Clen: Anything I should know?


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It's been a while since I've been on the forums here, and I have not cycled anything in my life as of yet. I'm considering purchasing clen for my spring cut in an effort to minimize the amount of muscle lost as I move into my summer recomp/lean bulk. All I have heard so far is that it's a beta-2 adrenergic agonist and has a medical function as a bronchodilator. I also understand that it's not particularly healthy for the heart, although at low doses the effect isn't too significant. As far as dosing goes, I've read 20mcg 1-3 times/day as tolerated. Currently I'm roughly 207 pounds with 15-16% body fat, would clen be a good non-steroidal option for my spring cut? Is there any other factors I should know about clen before taking the dive?


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Clen really isn't anti-catabolic, it can increase protein synthesis over baseline but that doesn't exactly make it anti-catabolic.

If you're going to run clen, make sure you have a clean bill of health and you start slow. Increase dose as you see fit.


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Clen really isn't anti-catabolic, it can increase protein synthesis over baseline but that doesn't exactly make it anti-catabolic.

If you're going to run clen, make sure you have a clean bill of health and you start slow. Increase dose as you see fit.
I believe I read that clen would make fatty acids more available, and therefore a more preferred metabolic route than tissue breakdown, however I don't know if this effect is significant. If clen won't help preserve a significant amount of muscle mass, then I might as well just save my money and cut the calorie count more.


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Clen really isn't anti-catabolic, it can increase protein synthesis over baseline but that doesn't exactly make it anti-catabolic.

If you're going to run clen, make sure you have a clean bill of health and you start slow. Increase dose as you see fit.
Is there any marked decreased on aerobic capacity for sprint training Rhad?

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I believe I read that clen would make fatty acids more available, and therefore a more preferred metabolic route than tissue breakdown, however I don't know if this effect is significant. If clen won't help preserve a significant amount of muscle mass, then I might as well just save my money and cut the calorie count more.
Well, clen will raise the BMR so it's superior to almost anything else you can get your hands on. Outside of AAS, T3, and DNP it will be your best fat burner. It's not catabolic per say, so you really lose nothing by at least trying it.

Is there any marked decreased on aerobic capacity for sprint training Rhad?

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Will be the opposite actually. You'll have more oxygen in the blood.


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Is there a diminishing returns mcg amount?
Is 40mcg enough to kickstart the process?

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I would highly recommend against doing sprints, but that's just me. Your heart rate will already be overly high, doing HIIT or any sort of overly-stressful exercises for the heart may be bad juju, at least that was my experience while on it. Low intensity cardio should do just fine, it will probably already put you on very high BPM (I was ~170 - 180 when doing light biking exercises)

As far as dosage, if you value sleeping, I wouldn't dose anything but first thing in the morning. If memory serves me right, half life is ~36 hours, which means you will still be fcking wired as **** during nighttime, and will need some serious help to fall asleep. Start slow and remain low on dosage to see how you react.

Don't forget the 2 weeks on - 2 weeks off pattern, or else you'll overload your receptors.

Good luck, it's a great device for fat loss, but dosage depending the sides can be a real biatch - take in plenty of fish oil, taurine and vitamins as cramps and back spasms are most likely to happen.


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Clen is one of those products that people who have never tried it think it works like a magic pill. It doesn't. It will probably increase your results by about 5-10% so if your diet isn't spot on, it isn't worth the cost or side effects.

The half life is about 36 hours so there isn't any need to dose more than once a day. For the first time you should taper up 20mg per day until you reach the point where the side effects can't be handled so Day 1 is 20mg, Day 2 is 40mg, etc. Once you have found your max dosage then following cycles can be started at that dosage.


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I would highly recommend against doing sprints, but that's just me. Your heart rate will already be overly high, doing HIIT or any sort of overly-stressful exercises for the heart may be bad juju, at least that was my experience while on it. Low intensity cardio should do just fine, it will probably already put you on very high BPM (I was ~170 - 180 when doing light biking exercises)

As far as dosage, if you value sleeping, I wouldn't dose anything but first thing in the morning. If memory serves me right, half life is ~36 hours, which means you will still be fcking wired as **** during nighttime, and will need some serious help to fall asleep. Start slow and remain low on dosage to see how you react.

