I just had blood work done for the first time so I have nothing to compare it to. I'm 31, about 14% Bodyfat, lift weights 3-5 times per week, and generally healthy and feel good.
I take Mtest consistently and more recently due to some minor gyno symptoms I started taking 1 capsule of Inhibit P and 2 capsules of Inhibit E. I take a multi, fish oil, vit D as well.
Here are some of my test results and want to know any recommendations to improve them.
Total T 553
Free T 78
LH 2.7
FSH 6.7
Prolactin 9
Estradiol 22
DHEA Sulfate 312
It's saying my SHBG is a bit above normal. Everything else is "in range" but I feel like my total, free t, and LH are low.
I think the most important thing that you said here is that you feel good.
Your numbers looks good and you feel good - a lot of people can't say that.
Without knowing what your numbers were before you started taking M-Test, we don't know how much of an improvement that it has made - but it makes a big one for most people.
You feel like 553 test levels are low? Sorry but they are not. Your levels are double mine and I’m only 2 years older. Free t could come up. The gyno symptoms are in your head with your current levels of estradiol and prolactin.
Good post. I think that a lot of people sometimes see bodybuilding or on TRT levels of testosterone and it can make them not realize what good normal natural levels are - and that its also important to emphasize that higher numbers don't always equal feeling better.
A lot of people I know with higher numbers feel more bloated and sluggish. It really varies by the person and I think the key thing is that he feels good.
Ok maybe I stated all of this wrong. I feel like my numbers aren't optimal. 553 is fine but I'm assuming 10 years from now I'll be struggling to keep them above normal at all. I don't have gyno symptoms anymore, I 100% had gyno symptoms last spring into summer then I added these supplements and then tapered the dose back a bit and haven't had symptoms in a while but being cautious as a reduce them.
The most important thing is that you feel good, and now you have a baseline number to know where you are at your age and while taking what you are taking. By knowing that you feel good at that spot, that can help you in the future know there range that you feel good at.
I'm glad that Inhibit-E & Inhibit-P helped you with your gyno issues and that all is normal with that now.
It's natural to think that everyone's testosterone levels will be lower in 10 years than they are now because that's just part of the aging process. But we have to keep in mind that yours could still be trending up with M-Test because you don't know what they were before you started it.
Also, there are always more things you can add to help increase them more, and I'm sure there will be even more things out over the years from now to help.
I would stack mtest with optimize t (sns) if you want a little extra boost. You can only do so much for natural levels and your levels are typically what people who actually need TRT see on testosterone gel. With your prolactin levels you don’t need inhibit p but it’s good for all around health if money isn’t an issue. Never worry about 10 years from now because if your levels are worse 10 years from now just get on actual TRT. Some ingredients in M-test (and
@sns8778 can confirm or deny this) balance estrogen so it could have just been out of whack before hand and mtest calmed that down for you.
But regardless
Mtest, optimize t, inhibit p, and inhibit e would be a fantastic stack for what you are looking for and if money becomes an issue, just mtest and optimize t will be right on the money for you.
Good observation - that his natural testosterone levels on M-Test are what many people's levels are on TRT testosterone gel, and that's his natural levels.
I think that he continues the Inhibit-E & Inhibit-P because it did help so much with the issues that he had and because he feels good on them. I know for me, Inhibit-P helps me a lot just in general feel better.
I agree that if he is going to add anything, that Optimize-T is what I would add. Optimize-T + M-Test is a great stack.
Boron can lower your SHBG which should raise your free T. Don’t sweat the levels. You’re in a good place and will some natty supplements you can make the best of it and years down the road you can get on TRT if needed.
I wanted to add on to this about Boron - we commonly get asked if people can take M-Test and Optimize-T together and the answer is absolutely yes. They both have Boron in them, and are specifically designed so the amount in them when taken together is a good additional amount with no worries of being too much.
I'm still waiting on a couple other results on things like zinc, magnesium, vit D, etc. So those might give a few more hints.
I'll probably try stacking Optimize T at some point in the future too. Thanks guys, just want to push off TRT for as long as possible if my body allows.
I think with your levels where they are, there would definitely be no need for TRT in the foreseeable future.
Vitamin D levels can be important and can effect some people's natural test levels. It seems to vary a lot from one person to the next on that part. If yours are low, bringing them up can be helpful. But don't overdo it and jump to a high dose Vitamin D unless absolutely have to.
I think you would really like the M-Test + Optimize-T stack.