Cissus and AAS


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Is this a wise endevour?

I plan on running a MTRN/Superdrol cycle starting soon, and I have Cissus to run along side it. Last cycle I had some joint issues in my knees, and I definetly want to get the best out of this cycle. My back has some pain that Cissus might really help too.

But is Cissus and AAS a bad idea? On the label is mentions that Cissus can be used in fat-loss routines, but I'm looking ONLY for strength gains. MTRN and Superdrol should help, but I don't want Cissus trying to make me lose weight at the same time - it might not work well in a cycle.

Should I run it? I was planning on ONLY two caps a day (either one in the AM/PM, or both in the morning) and then going 4 caps as far as I can into PCT. Good idea? What do you guys think.



King Kong
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You should be fine with running cissus with your cycle. Yes, some do experience fat loss with cissus, but its nothing that you have to worry about. The SD and TRN are much stronger chemicals, compared to the cissus. It will actually be beneficial to run the cissus, because yes it will help with the joints, as well as help cortisol levels to remain a little more stable while on cycle.


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outstanding man, ill definetly run it


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yeah cissius won't hurt your gains and actually may help. awhile back I ran it at 9 caps a day and got steadily stronger and leaner. Besides its a perfect combo since it will help your ligaments and tendons heal from the stress of using much heavier weights in a short time.


Binging on Pure ****ing Rage
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Yeah, I'd say it's a worse idea to do a cycle without Cissus.


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Great, I thought I would just double check- when I read about the fat loss properties of Cissus it kind of shocked me.

This supplement may become a staple of AAS cycles in due time; we all know what test does to cartilage synthesis! This product is a great one!


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I agree. Once some more really solid study results become available cissus could prove to be a very common part of an intelligent cycle. The only place I might say not to bother using it would be if you where using var or gh with your test. Otherwise, I'd say it's a great idea. In the other 2 cases I'd say that those two particular compounds would likely overshadow the cissus. Then again that's entirely speculation and since they work through seperate mechanisms there is no reason to say that there might be some synergy that makes the tendon and ligament healing/strengthening effect even more dramatic. SOO now that I think of it there's probably not much reason to stop using cissus. Other then to just give yourself a break now and then, I might not get 100% agreement here but I think time off from any supplement is a good idea now and then. Or does someone know a reason to believe otherwise?

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