Don't forget the 2 weeks on - 2 weeks off pattern, or else you'll overload your receptors.

Good luck, it's a great device for fat loss, but dosage depending the sides can be a real biatch - take in plenty of fish oil, taurine and vitamins as cramps and back spasms are most likely to happen.
I totally agree with this.
And run DNP in the two weeks off and alternate and you will cut up pretty fast.
Make sure you have some reputable DNP though.


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I totally agree with this.
And run DNP in the two weeks off and alternate and you will cut up pretty fast.
Make sure you have some reputable DNP though.
One 10 day cycle of DNP can cause 10lbs of fat loss in itself lol


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I would highly recommend against doing sprints, but that's just me. Your heart rate will already be overly high, doing HIIT or any sort of overly-stressful exercises for the heart may be bad juju, at least that was my experience while on it. Low intensity cardio should do just fine, it will probably already put you on very high BPM (I was ~170 - 180 when doing light biking exercises)

As far as dosage, if you value sleeping, I wouldn't dose anything but first thing in the morning. If memory serves me right, half life is ~36 hours, which means you will still be fcking wired as **** during nighttime, and will need some serious help to fall asleep. Start slow and remain low on dosage to see how you react.

Don't forget the 2 weeks on - 2 weeks off pattern, or else you'll overload your receptors.

Good luck, it's a great device for fat loss, but dosage depending the sides can be a real biatch - take in plenty of fish oil, taurine and vitamins as cramps and back spasms are most likely to happen.
While i agree with avoiding HIIT while on clen, you do realize that the receptors downregulate and depending on the person you will stop "feeling" the stim portion of clen after a period of time. I've taken 200mcg in a day and gone to sleep a couple hours after my last dose. Yes the half life is around 30+ hours, but that doesn't mean you feel the stimulant effects for the full duration of the half life. Don't forget you can use ketotifen if you want to avoid the 2 on 2 off cycle.


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always wanted to try dnp but not sure on my sources. are dnp sides more tolerable than clen?
It depends on the person. DNP is probably inherantly more dangerous.

Sides for me using clen were bad to start, but now i can use it and after a few days i don't notice anything side-effect wise. While clen is hard on the heart, DNP is a whole different ball game.


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Indeed. Clen may have "worse sides" but the worst case scenario isn't as bad if you're not popping 40 pills at a time.

For the geek in me, here's how I will classify this.

Clen is a mean of 50 on sides, with a +-10 to 3 standard deviations. DNP is a mean of 40, with a +- 30 to 3 standard deviations, where the over may mean you going blind.


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Isnt there a larger issue with changing your bodies process of uncoupling proteins also that DNP alters

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clen = by day 15 muscle cramping, water and bananas, at least for me


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Indeed. Clen may have "worse sides" but the worst case scenario isn't as bad if you're not popping 40 pills at a time.

For the geek in me, here's how I will classify this.

Clen is a mean of 50 on sides, with a +-10 to 3 standard deviations. DNP is a mean of 40, with a +- 30 to 3 standard deviations, where the over may mean you going blind.
Very well said.


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Isnt there a larger issue with changing your bodies process of uncoupling proteins also that DNP alters

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That's a pretty loaded question, and it's not like DNP has a lot of human data much less long term human data. Sure DNP is changing the metabolism and we're all heard the fear mongering that typically follows any conversation of DNP, but the anecdotal reports lead us to belive that short term use of DNP is pretty safe. Changing the way your body uses energy, freeing up energy, can be harmful and there is a pretty significant increase of free radicals but if you take the proper steps to counter some of these effects you can come out pretty healthy.


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That's a pretty loaded question, and it's not like DNP has a lot of human data much less long term human data. Sure DNP is changing the metabolism and we're all heard the fear mongering that typically follows any conversation of DNP, but the anecdotal reports lead us to belive that short term use of DNP is pretty safe. Changing the way your body uses energy, freeing up energy, can be harmful and there is a pretty significant increase of free radicals but if you take the proper steps to counter some of these effects you can come out pretty healthy.
Ill dig up some stuff

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