren A dosages at the low end(50mg) for now just to see how my body responds then will adjust accordingly. I'm open to changing dosages and/or compounds if needed but looking for some good advice/recommendations from the experts and share some personal experience on what worked (or not).

*Goal: I would like to see how shredded/jacked I can get with this cycle while conserving (or gaining) lean body mass.

Weight: 170
Height: 5'6
BF%:~10 (DEXA 5weeks ago)
Experienced Lifting: 12 yrs on/off (last 6 yrs consistent 4-5 days wk)
AAS Cycles Completed: 3
Last Cycle used: +3 yrs ago

*Nutrition: I've been eating clean, nutritionally dense foods (chicken, fish, rice, potatoes, greens, etc...(protein shake/bar once a day)
Current calories are at maintenance level. Will change accordingly once on cycle.

*Training: Bro splits (1: chest/bis, 2: back/tris, 3: quads/calves, 4: shoulders, 5: hams/calves) Active rest days. Training is always hard, heavy and a lot of volume. 30 mins of cardio/ed, maybe 1-2 HIIT days/wk

Thanks in adavnce!
I see nothing wrong here. Reasonable doses, I have had great results simply backing off the test if sides present themselves. Nolva looks kinda high but I’ve ran it high before without problems, 40/40/20/20 still even seems like a lot of you’re using both clomid and Nolva. I’ve never used AI in PCT, but I’ve needed it later and used it then once. I’d rather have caber and not need it, but what I’ve been reading lately, it’s a final stage of high estro so theoretically a serm ON-cycle may actually help with both prevention of high estro, gyno, AND with suppression. See clomid on cycle thread. RC’s last years so I tend to always have full bottles of Ralox,Letro,Prami, Nolva, Cialis. I just keep em in the closet so they’re close by. Looks good though, nothing insane, best of luck with it.
I do see something wrong here. You're planning on injecting every other day right?

Well the second week will be one day from Sunday to Monday.

You're also dosing clomid and nolva the other way around from what's normal. Probably works either way but

Clomid 50/50/25/25
Nolva 40/40/20/20

If you wanna do 4 weeks pct

Cardarine is a must, test should always be lower than tren for sides and why build your muscles with test when you have tren? It's a much better compound

Run cardarine through cycle and pct..
Matthersby - I'll probably lower my Test P to 25mg/EOD and Tren A at 50mg/EOD just start. Correction my injections will be MWF/STT/SMW etc. I'll invest in some caber for emergency while sticking with some AI at .5mg/EOD until PCT. Then start my PCT as normal.

Chados - I did have my PCT Clomid and Nolva flip-flopped. Is 4weeks of PCT enough?
Will run cardarine as well.

FYI, I've been hearing too many horror stories on Tren side effects. That's reason why I'm planning on starting low.

Thank you both for the input and advice:)
150Test/225Tren/Week is very, very reasonable to start at. You’ll probably end up ramping it up from there anyways after a few weeks if no sides are present or they are tolerable. I already sweat too much while I sleep, so I don’t mess with Tren, but 200/week is considered the “starter” dosage from what I’ve seen, and will still yield results, especially in leaning out.
Matthersby - I'll probably lower my Test P to 25mg/EOD and Tren A at 50mg/EOD just start. Correction my injections will be MWF/STT/SMW etc. I'll invest in some caber for emergency while sticking with some AI at .5mg/EOD until PCT. Then start my PCT as normal.

Chados - I did have my PCT Clomid and Nolva flip-flopped. Is 4weeks of PCT enough?
Will run cardarine as well.

FYI, I've been hearing too many horror stories on Tren side effects. That's reason why I'm planning on starting low.

Thank you both for the input and advice:)

Yeah probably but you could extend it to 6. I went 100 on clomid first week last time and had a super recovery. Nolva is better but I kept it at 40 and just raised clomid even though I've felt this vision side at 50 before I went up to 100 and this time no sides. Tren is horrible if you get the night sweats and after the cycle of you get the anxiety /paranoia im telling you (keep it cool) dont go bananas and try to act on your thoughts cause it's not you it's the tren. You start thinking your girlfriend is unfaithful or some silly stuff, don't even try to bring it up haha.. it's like saying hey I had alcohol and I blame it all on that. Nah keep it low like you are now
Matthersby - Ramping up dosages sounds good if side effects are kept at the minimum (fingers crossed). Looks like I'm gonna need to keep a fan on me and some ice for sleeping since my sweat glands are out the roof already.

Chados - I really hope I can control the sides. Thanks for the heads up.

If Tren doesn't work out for me, Is there an alternative stack yall would recommend for lean gains? Since I already have test-p/tren-a/var, maybe I can just go test-p/var and maybe add eq/npp? I'm just thinking of a backup plan.
Its going to make me sound like a moron, but you dont know unless you ask. What does a recomp cycle mean?
My opinion: Recomps can’t be done without drugs. I’m sure genetic mutants with decades of experience can do it natty, but it’s difficult. So, it’s like a cut, only you aren’t necessarily losing weight, you are dropping body fat while not only maintaining muscle but even putting a small amount on. So the goal would be to actually look as big and muscular after the recomp but with less bf, even weigh the same after dropping %

It’s like a redistribution of weight: add muscle here, take fat away here..
If Tren doesn't work out for me, Is there an alternative stack yall would recommend for lean gains? Since I already have test-p/tren-a/var, maybe I can just go test-p/var and maybe add eq/npp? I'm just thinking of a backup plan.

Any DHT will be pretty lean. Masteron and Winstrol are popular for this. I can do it on NPP or Trestolone if my estro and carbs stay low. Largely dictated by diet.
Running Var here in the next couple weeks- need to stack it with a nonmethyl oral. Anyone think running PH Tren with the Var would yield good results? PH Tren shouldn't be harsh on sides, no?
Matthersby - Thanks again. I figured since I'm around ~10% bf, my options are npp/deca/mast as a backup along with Test P.

I'll be running my cycle w/ tren next week or two and will update my status and let yall know how everything going.
Npp/Mast would be nice. I don’t see why you can’t stay super lean on that, while putting on some quality muscle.
Running Var here in the next couple weeks- need to stack it with a nonmethyl oral. Anyone think running PH Tren with the Var would yield good results? PH Tren shouldn't be harsh on sides, no?

More like a body recomp. Not a mass builder by any means.