


  • Established
I have a question? It is about women and DHEA is this true? I was reading an article from Dave Palumbo. It was a Q and A. This 20 year female that was recreationally lifting for figure/fitness asked what was the best prohormone for women. Dave replied that 25-50mgs of DHEA daily was the best muscle building hormone supplement for women. That it was the main muscle building hormone found naturally occuring in a womans body. Never sure about anything I read because it all seems to contradicts itself. After talking to you the other day and all the help you give us on these boards. It seems like you are here in the trenches with us and that is awesome. I really trust you and think your supps and information is top notch. So your information is also appreciated.
Chuck Diesel

Chuck Diesel

Are you Diesel?
  • Established
I have a question? It is about women and DHEA is this true? I was reading an article from Dave Palumbo. It was a Q and A. This 20 year female that was recreationally lifting for figure/fitness asked what was the best prohormone for women. Dave replied that 25-50mgs of DHEA daily was the best muscle building hormone supplement for women. That it was the main muscle building hormone found naturally occuring in a womans body. Never sure about anything I read because it all seems to contradicts itself. After talking to you the other day and all the help you give us on these boards. It seems like you are here in the trenches with us and that is awesome. I really trust you and think your supps and information is top notch. So your information is also appreciated.
women do respond to DHEA more than men, my guess is DHEA is better for increasing estrogen than test levels so women get a spike in estrogen and test when on it. I dont know about 25mg and up tho'. I would start with less than that, every other day and see if there are any adverse effects such as aggression or acne. I dont know about it being the main muscle building hormone. There is no main (naturally made in the body) muscle building hormone besides testosterone.


  • Established
Just try to get her str8

I am so impressed with your products! I am just trying to get her str8. Becasue there is so so little information out their about boosting test levels for women. So you think that the combo of one Sunami and two DT2010 daily will get her test up where it needs to be for building muscle and being a vixen (lol)??? I just curious about herbal effects of the DT2010 on her free test since she doesn't have testes, if hebal supplements like DT2010 has any effect on women???
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Chuck Diesel

Chuck Diesel

Are you Diesel?
  • Established
I am so impressed with your products! I am just trying to get her str8. Becasue there is so so little information out their about boosting test levels for women. So you think that the combo of one Sunami and two DT2010 daily will get her test up where it needs to be for building muscle and being a vixen (lol)??? I just curious about herbal effects of the DT2010 on her free test since she doesn't have testes, if hebal supplements like DT2010 has any effect on women???
Women and men make test in the adrenal glands. Men just make more in the balls. All women need a certain amount of testosterone.


  • Established

So..... you think the stack she is taking 1 sunami in the am and 1/1 dt 2010 should be just fine for jacking her test up to muscle building levels? That maybe if takes a lil longer to kick in with women than with men? I really do appreciate all the help so I hope you never think I am meaning any disrespect! I am just trying to get her str8 with her hormones and I dont know that much about it. So again thank you for all the help I am just trying to get as much info about it as I can.


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  • Legend!
So..... you think the stack she is taking 1 sunami in the am and 1/1 dt 2010 should be just fine for jacking her test up to muscle building levels? That maybe if takes a lil longer to kick in with women than with men? I really do appreciate all the help so I hope you never think I am meaning any disrespect! I am just trying to get her str8 with her hormones and I dont know that much about it. So again thank you for all the help I am just trying to get as much info about it as I can.
I would think that would be a great dose range for her. Has she started this yet?


  • Established
Yes Trip she started it about two weeks ago. Maybe I am being impatient but by two weeks I was full diesel, though I wasn't "punching babies" I was running through block walls and chasing the local stray cats with a jar of peanutbutter! So maybe it will take her more time. Maybe women respond more mildyly i dunno. I am at 5 weeks of DTH/Sunami and damn I am in love! I have leaned out I now weigh 185lbs. and have gained strength at the same time it is awesome. An increase in free test should lean her out and help her build muscle as well right? That is our only goals to be shredded! Again thanks! I really appreciate all you guys help! I just have alot of questions where we are so green.
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