I prefer epi andro - clean and effective.Epi andro vs Ostarine?
Epi andro vs Ostarine?
I think that most people would definitely agree that Epiandro is going to deliver the best results and least side effects of the two.
Another thing is that if you look at the feedback on "Ostarine", and I put that in quotation marks for a reason - you'll see that feedback and sides is all over the place, which lines up with when you take things like that, you're always going to be taking a chance on what you're really getting. It's an ingredient that is illegal in both the US and China, so not exactly one that you can send out to a legit lab for proper independent testing.
Hey guys my friend loved Stano 200 back in the day to throw into a cycle. Is there a current product in capsule form like it?
LGI still makes and sells a product by the same name. It's an epiandro product now rather than a stanodrol product. If you want stanodrol, you'll probably have to order from overseas.
That’s why I asked!! I wanted some Steve feedback!! Always honest. Currently running AXT and Creatine hcl…down 20lbs and loving it but looking for something extra to add.
Epi andro vs Ostarine?
I don't know what the LGI Stanodrol was. But seeing the comments on here, I'm gonna make a recommendation:
TD Epiandro in the morning - oral Epiandro preWO - Enjoy✌
Yeah, for me it's not about the bioavailability. I like the slow release of TD giving energy throughout the day and then the faster acting more in your face oral preWO.We have a lot of people that do XPG EpiAndro Gel like that - a dose in the morning and then use Stano-Plex pre-workout.
Epiandrosterone is plenty orally bioavailable, so I don't think that needs to be done - but it definitely can be done if that's the preference.